This religious group never bother to tell this retiree, this upstanding member of the Dallas community who's lived here her entire life and who is a minister herself, that they'd secretly involved her in a twisted game where there would be a winner and a loser. An outcome that would determine one's fate. And that they'd be the judge and jury. They'd set the rules for the game. That's right, they never told her but they did involve her in it behind the scenes and the following true story is how it played out. Is still playing out because it seems to be still ongoing. The last known things said, to her knowledge is that they wanted to win at all cost. (Or something to that effect.) It would have been better sportmanship to tell her that they'd roped her into this "game". Instead, they made her find out the hard way, via her picking up on their manifesting in her energies once in a while (and no longer thankfully). These so-called Christian people dabble in witchcraft and dark arts. I first discovered they were doing this to me a year ago, but in truth it's been about 10 years or so. Michael only warned me about them last year when they did they began doing death magic on me. They continue to do so. The following is narrated as I received Archangel Michael, my main guide as it pertains to this group of people, over the course of the past 4 weeks. Rea Wallace It's always been curious that the one you once thought of as a friend decided one day to name you as a "bad guy" and to get a whole bunch of people to go up against you to try to rob you of your life They have focused, apparently, on nothing else since that day, not even their own abilities. Their sole worry seems to be blocking your light, blocking your happiness. It's a strange group and all ganging up on this one person and with this same very weird intention in mind, some kind of treasure they think they'll get. Clearly, something that is fated and meant to be for you, an inate gift of yours that you're meant to have, and still these people try to steal it from you. This is criminal, especially because they know that it truly belongs to you. It is a part of your destiny. Their destiny may involve something else. But instead of focusing on whatever their destiny may be they devote their adult lives to trying to either steal yours or to stop and block yours.. And despite all their efforts, they stay in a state of disturbance. It's affecting some of their mental health. We did try to warn certain ones to seek out professional help. At the very least their partner should have been telling them unequivocally that they were barking up the wrong tree with that idea. Laughably instead, they not only went along with it but they fully funded it and recruited hundreds of others to gang up against you. You refer to them as flying monkeys, or from spreading the word around the world about how "evil" you are. (LOL) This small percentage of unenlightened beings as represented by this group is in no way to be misconstrued to be thought of in terms as "the norm" on Earth. To the contrary, they are in the minority now as more and more people are waking up to the illusion of the false matrix that has kept humanity so imprisoned in negativity for thousands of years. Joyfully, with their fast growth, the vast collective is soon to be entering the 4th density, with many there now, and from there to the 5th in the near future. ----------------------------------------------------- You intuited that the family members in this group are con artists. For a very long time they've been trying to force their way into your thought processes as though they were trying to force you to prove your status or your right to exist, lol (he laughs a lot) in the capacity that you are, or to be the fullness of everything you’ve learned and developed within yourself and/or to properly share with the world. It is, after all these years of you working this business, that all of a sudden, along comes this family who you saw in your readings. They could have come straight from a circus or a carnival for all you knew. You are completely unfamiliar with those types of selfish and greedy energies. When they began coming into your mental state as well by force they used their combined and deliberate thought processes and/or spellwork to achieve this. They would astral travel to your space and they were very annoying. All of what they were doing was spiritually illegal and they would know it if they'd been taught it. They began questioning your right to not only work what you've been doing all these years but also your very right to live. You ignored them because it was sheer lunacy and you were naturally shocked. You did try to shoo them away. You did your banishing work. But they continued breaking universal s;pirtual laws on you, right and left, and they began getting their just desserts. They wanted you hurt, yes, but it didn't cause you hurt in the least. In fact, it had a completely different effect. It was more hilarious to you than anything with the very idea being both astounding and galling to you. As you've written about recently, that younger person is very much in their ego and they're obviously jealous of you. That's clear enough. The extent these little minds went to in order to try to block someone from you was the most bizarre part of this true tale. That someone being the old friend you later discovered was their main objective. They really viewed you as a major threat. And so the depths just how fearful they were of their person coming near you was evident in the scope of the lies they spun for that person (who gobbled them up with a spoon because they were a false friend.) So, they all began getting their