5/20/2013 0 Comments Why are half-moon's so difficult ?![]() Yes well, it’s a half moon, one of the most difficult times for us in the moon’s cycle. But why is that? It doesn't matter if it is a waxing (from New) to waning (after Full). Half moons are always trying. And here we are, sandwiched between two eclipses, the recent Solar eclipse and the upcoming Lunar eclipse this Friday. This makes for intensity in relationships. And not always in a good way.... Throughout the years on the Mystic Clinic site, I have written extensively about the moon, her cycles, and how they affect us, as well as, how crystals can help us. But in case you need reminding, please refer to that page here or ask me to send to you the phases' meanings. Anyway, today, may I reiterate for the sake of our own emotions, that wearing and/or carrying a Moonstone would be most helpful. (Consult too my meanings of stones blog when you get a chance or ask me to send it to you.) I'm most glad to help all people. Back to the half moon--when you look up at the moon and notice that it is almost a total half moon it is known as the Second Quarter moon (in this case waxing Half, while the 31st will be the waning Half,). During half moons we notice that our emotions begin to take on unwelcome energy and we see that the "new beginnings" we began during the New Moon (or later, the clarity during the Full) need to either be worth our while in the long run or we re-think what we thought was true, respectively. We're smack halfway between the New Moon of fresh new energy and optimism and the Full Moon of high emotion and being able to see things so clearly. It doesn't quite seem like things are working out as we thought.... And not only are we sandwiched this way but also between two eclipses! This means enormous energy being gushed onto our planet and onto our psyches. Do take time to meditate and commune out in nature as much as possible. On top of that, are traffic signals out where you are driving? Weather conditions wreaking havoc? Technical problems at home? Yes, these things are being noticed as common all over the place. Not hearing from friends or close ones? Are they being distant? Don't be surprised, please. Deep breathe instead and know that in a week things will look entirely differently... more clearly. But stresses abound. Why is this? In world matters, such as traffic signals and technology problems a lot of that is due to the solar flares as well as the hardships thanks to the Half moon. But... ....relationships are more difficult. We don't understand things fully (and neither does the other party). This is the time when we find that if we follow our instincts and trust them that we can better guide our life more purposefully. (Your other party may not know this!) Now we can try to utilize the intuitive mind that we have, along with our enthusiasm for the direction we are seeing in our lives; however, we also notice certain blocks or obstacles, and therefore, we now must re-evaluate how to better incorporate our lives with our environment / with others' decisions, etc. Speaking of obstacles, have your gut feelings been amiss? Is your own inner guidance system not giving you the direction you are needing? If so, this is typical during a Half Moon. But take heart, clarity can be accomplished with a reading (with me of course! ha ha-- but true) and/or with meditation with your spirit guides. Do you have unanswered questions? This time brings us a needed excuse to find answers, to be sure. In other words, with your own intuition somewhat at a standstill why not get the clarity you need with an accurate reading ? Or, take time to plug in your i-Pod to an in-depth guided meditation, and then release your cares and ask your guides to bring you the answers you need.... That is a luxury I so love to indulge in. You Tube has many such guided meditations. (I have one too but it's more for Chakras....However, I encourage you to listen to it.) Half Moons are typically very difficult times if we do not follow our instincts or tune into the clarity that we glean in an reading. If we do not do this we struggle with the obstacles presented to us. Another way to handle this stressful time is to step back and objectively evaluate our concern with the intention of working with it rather than fighting it. And then, this time period can go much more smoothly. Sample affirmations would be: I SEE WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE IN ALL AREAS OF MY LIFE. I AM DIVINELY GUIDED AT ALL TIMES. I hope you will call me today--let me shine some insights onto your issues. Good luck during this more stressful moon phase. Coming soon (May 25th) we have a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon with tons of emotional energies and we will see things crystal clear. You may want to see what's in store in your relationship.... I would, if I had a relationship!! (:)) Bright blessings, Rhea
AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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