The Astrological Houses
Each of the twelve houses governs a different aspect of life.
See which house influences any given month for you by counting from your birth month which is the 1st house.
For example, if you were born in August, then in September you're governed by your 2nd house ,in January your 6th house, etc.
The Meanings of the Houses when the sun is in....
Your First House month: Self-Image, initiative, the ego, the personality, the first impression you make (and how others see you), your relationship with your immediate environment, general outlook on life, and physical appearance. Aries energy is around no matter what your sign is, and anything involving your head and face is also accentuated in your first house month. You may need to exert extra diplomacy as this house challenges your partnership (7th) house. This house is angular, represents decent into matter in the Fool's Journey storyline, a new beginning, a fresh start in a new chapter.
Your Second House month: Possessions, both material and physical; your own self-worth. money, profits & losses, lost items, your future prospects, your basic values and what you value, your material security, possessions and personal finances. Taurus energies abound and therefore anything involving your neck, throat, jaw and base of skull is accentuated. This house cadent.
Your Third House month: Expression of thought; communication, messages, speech, interactions within your immediate environment, siblings and neighbors, short trips, the logical mind, writing and speaking, language skills, media and communications. Gemini energy reigns, and so do issues involving your vocal chords, fingers, arms, hands, shoulders, lungs and nervous system. This house is succedent.
Your Fourth House month: Completion of experience; family, home environment, roots, foundation of character, security, instincts, digging, mining, emotions, old age, nurturing, ancestry, personal history, real estate, property matters, parental inheritance (father). The end of a matter. Cancerian energy, so anything to do with the stomach, digestion, chest/breasts and womb. Try to not let these things interfere with career or social status (opposes 10th house). This house is angular.
Your Fifth House month: The ego and the struggle to raise the soul vibration, and the last life evolution through karma; self-expression, creativity, hobbies, fun, children, enterprise, speculations, social pleasures, drama, jewelry, accessories, romance and luxury, and feasts and parties. The 5th house is naturally ruled by Leo and the Sun, and governs the heart, spine, sides of the body, upper back. Guard legs and ankles (opposes 11th house). This house is cadent.
Your Sixth House month: Service and health; work, hygiene, job methods, how to improve work/daily life, self-improvement, co-workers, pets, injuries, healing, organization, food, service, refining oneself, perfection. strength through struggle. everyday issues and servants/employees. Virgo energy rules and anything involving the solar plexus and abdomen, as well as bowels, colon, and intestines. Guard feet and toes. This house is succedent.
Your Seventh House month : Marriage, all partnerships, union of opposites, companionship, business partnerships, competitors, strangers. our "shadow self", maturity through knowledge of Oneness, the public, lawsuit, contracts, lawyers, counselors. Also wishing to spend time in spiritual pursuits. This house is governed by Libra and so accentuates the ovaries, low back, kidneys, veins, and buttocks. Be more careful of theft. Take special care of pets and small animals. This house is angular.
Your Eighth House month: Regeneration and mysteries; transformation & sexuality, also crisis, our attitude towards crisis or change, partner's or others' finances, death and rebirth, inheritances, personal growth, occult, addictions, psychology, taxes, divorce/alimony, inheritance. This house is ruled by Scorpio and so anything to do with the sexual organs, hemorrhoids, muscular system, reproductive system, hernias, rectum, prostate and anus is accentuated. This house is cadent.
Your Ninth House month: Widening of the lower consciousness, philosophy, belief systems & higher learning, sense of adventure, exploration, travel, education, religious beliefs, morals, foreign languages/cultures/associations, publishing, commerce, the Higher Mind and the next life. This house is governed by Sagittarius and the sciatic nerve, liver, hips and thighs. This house is succedent.
Your Tenth House month: Standing before the world, the time when man takes full part in life, how the world receives your service to it, your point of view, career/profession, responsibility, reputation, & community standing, along with
contribution to society, position in society, material success and position, achievement, authority figures, mother, parent/caregiver, bosses, governments, attitude towards responsibility, attitude towards abiding by the law. It is ruled by Capricorn and governs the knees, bones, skin and teeth. (Be sure to take time out for home life. Your 4th house is challenged this month.) This house is angular.
Your Eleventh House month: Friends, hopes, aspirations & personal goals, spiritual desires, groups & organizations, our true inner purpose, and humanity. This house is naturally ruled by Aquarius and accentuates the arteries, ankles, and calves of the legs and shins. . This house is cadent.