karma, over time. Some would get sick, some would have failures with money, or some would have an accident, and get arrested or get in trouble with the law. Various things to the different members of the family, but it was all what they asked for when they chose to disobey the basic laws of the universe. -------------------------------------------------------- You’re calling judgment on this now, again, all this blocking and trying to stop your business. They are dirty dealers. They are manipulative and underhanded, and would not leave you alone for a minute it seemed. Yes, you did call judgment already in the summertime at Merc. Rx. You called judgment on the thief and thieves as they are, that family. You, being a high priestess energy, have the authority and being in your north node you’ve worked through your karma, so you have the Divine’s authority to call judgment. Your self love restores and maintains control over your own divine being. You self care. You are balanced and in a peaceful and loving vibration that resonates with the Divine's. Their values are all about money (they'd do anything for it) and they’re being held back to be closer with the one they resonate closer to. These ones all operate in their shadow sides, in their south node, as they're very low vibrational. They thought it was really funny to hurt you. They were reminiscing about how funny it was, so this may be an unexpected outcome for these con artists. ------------------------------------------------------ The one you thought of as a friend, the one you see as a snake energy, will do anything for money, even throw an old friend under the bus if it means they'd somehow gain merit or standing within a group. We're only glad you did not have to hear the kinds of lies he invented on you dear one. They were vile in the extreme, and though you intuited the gist of some, you are still mercifully unaware of them all. They did it mainly to please the shapeshifter and it did for a while. Yes, you wonder how they ever thought they'd get money out of you, likening it to getting blood out of a turnip, we know. It was the idea of stealing your work, your business, and your life, according to the fantastical illusion spun by the shapeshifter energy in that con artist family. ------------------------------------------------------------ You know the truth, dear Queen Rising, sun energy, and you’re bringing death to their illusion here that was spun by ignorance and fear of losing out on some money. You are an abundant limitless being. You can manifest whatever you want in this world. You don’t ever dream of stealing from others (much less trying to harm others or worse). You have never once conjured or spoken a spell on another in your entire lifetime because you were taught that manipulation is wrong. It is. It is enough that humans are given the capacity to manifest whatever they want. It is illegal spiritually and morally and in the 3D to steal what others have. It is unprincipled. It is un-Christian as well. Yet, we are patient. We understand that some minds need more time to comprehend our words. We do not mind repeating our words for those who are challenged in this way. We only mind when they are ignoring our warnings. ------------------------------------------------------------ This is what we mean. Someone is still overly concerned with the details of your life, and this person, the shapeshifter, is worried about whether or not you gain at your own work lol (Michael frequently laughs). This work that you’ve invested the past 25 years of your own life in, they are concerned if you are gaining in it or not. They worry incessantly about that. They are concerned for themselves receiving a so called “treasure”. This has this person, a manipulative person, very agitated. Your fate, your blessing, your good karma, has them feeling trapped because you don’t quit you continue working (but of course you do LOL). Still, this family is trying to keep their false statements about you alive and going strong apparently to divert the snake energy from thinking in your direction, which is their biggest fear as you found at the start of this whole debacle. But in order to keep the falsehoods going they must know that you're down and out which you never are, lol. Ergo, this is very upsetting to them. They get overly bothered when you're relaxed. How sad. And here, dear one, you've got a social life, you're happy, and that poor sad person goes on being in misery and despair because you're living a normal healthy life. They spend a good deal of their time in the shadows practicing lower vibrational arts in order to try to stop and block your blessings over and over again and again. It's obsession. It's mania. Then they over-indulge, and plot and scheme over their next "moves". It's a sad sight. And their karma for all this results in worsening health for themselves. Their mental, physical and emotional complexes are all declining. They do not self care. They have no respect for life or that this is your life. They do not respect God or that the Divine gifted you with this Grand Design, Who do they think they are to come in to your life and try to steal it away from you? If anyone of their church is reading this now, I am Archangel Michael and I wish you to now go and tell that person that they may not take the grand design that belongs to Rea and was gifted to her by the Most High. It is hers by right. She didn't steal it. She didn't rob anyone for it. She earned it. It is hers and hers alone. And to also please leave her alone now. And to also stop sending her spies over to watch her walk into and out of the gym and sit in the car with the engine running for 30 minute while she is inside. It is not healthy for the environment and it's pointless. She didn't understand what your aim was in that, in sending that man to just sit there, Rea doesn't like it and wishes you to stop sending your spies around. Find something useful to do with your life young woman. I am Archangel Michael. I continue with Rea here. Because you practice only higher vibrational pursuits, sending out nothing but pure love to the planet and to other humans as well as the animals, this is one of the reasons you earned this blessing. However, it's not for these people to know the reasons why. They must stop focusing on your life. Your life has nothing to do with theirs. They could have spent all these months and years polishing their own skills, their own north nodes, instead of trying to steal yours. These ones must think about their own lives now, it's no longer a request. If they would devote the same amount of time in sending out pure love light and prayers to you that they do in sending out negativity to you their karma might have shown in happier ways for them. They have many months and hours to make up for. But after their latest stunt they have no choice now but to zero in on their lives only and to drop your life. They need to do a lot of praying now and a lot of spiritual work. There are no promises. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is one of the most unusual cases we have seen. And that a whole group of people went along with them in this bizarre notion is very baffling. That none of those people had a conscience. That none of them stopped to consider you were a human being with feelings. To believe falsehoods based on obvious jealousy. Obsessive jealousy at that too. That whole group of people, it's very peculiar. This con artist family continues to speak only lies on you. They're not intuitive although they say they are. They may practice divination but in a lower vibrational way, in other words they use and abuse it to forward their own agenda. They will turn things around to suit their narrative. And the one you once thought of as a friend still believes them, still believes people who are jealous of you. Only recently they told the snake person some new lies about you to get them to join in with the group to do another death magic curse on you. And they did. Although they and this group prayed really hard over you having a death, just lately. And why, we ask, everyone here asks this, why do they want to kill you so badly? Nobody can figure it out because you're so sweet and loving. What kind of person prays for the death of a kind and generous soul this this one? And these people dress up and go to church! They put on fake smiles and pretend to be Christians. Then they come home and do death magic on an innocent and charitable minister who has done nothing to any of them. They've never even met her. We all have to ask, what kind of people are these anyway? Well, I'm sure they're not the kind of people you would want as a neighbor or who you would want coming around spying on you and stalking you when you're at the gym like they do this poor lady. They do this to her all the time. And for no reason it would seem except to be pushy and bothersome. Doing death magic on her isn't bad enough, they have to constantly bother her too. But rest assured readers, these ones are getting some heavy karma and to the point where they won't have their freedoms to do these toxic things any longer to innocent citizens. Yes they prayed really hard for your death and did magic, again, like they've done before for your death and probably will again and again until they keel over we believe. And it's of course backfired. They'll say you caused it to not work. We say here and now that Rea knew nothing of it until several days after the fact! It was their own karma that did it to them. That is the truth. What did they expect when they send that type of energy to innocent an human being? And an earth angel at that? And why this snake energy keeps believing her lies, and never learns that all she does is lie, well we surmise that he supposes that maybe this time she may be telling the truth. Lol. No. All they cared about was whether they can steal a little bit of money by forging a fake policy or two and then doing death spells on you.. It's all so very high-school energy. And sneaky and shady and underhanded. These ones need a job in their lives. They clearly don't have enough to keep them gainfully occupied. They're far too up in your business and they need to quit pestering you. They also need to stop trying to hurt you, to murder you, to cause you any type of pain, suffering, affliction and hindrances of any kind whatsoever. You might just go to their church as a guest minister one of these days and speak on how they could benefit by learning the Golden Rule. They might enjoy that. Lol. (roaring laughter) And you do your Christian duty, you did the prayer work. And although you forgave in your heart for your own healing you are staying well clear of these negative ones. We will venture as far as to say the first one to receive the backfire might be him, the snake. And it's going to manifest fairly soon. This is heavy heavy karma that this one chose to do for "no reason at all" to this innocent woman. And that is illegal in the universe. Cause and effect to the extreme. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You can feel the pressure of their gaze, perhaps, their watching, maybe via divination or Ouija board, this con artist group. They won’t let up on you no. We know. They’re afraid of some sort of misfortune, yes, and also that you’re not blind to them being con artists. Yes they're very afraid now especially now they've gone too far with this latest death curse. Nobody forced them, lol. They have free will. They feel you're very strong and maybe having fun (so what, right, it's your life yes!) It's none of their business. They know that their so-called adventure could backfire. They can’t manipulate something because you’re not lonely--they feel like you’re busy. They’re watching far too closely, very voyeuristic people these ones. The shapeshifter wants people to think they’re the “boss”. They over-indulge in something and they try to conceal the fact that they lack imagination. They’ve put so many obstacles in your way to keep you from being a wealthy woman, yes, what’s it to them?-- yes they chose you as their victim this time. This is what these con artists do. They select some people to target. (Rea calls these con artists "bums" because they don't work, only sit around thinking of ways to get reward without effort, and usually at a hard-working person's expense, like herself., hence she calls them bums.) Of course, it helped them no end when they made up all those rumors about you out of sheer jealousy. We watched in astonished disbelief as the one who sacrificed you believed the false stories while being fully aware that they'd never so much as met you. This one is what you term a "sucker". You could say this con artist family really saw this snake coming. Lol. ------------------------------------------------------- When you ask, why should they even care about your life, this is the answer. They don’t really. You just happen to be their target and they are insanely jealous of you for whatever reason they fancied. The one you thought of as a friend who morphed into a snake sacrificed you to them for this purpose, to let them do away with you (or they would do so personally as their favor for the group to elevate their own status with these superficial friends), at your expense of course. And then in some way the shapeshifter would steal your gift, which is of course impossible. Dharma is only earned. Spiritual rewards of any kind can never be stolen. I did explain this. And we do understand how different minds are, some are faster than others, so we're patient. -------------------------------------------------------------- This is how your life even crosses paths with their lives in any way. And what they’re up to is that something is fated for you and they’ve decided that they want it (lol) and that they somehow think they can steal your own fate. In this strange idea of theirs, they’ve been trying to hold onto what they feel is fated for you, but they’re seeing it dissipating, which it is, because it wasn’t ever a viable scheme to begin with. It’s like a thief who is trying to steal something that originated with you, along with a group, or that group or that family of con artists, and they’re all afraid that you’re not trapped. And so they send you this barrage of thought activity that you naturally pick up on from time to time in hopes of trying to wear you down when all it does is alert you to "oh here they are again, yawn". It's become old hat to you as they say, yes? Yes. We know. Someday they'll stop. They'll have to. (lol). ----------------------------------------------------------- They thought it was all real fun for a very long time, but now they’re afraid. With your spirit being strong as it naturally is they didn’t expect this. All the energetic thought forms you feel, all those multiple layers, including the collective on the Earth, the very heightened intensity, and also this shape-shifter energy with this group or family who are overly focused on you combine to create obvious tension that appears to be more than the usual day-to-day interference. They are thinking they were going to get something based on you giving up. And yes that’s a weird part. How your world has anything to do with theirs. It has something to do with whether or not you were lonely because if you are not lonely it’s a nightmare for them. And again, we know that it is difficult for you to understand this. When a lot of change is going on around you they worry you see. They worry about what else is going on that they can’t see. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The shapeshifter is a spiritual narcissist type of energy, one who likes to pretend to know everything. They may be spiritual to a degree but only in a very low vibrational way. This person operates in their shadow side, as do most of the people, if not all, in that group. It’s a selfish type of energy that as we described earlier will gladly step on another’s neck to reach their goal (which is always other people's money). They don't do anything of and by themselves. They only take what others have done and stick their name on it, or they even steal others' names at that. They completely lack originality, morals, principles, virtues, integrity, and honor. They are master manipulators and they over indulge. They're very worried that others might find this out. And as these ones are so lacking in principles they are also un-Christian. If they call themselves Christians they are being false. They pretend to be someone else (or wear masks), they lie, they cheat and they steal their way through life. These people engage in toxic relationships that result in codependency and addictions. They spend most of their time stalking you, dear one, and inventing slander about you, or stealing your ideas and trying to pass them off as their own. --------------------------------------------------- They've been living in your energy for over a year. Last summer, that is, summer of 2023, that person you once thought of as a friend tried to move the shapeshifter into your complex in order