Your Twelfth House month: Purification of earthly experience, self-examination, limitation, soul growth/undoing, privacy & secrets, anything below the surface, unseen difficulties, service to those with limitations, karma, hidden strengths/weaknesses, dreams, lost items, hospitals, prisons, large animals, and spiritual studies. This Pisces house accentuates feet, toes and physical pain. Limitations or occult freedom. Take care of digestive issues/abdomen and pets.
This house is succedent.
Meanings of your personal years:
1st, 5th, 9th: This life, last life and future experiences, respectively to the personal houses.
2nd, 6th and 10: Correlate to use of abilities and material circumstances in life experiences.
3rd, 7th, 11th: Relate to the ties of the native with others.
4th, 8th, 12th: Mysteries of the inner self and the foundation of wisdom. The beginning and end of experiences.
1st, 5th, 9th: This life, last life and future experiences, respectively to the personal houses.
2nd, 6th and 10: Correlate to use of abilities and material circumstances in life experiences.
3rd, 7th, 11th: Relate to the ties of the native with others.
4th, 8th, 12th: Mysteries of the inner self and the foundation of wisdom. The beginning and end of experiences.
Energies of Signs
The sign the Sun is in will affect your outer self and actions - or what you project. While the sign that the Moon is in will affect your inner being - or what you feel.
The Moon's Daily Sign
This is a fleeting daily energy that affects everybody throughout the day. The Moon continuously moves through each sign of the zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, staying about two and a half days in each sign. The Moon influences the sign it inhabits, creating different energies that affect our day-to-day lives.
If you have a good annual calendar it will show which zodiac sign the moon is in each day.
Aries: Good for starting things. Things occur rapidly, but quickly pass. People tend to be argumentative and assertive. People can react with intensity so tread more softly than usual.
Taurus: Things begun now last longest, tend to increase in value, and become hard to change. Brings out an appreciation for beauty and sensory experience.
Gemini: An intellectual and sociable time. People act friendly as a rule. During this moon it's easy to be distracted by what others are saying/doing and lose sight on your own duties. There is a thirst for knowledge during this time.
Cancer: Stimulates emotional rapport between people. Supports growth and nurturing. Tend to domestic concerns.
Leo: People can be dramatic as well as bossy. There is a desire to entertain, but also a desire to be lazy. People feel more generous and confident. There is also a tendency to be headstrong.
Virgo: Favors accomplishment of details and commands from higher up. Focus on health, hygiene, and daily schedules. This is an efficient and productive time.
Libra: Favors cooperation, compromise, social activities, balance, friendship, and partnership. This is a good moon for negotiations. People can clearly see both sides, with a desire for cooperation.
Scorpio: Increases awareness of psychic power. People seem to brood and become secretive. A greater sense of empathy occurs during this time, but also a tendency to want to control others' feelings.
Sagittarius: Encourages confidence and flights of imagination. This is an adventurous, philosophical, and athletic Moon sign.
Capricorn: Develops strong structure. Focus on traditions, responsibilities, and duties. A good time to set boundaries and rules.
Aquarius: Rebellious energy. Time to break habits and make abrupt change. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.
Pisces: The focus is on dreaming, nostalgia, intuition, and psychic impressions. A good time for spiritual or philanthropic activities.
If you have a good annual calendar it will show which zodiac sign the moon is in each day.
Aries: Good for starting things. Things occur rapidly, but quickly pass. People tend to be argumentative and assertive. People can react with intensity so tread more softly than usual.
Taurus: Things begun now last longest, tend to increase in value, and become hard to change. Brings out an appreciation for beauty and sensory experience.
Gemini: An intellectual and sociable time. People act friendly as a rule. During this moon it's easy to be distracted by what others are saying/doing and lose sight on your own duties. There is a thirst for knowledge during this time.
Cancer: Stimulates emotional rapport between people. Supports growth and nurturing. Tend to domestic concerns.
Leo: People can be dramatic as well as bossy. There is a desire to entertain, but also a desire to be lazy. People feel more generous and confident. There is also a tendency to be headstrong.
Virgo: Favors accomplishment of details and commands from higher up. Focus on health, hygiene, and daily schedules. This is an efficient and productive time.
Libra: Favors cooperation, compromise, social activities, balance, friendship, and partnership. This is a good moon for negotiations. People can clearly see both sides, with a desire for cooperation.
Scorpio: Increases awareness of psychic power. People seem to brood and become secretive. A greater sense of empathy occurs during this time, but also a tendency to want to control others' feelings.
Sagittarius: Encourages confidence and flights of imagination. This is an adventurous, philosophical, and athletic Moon sign.
Capricorn: Develops strong structure. Focus on traditions, responsibilities, and duties. A good time to set boundaries and rules.
Aquarius: Rebellious energy. Time to break habits and make abrupt change. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.
Pisces: The focus is on dreaming, nostalgia, intuition, and psychic impressions. A good time for spiritual or philanthropic activities.
Conjunction - 0° The conjunction tends to be a harmonious aspect. Its quality depends greatly on the planets involved, as well as on how close the aspect is. For example, a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury is generally regarded as harmonious. If, however, the distance between them is less than a few degrees, Mercury is said to be “burnt” or “in combustion”, with corresponding results. In general, the conjunction shows an immediate connection which usually works in one way or another.
Opposition - 180° Although the opposition is generally regarded as “disharmonious” or dynamic, it often has quite a motivating and energizing effect. Here too, the quality of the aspect depends on the planets involved, and on what one makes of it. On the whole, an opposition between two planets creates tension between them, often with positive results. Square - 90° The square is regarded as a disharmonious aspect, the planets involved seem to be “blocked”. The problems that arise from the square keep on turning up, like a bad penny. The difficulty lies in trying to reconcile two forces that are trying to move in completely different directions. Usually this takes the form of desires and needs which are mutually exclusive. Trine - 120° The trine is a harmonious aspect, the planets involved work together in a complementary fashion, enriching one another. Trines show where our natural talents lie, whether we actually make use of them or not is up to us. Semisquare - 45°, disharmonious Semisextile - 30°, neutral Quincunx or Inconjunct - 150°, somewhat challenging Adjustments and/or redirection will be needed. It is a challenging aspect but not as obviously as a square or opposition is. |
When a planet is in Cazimi it means it is in the "heart of the sun". When a planet is within 17 degrees of the sun's arc then it is said to be in the heart of the sun, or in cazimi mode. This is rare so that when it happens we take note of it. It is considered to be a very protective, benevolent and beneficial aspect. It is believed to be "wondrous strong". You can do no wrong.
For a deeper interpretation of the Cazimi influence I recommend David Coleman's blog.
For a deeper interpretation of the Cazimi influence I recommend David Coleman's blog.
ARIES: Newest or latest... Anything for the face or head. Red things. Hats, boots, Books, magazine subscription, statue of an armored knight, cutlery set, western apparel, books or mags on self-improvement, adventure and travel.
TAURUS: Quality things that are practical or sensual. Pastel colors, Perfume, candles, silk tie, basket of fruit, shower or other type of massager. gift card to computer store, games that use play money, plush robe, comfy slippers. Magazine subscription to Interior Digest or decorating, hammock, comforter, sweets.
GEMINI: Things for travel or communication, walkie-talkie, printer/fax, address labels, letter opener, golf clubs, word puzzle games, chess set, soft gloves, manicure, ring, Farmer's Almanac, book of jokes , a radio (all types), pedometer, newspaper from their birthdate, tickets for an event.
CANCER: Sentimental gifts, family crest, blue or silver items, hot tub, antiques, charm bracelet, pearl jewelry, organizers (recipes, etc.), house plant, embroidered pillow, hand-made quilt, things for the fireplace or a Norman Rockwell print, games that bring the family together.
LEO: They like to be the center of attention so think in terms of bright and ornate, things associated with royalty, gold coins, goblets, gold pen and pencil set, etc., tickets to a circus or play, games of chance, yellow things, books or mags about show business, recreation restaurants.
VIRGO: Things made of natural fibers and earthy tones, wood carved things, precise digital items, challenging games, juicer, good thermos, steam cleaner, power washer, DIY books or mags, a tablet computer, closet storage system, herb garden. fruit basket.
LIBRA: Refined and tasteful things, green things or pastel, vanity set, clothing valet, full length mirror, concert tickets, art exhibit, supple gloves, house-cleaning, designer perfume, games should be stimulating, active wear, yoga or dancing classes, dinner at an elegant restaurant, fine wine, an original poem.