to stalk you closer as well as in order for them to take you out easier for their theft of your gift which cannot be done. Yes, lol, they moved instead down the road, still close enough to stalk you easily. It's a big city but they had to be near enough too you to do this. So, because you’re in your north node, you’re far too independent to be co-dependent. You’re growing and what all you’re starting (above and beyond helping me with my book) has them worried because they can’t see what all you are creating or doing anymore, and who you may be talking to or who, if anyone, may be helping or assisting you in any way. So they’re not happy. Again, they’re overly concerned with the details of your life. Obsessively so, in an almost lunacy fashion. It’s most abnormal. And yes, we see how uncomfortable it is to have stalker and obsessive energies pawing at your energy. Just continue doing what you're doing because we see that it is working well for you. ---------------------------------------------------- Whatever they thought they were going to get, whatever merit making it was/is, they went too far with something in their hatred of you or their admiration/hate which is what it is whether they'll admit it or not. They’re really not happy (well they rarely are). They thought they were going to get something here and it has to do with some type of life of luxury or glamour (and merit making) and they’re not going to get whatever merit it is. They really are obsessed with luxury lol! They don’t have your imagination (we see you asking what that’s got to do with it) nevertheless they can’t relax and the group who is represented by the shapeshifter energy is afraid. Lol yes maybe Samson scared her. Good for Samson yes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- They were trying to take, literally thievery, but because you’re moving forward you're very busy. They can’t see what you’re doing in order to steal whatever it is you’re doing. This has the shapeshifter very worried. She is worried about how she is going to maintain her pretense of you when she can't see what you're creating in order to steal it. They had been stealing your vision, your ideas prior, you see. And with your courage and strength you have added ability to decipher between thought forms projected (because you’re empathic and intuitive and can pick up on all kinds of vibrations around you). You can certainly tell the difference. ------------------------------------------------------------------ They’re very rude to just take in this way, and to think it’s alright to choose one person and hone in on this one person and just take so they can have a better this or a better that, admiration maybe when they realy had to really smash someone to get those things, whatever things--shoes, fashion, vacations or better whatever--and it’s not real. They didn't get any of it by merit. Yes, they’re unprincipled. They are extremely nervous about whether you're lonely or not. You're never lonely. We don't understand that part either. You're very strong spirited and grounded and that too causes them anxiety and so they put even more pressure on you in the way of negative thought projections. It's never ending for you, we see this. It seems to just go on and on and on. ---------------------------------------------------------- It was unusual how people who don’t know you from Adam could claim to know facts about you in the first place. They're not good at divination seeing that they do it in the lower vibrational ways. And yet someone believed them all the same LOL. Deep down they knew the truth about you, we're sure of it. They put-on that they believed the falsehoods in order to impress the girl. And they spun new rumors on you to gain popularity, as if that would make them popular (where are they school days again? lol). Yes, just like with the death magic. They deep down didn't believe whatever new lies they were told on you but to impress other peoples' little minds they fervently did the death prayers and rites to make you die, and they did the evil curse for your death to forfeit your life and your mind, to sacrifice you for the small bit of superficial gratificaation of impressing a few people for a little while. And their wizardry magic took effect, yes, only in reverse. So the truth is coming out, we spoke it already, and they’re sensing it too and each time you’re staying strong and grounded and working and loving they’re looking all the more the liars that they are. We only see them lie so it's doubtful they know any other way of behaving. All you ever did to these ones was nothing. And that is the funny part. You drank your water and tended to your plants and to your business and friends. You don’t know that group nor do you wish to. ------------------------------------------------------------- You keep raising your vibration to get out of their thick and intense energy, the watcher and stalker energies, as well as that of the collective on the planet. Spiritual hygiene is what it is. Staying on schedule. And doing return to senders. Cleansing your space. Staying in Christ Consciousness and sending it forth daily the way you do in prayer. Everyone’s 3rd eye is coming open and this is all coming out into the open for all to see. The 10-10 portal was a spiritual awakening for the collective, and enlightenment gateway which brought elevated vibrations to the planet. People’s intuition is heightened as their third-eye is opening. This is the precursor to telepathy that I spoke of earlier this year in your podcast. And this has them nervous too. No, they can’t take from someone and they can’t take from you. Love is the highest vibration of the universe. And their protest to go against you isn’t working. --------------------------------------------------------------- They still think they can block your gift, whereby they also erroneously think they can go on an “adventure” (this gift, that’s meant for you, and is yours) yes, it’s very odd, these people are most out of the ordinary. These people want to block something that’s yours, steal it somehow, some way, which itself is impossible to achieve as I’ve explained in a previous message but their mental abilities may be slow. For grown-up people they very much behave and think as children. It is akin to a child’s story-time, this fantasy of theirs. The point is, you haven’t quit and why would you, especially for a group of backward immature strangers to you who are trying to live out a childish fantasy? One could almost say it is insulting to your intelligence to even be approached with such nonsense as you have been for this past year. ----------------------------------------------------------------- These are stubborn people and they use other people. To use the same analogy, they will step on another’s neck to get only a step or two ahead of them, and do so happily. They don’t care who they have to suffocate or knock down as long as they get ahead. And they chose you as their victim for this grand illusion, this so-called adventure. When truthfully, there are any number of ways one can have an adventure in this world and it doesn’t even have to cost much money. Children do it all the time with only their imagination. This group could try that. An adventure doesn’t have to come from stepping on another and stealing their gift, their essence, their divinity, their rightful inheritance, and their dharma. Besides, one cannot steal such things, such things are earned only. The shapeshifter is very afraid that their lunacy is going to be discovered by the group. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And that so many people would benefit off one person’s dharma at that? And conspire for such a nonsensical scheme? And to not even see your humanity? It does give one pause does it not? So, the moral really, this boils down to never take advice from someone who doesn’t really know what they’re talking about. What’s that saying? Never take advice from someone who isn’t getting the results you want to experience. Well, somebody listened to their family or friend’s circle for advice on but that person had an affair with their girlfriend. The shapeshifter. They also refused to listen about the children too. Raising other’s children as their own. And still refused to budge. All along their person was only with them for financial reasons and despite warnings remained blind to the fact that they were making them go broke, as prophesied, and only lies to them. ------------------------------------------------------------ That is why God is bringing things crashing down for the person. The universe gives you the opportunity first to right your wrong judgment, but when you refuse, then the universal energies kick your rear and knock you about a bit in order to force you or for your wrong judgment to be made open and to come to light. Because all that is hidden and in the shadows must come to light at some point. And one should never listen to people who are jealous of the other party or feel the other party is a threat to their financial security in any way, shape or form. That is not intelligent. One will not get any truths from anyone that way (well no truths from that shapeshifter is a given). The point was they should have known too that there would have been no possible way any of that family would have an iota of information, false or otherwise, on this earth angel as they'd never met. (lol) Clearly, their words against her would have been monetarily driven to be anti-her. The most naive of the naive could have seen that. --------------------------------------------------------------------- When you don’t take warnings catastrophes happen. It’s really immature energy. They can be mature in age and quite immature in mind. This may explain the friends they enjoy. Although you don’t know those friends you highly sense their type of energy. Their childlike fantasy of thinking they can steal your gift and go off on some adventure. Along with all of them, believing it. This person, this mature in age but not in mind snake energy, allowed themselves to be robbed by these con artists, all based on a decision and some advice from somebody else. Somebody who may have been cheating with the girlfriend anyway. So. And yet they don't mind. You see, the dark women do their magic work, the spells, whenever tricks they do and right after there's a pulling away type of energy, not long after that, there's a bouncing right back to them. This one has no will of their own, apparently, any longer. The truth always has to come out. Their person manipulates and plays them like a puppet. The snake thinks they’re laughing with them all, but behind their back, unfortunately for them, they’re being laughed at by the group, and have been all along. Just like they played you, they were being played by the group. And it’s their karma, you could say, for caring more about what people think. Caring more about what materialistic kinds of people think, to be more exact. It is strange, yes. But it is what is as you say. ----------------------------------------------------------- These ones need to surrender their egotistical need to control you dear one. It's odd that they think they could control you to begin with, but there it is. Someone may still think of you as being the person you were before you gave birth 31 years ago, or even before that. (lol) Your patience has been admirable