SCORPIO: Dark wines, research things or mystery things, occult, secrets, metaphysical book, detective book, music, puzzles, cosmetic, leather things, facial or body massage, items for bed or bathroom, stocks, gold, paper shredder, health devices, aroma therapies, astrology or tarot reading.
SAGITTARIUS: Things that excite and challenge the mind, book on language learning, great outdoors, book on foreign people, places, things, loose-fitting clothing, the color purple, a horse (or other large animal) statue or art print, items related to travel and mobility, luggage. etc.
CAPRICORN: Prestigious things, book or mags on tradition, history, politics, achievement, government, colors in dark blue and black, status symbols, religious or patriotic items, family crest or photo, desk set, trophy cabinet, leather attache', first edition book, product for hair, skin or teeth, good wine, designer clothing.
AQUARIUS: Original things, books or mags on the unexpected, the future, UFOs, astrology, spiritual awakening, universal laws, revolutionary and/or outlandish things, electrical gadgets, plaid designs, avant garde, way out-there clothing or accessories, a tarot reading.
PISCES: Helpful things and unusual things, clock radio, water sports equipment, tickets to movie or concert, shoes gift card, linens, lessons in acting or painting, book store gift card, seafood dinner, yoga lessons, tarot reading, indoor pond or fountain, foot massage, pedicure, room purifier.
TAURUS: Quality things that are practical or sensual. Pastel colors, Perfume, candles, silk tie, basket of fruit, shower or other type of massager. gift card to computer store, games that use play money, plush robe, comfy slippers. Magazine subscription to Interior Digest or decorating, hammock, comforter, sweets.
GEMINI: Things for travel or communication, walkie-talkie, printer/fax, address labels, letter opener, golf clubs, word puzzle games, chess set, soft gloves, manicure, ring, Farmer's Almanac, book of jokes , a radio (all types), pedometer, newspaper from their birthdate, tickets for an event.
CANCER: Sentimental gifts, family crest, blue or silver items, hot tub, antiques, charm bracelet, pearl jewelry, organizers (recipes, etc.), house plant, embroidered pillow, hand-made quilt, things for the fireplace or a Norman Rockwell print, games that bring the family together.
LEO: They like to be the center of attention so think in terms of bright and ornate, things associated with royalty, gold coins, goblets, gold pen and pencil set, etc., tickets to a circus or play, games of chance, yellow things, books or mags about show business, recreation restaurants.
VIRGO: Things made of natural fibers and earthy tones, wood carved things, precise digital items, challenging games, juicer, good thermos, steam cleaner, power washer, DIY books or mags, a tablet computer, closet storage system, herb garden. fruit basket.
LIBRA: Refined and tasteful things, green things or pastel, vanity set, clothing valet, full length mirror, concert tickets, art exhibit, supple gloves, house-cleaning, designer perfume, games should be stimulating, active wear, yoga or dancing classes, dinner at an elegant restaurant, fine wine, an original poem.
SCORPIO: Dark wines, research things or mystery things, occult, secrets, metaphysical book, detective book, music, puzzles, cosmetic, leather things, facial or body massage, items for bed or bathroom, stocks, gold, paper shredder, health devices, aroma therapies, astrology or tarot reading.
SAGITTARIUS: Things that excite and challenge the mind, book on language learning, great outdoors, book on foreign people, places, things, loose-fitting clothing, the color purple, a horse (or other large animal) statue or art print, items related to travel and mobility, luggage. etc.
CAPRICORN: Prestigious things, book or mags on tradition, history, politics, achievement, government, colors in dark blue and black, status symbols, religious or patriotic items, family crest or photo, desk set, trophy cabinet, leather attache', first edition book, product for hair, skin or teeth, good wine, designer clothing.
AQUARIUS: Original things, books or mags on the unexpected, the future, UFOs, astrology, spiritual awakening, universal laws, revolutionary and/or outlandish things, electrical gadgets, plaid designs, avant garde, way out-there clothing or accessories, a tarot reading.
PISCES: Helpful things and unusual things, clock radio, water sports equipment, tickets to movie or concert, shoes gift card, linens, lessons in acting or painting, book store gift card, seafood dinner, yoga lessons, tarot reading, indoor pond or fountain, foot massage, pedicure, room purifier.