throughout their many many attempts to cause you adversity and failure You stayed calm. You stayed peaceful and you were prayerful in spite of their cruelties. You have to help others daily. You feel good when you help others. Your patience is demonstrative of how, when in a place of balance and self control, and going with the flow, that divine order works miracles. Those who have their obsessive and unbalanced need to control this earth angel are in fear now or soon will be when they learn that you're in a relationship and are with people who serve the higher good. You were able to withstand a great amount of betrayal and adversity here. This energetic "pawing" at your energy for so very long... yes... lol, we know. Take heed of our instructions on the upcoming movements/energies. You've survived the death magic of late, hurrah. Still be mindful. -------------------------------------------------- It's very strange, these energies. Envy. why? The masculine feels they should be superior. That is very insufficient when it comes to co-creating or the very thought of it. It's very "Piscean age" energy still. Which is funny to us because during the last days of the Piscean Age you were flitting back and forth between this timeline and that one. You can live in either one. But these ones need to surrender their need to control you, as I've said. ok. They can't exact revenge on you because there's nothing you did to take revenge on you for, lol, so they don't know what to do, lol. They are confused. They don't seem to know what to do. They were working really hard for a very long time in pretending to be you, Queen rising. Trying to steal your destiny. They want very much to manipulate your mind--they like manipulating minds and they want you out of the way because you see the truth, their truth of it. They want you to catch a fatal disease or illness, most of all. ------------------------------------------------------ Yes before, they had wanted to kill you gladly with their own hands, but now they're working very hard at your having a fatality, an accident or a fatal illness. They get other minds involved in this. Yes, just like last year. Just like last winter, earlier this year. They might wear a mask of being a pious Christian. Lol. They're anything but Christian, these ones! These ones do not practice the Christ Consciousness. These people are all frauds and con artists. They enjoy manipulating and puppeting other people, and in selling them "a dream". They want glamour and money, a luxurious lifestyle. They seem to be extremely focused on that luxurious lifestyle, lol, when they're not focused on you, lol. -------------------------------------------------- When Halloween comes they'll have a very big backfire, lol They're messing up their lives. You foresaw things on that person, but you thought the things already happened, no, it's yet to be and it's backfires that will be the cause. Yes, they found you quite entertaining, dear one. Trying to kill you was most entertaining for this entire group of lower vibrational people. But the happy news is you're not broken, you're not in ruins and their evil works were for naught. The forked tongue one shows like your image of the devil's pitchfork, yes, lol. Remember our words. We won't go into them here, just be cautious. They are slow to grasp our words, and are immature in mind, these people. For instance, in the Aquarian age, the Father Mother God is back. It's no longer just Father God. And obviously we're not saying any of you humans are God, but in a way you are. You all hold a God spark within you. you all are created in the image of God. ------------------------------------------------------- These ones who have chosen themselves, hand selected themselves to be enemies to you for no reason at all except that you exist, which is a poor decision if ever there was one, is due to their lack of much in mental arena. They want the energetic bond with you, the cord with you that they can pull from in order to get a re-fill off of you. You're seen as innocent from what they were blaming you for in the past. Therefore, life might get rough for them and they may want to pull from your energy again, yes the very person they tried to sacrifice for nothing. We won't let them, dear one, not to worry. So in the near future, when they do finally see you as innocent or some in the group do, it depends which of that tribe we are observing, whichever way, there is or will be damage for the pain that they caused and they will be in a nightmare. They really don't think it's funny anymore. Maybe, depending on which energy we're watching of course, trick? They can't trick you earth angel, Queen, priestess. You've gained your freedom here. They're with the devil that they work with, that energy that they stay in. You've restored control and are again detaching from this craziness they pulled you into for no reason at all. ------------------------------------------------------- Much of your strength to fight them off of you, their strange energies that is, is from you taking care of yourself, you're very conscientious about your light, your mind. They would love nothing more than to fight you in the physical, lol. But you shrink at that thought we've seen. You don't want to be anywhere near those energies and rightfully so. Their toxic natures are too thick and extreme. It is nature's way for "birds of a feather to flock together". You are most particular about your comrades and your associates as well, even your clients. At this later stage in your life, you've earned this right, dear one. What is that saying the snake used to say all the time? "Walk when you're young so you can ride when you're old." Isn't that the one? Yes. Well, you've done you're time in this realm as far as walking we say, among the rabble. You can afford now to pick and choose whom you deal with, and nobody can say otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------- While these ones are indecisive, they rely on others to help them make up their own mind, and they fell into a rabbit hole. And because you work and make ends meet, help others out of love and kindness, not out of greed, or superficial things, and you have gratitude for everything they just hate on you. They believed all the lies on you and they invented some real dillies of their own because as you know, they're very adept liars and mask wearers themselves. They can't fool you with their lies but maybe they can fool a lot of people They believed the peoples' lies who were jealous of you. They believed the people who viewed you as a threat to their financial future. These greedy people really enjoy sabotage and they'll act like they're telling you a secret.... lol. They love to manipulate others. Maybe they'll go back to doing that at their parties and take their focus off of you. ----------------------------------------------------------- It would make the snake so happy to tear your beautiful flame that's inside you all to pieces in their rage that you have it and they don't. Because you bothered to put the work in for so many years while struggling to raise a special needs child all by yourself. Meanwhile, they played hedonistically and had fun, barrels of fun, and so they hate you for it. They're angry with you for succeeding spiritually. Any mature masculine energy would be celebrating with you. That's a normal energy, beloved. Like your new earth angel higher vibrational soul mate...your new divine counterpart, the mate to the high priestess, the hierophant, judge. You're so balanced that you represent all the queens, hence we dub you queen rising, and soon to be married. That won't be stopped or blocked by any of their attempts, we've already seen to that. -------------------------------------------------------- You called judgment. They tore their lives to pieces and may now want a safe space. Well you cannot do a thing about that because you're free of them now. Just remember, their perspective of you is very unfriendly. Very very unfriendly. Envious. Not happy for you. This is why they never said to you that they were glad about your ministry and about your website or your Reiki healing, or your book, or your blogs, or your vlog, or any of it, not once, in all those years. They even went so far as to pretend they didn't know about any of it, when the truth is they knew. They even tried to prevent viewership on your site and your vlog. They went all out to try and ruin you online. And they kept tabs on you all along. That's the kind of masculine this is. And you already knew. Good for you. What other kind of male energy is jealous of a woman? lol Right! Well it did take you a long while to work that out queen rising and we never said a word, but we commend you for finally working it out on your own, along with your own intuition and the hints we threw your way, lol! They keep it well hidden or used to keep it well hidden. It was shocking to you I know. Yes. Huge. Yes we know, which is why it took you so long to wrap your head around it. ------------------------------------------------------ When they chose to believe lies about you they chose the wrong path. And they held fast to it. They grabbed on tight to those beliefs against you and got a whole community to go up against you, over and over again, for no reason at all. And when they then chose to slander you in the cruelest ways imaginable you knew that the one you had as a friend was long long gone. Most likely sold to do the devil you say. In essence, they managed to get a lot of people to ruin their own destinies, their own karma, and to instill generational curses on their own families because they decided to believe lies about an old friend of whom they should have known better. And they opted to go along with the lies for a crazy scheme of stealing her destiny. And they could have stopped that insanity, that runaway train at any time. And they didn't. ------------------------------------------------------ The shapeshifter and the other cons will not win at these ridiculous attempts to steal your gift. It is difficult to even say those words as they are too fanciful for serious thought by grown adults, but there. But you're such a peaceful person. It's outrageous what they've done to you for so long. They never should have dishonored you in this horrible way. They're all guilty of abuse and of making the same mistakes repeatedly and continually sending negative spells and thoughts meant for your detriment. They all need to disengage from your energy now. We do hope that if anything toxic is going on in your world that some of this true course of events might have brought some insight your way. Perhaps, at the very least, you might have gained a new perspective or gathered some courage that you were needing Please go on knowing that Love is the highest vibration in the universe and it is the greatest goal to have. Go on praying for the highest good for all and the manifestation of your true purpose to continue on, following the still small voice within to continue on, and for God to answer you by that or by sending others to guide you. Enjoy the signs you get from the universe. We are always with you. We are always available to you if you but ask. I am, Archangel Michael (as received by Hilary "Rea" Wallace)
AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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