The Rays and Associated Ascended Masters
All Master Teachers who reside in Shamballa function in this premise of love and service. It moves throughout the world so more and more can receive this energy and pass it on freely.
Rays and Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters and Teachers come to help, like a parent, but only with our agreements to help us understand the power of the mighty I Am within us. Their retreats are cities that are invisible to our eyes usually, and reside over the city named in the chart. It appears to us as if it is up in the clouds. Some have caught a glimpse of them now and then, in awe and amazement, of course. I have had the thrill of seeing a photo or two of some of the rare sitings, but they don't last long to the naked eye. The ones I saw were near China is all that I recall, so whether that was the one over India or Romania or Greece, I just can't say for certain, but I believe it was the one over India, or El Morya's.
Please do not confuse the rays with chakras. It's easy to do. But they are not the same.
Please do not confuse the rays with chakras. It's easy to do. But they are not the same.
The sapphire blue flame is also represented by Archangel Michael and his legions of angels and can be called on for strength, power and protection against destructive forces, even rendering them inactive. This 1st Ray was also infused with the essence of Archangel Michael.
The gold yellow flame is also represented by Master Jesus or Yeshua/Jeshua as the Christ illumination and sacred fire of the great Central Sun. It is the light of intelligence and perfection, Christ Consciousness, enlightenment and immortality. It assists with unifying spirit with matter and can be called into situations that need acceptance and understanding. (Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination, Understanding)
The rose pink flame brings sacred love of the Mother's presence and fills all space in the universe. It is said to be dispensed here to Earth through Ascended Masters Akasha and Asun, representatives of Divine love, will and grace, to assist humanity into Christ Consciousness and the embodiments of the I Am Presence. (Divine love, Tolerance, Reverence for all life, Humanitarianism)
The Violet flame (see Violet flame page) Deeply cleansing and purifying. While placing your attention on your I Am Presence with full feeling invoke St. Germain, the Violet Flame and its legions of angels to dissolve and consume all impurities and negative patterns in your body and your energetic field and to then transmute those energies in all directions of time and space back to their original Source of Love. We are encouraged to use this flame often, even daily. Visualize it blazing up around your body and filling in every cell. It gives you indescribable freedom. (Forgiveness, Divine justice, Freedom, Victory, Transmutation)
There is a white luminous flame of the Presence of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel, which is called the Immaculate Concept. They are the keepers of this flame. Invoke it to envelop your energies and patterns to perfect your new Christ form. Ask for their assistance in holding the perfect vision for your self, "made in the image and likeness of God". This is the same vision they held for Jesus/Yeshua during his initiatory years on his own path. (Hope, Restoration, Resurrection, Ascension, Immaculate Concept)
There is a semi-transparent silver flame for the Goddess of Purity. The invocation goes, "Oh Beloved Goddess of Purity, through my own beloved Presence, I call upon you to assist me to feel and to experience the Great Central Sun's feeling of eternal purity. I call forth into my mind, body and feeling, and ask that Immortal Purity become a sustained and immortal action with me throughout my life on Earth. Beloved Goddess of Purity, I call upon you and ask you to fill me with your Christ flame of Eternal Purity. I desire to return to a being of love at all times. Anchor within me your luminous white fire of indestructiblve purity and power, and hold it within me and around me, and pour it forth out into my world as a blessing to all life on Earth. Thank you."
In humanity's ascension process other new flames have been broughtto Earth.
The are:
Red and Gold flame (or Copper)
Aquamarine (clarity, divine perception, discernment)
Peach/Orange (divine purpose, joy, fulfillment, selfless service)
Magenta (harmony balance assurance, solidity, confidence)
Gold (eternal peace, prosperity, financial freedom, opulence)
Simply visualize these color fires flowing through your body and activating every cell in your body.
The gold yellow flame is also represented by Master Jesus or Yeshua/Jeshua as the Christ illumination and sacred fire of the great Central Sun. It is the light of intelligence and perfection, Christ Consciousness, enlightenment and immortality. It assists with unifying spirit with matter and can be called into situations that need acceptance and understanding. (Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination, Understanding)
The rose pink flame brings sacred love of the Mother's presence and fills all space in the universe. It is said to be dispensed here to Earth through Ascended Masters Akasha and Asun, representatives of Divine love, will and grace, to assist humanity into Christ Consciousness and the embodiments of the I Am Presence. (Divine love, Tolerance, Reverence for all life, Humanitarianism)
The Violet flame (see Violet flame page) Deeply cleansing and purifying. While placing your attention on your I Am Presence with full feeling invoke St. Germain, the Violet Flame and its legions of angels to dissolve and consume all impurities and negative patterns in your body and your energetic field and to then transmute those energies in all directions of time and space back to their original Source of Love. We are encouraged to use this flame often, even daily. Visualize it blazing up around your body and filling in every cell. It gives you indescribable freedom. (Forgiveness, Divine justice, Freedom, Victory, Transmutation)
There is a white luminous flame of the Presence of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel, which is called the Immaculate Concept. They are the keepers of this flame. Invoke it to envelop your energies and patterns to perfect your new Christ form. Ask for their assistance in holding the perfect vision for your self, "made in the image and likeness of God". This is the same vision they held for Jesus/Yeshua during his initiatory years on his own path. (Hope, Restoration, Resurrection, Ascension, Immaculate Concept)
There is a semi-transparent silver flame for the Goddess of Purity. The invocation goes, "Oh Beloved Goddess of Purity, through my own beloved Presence, I call upon you to assist me to feel and to experience the Great Central Sun's feeling of eternal purity. I call forth into my mind, body and feeling, and ask that Immortal Purity become a sustained and immortal action with me throughout my life on Earth. Beloved Goddess of Purity, I call upon you and ask you to fill me with your Christ flame of Eternal Purity. I desire to return to a being of love at all times. Anchor within me your luminous white fire of indestructiblve purity and power, and hold it within me and around me, and pour it forth out into my world as a blessing to all life on Earth. Thank you."
In humanity's ascension process other new flames have been broughtto Earth.
The are:
Red and Gold flame (or Copper)
Aquamarine (clarity, divine perception, discernment)
Peach/Orange (divine purpose, joy, fulfillment, selfless service)
Magenta (harmony balance assurance, solidity, confidence)
Gold (eternal peace, prosperity, financial freedom, opulence)
Simply visualize these color fires flowing through your body and activating every cell in your body.
They teach: "Nothing of a lower vibration can affect me."
My prayer to the Ascended Ones:
I Am
May the light of God shine upon my work,
shine upon my readings,
shine upon my site,
shine upon my finances
shine upon my loved ones.
May I be protected
from all low-level energies.
I Am
May the light of God shine upon my work,
shine upon my readings,
shine upon my site,
shine upon my finances
shine upon my loved ones.
May I be protected
from all low-level energies.
Healing With Color
Any imbalance is usually caused by an expression of non-love toward ourselves.
Focusing on the negative causes an imbalance.
Our thoughts, feelings and words become self-fulfilling prophecies in a way. Usually they play out in our physical body itself.
Focusing on the negative causes an imbalance.
Our thoughts, feelings and words become self-fulfilling prophecies in a way. Usually they play out in our physical body itself.
To begin:
Call on Jesus, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, and Guardian angels for assistance in healing and for protection. Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth and begin the inhales, slowly through your nostrils.
Try to hold each one for a count of five or six. As you breathe in, see and feel the air as a particular color filling your entire body See the color growing stronger within you with each breath. Visualize it balancing and healing whatever condition you wish to correct. Breathing the color for five to ten minutes can wonderful effects.
Breathe in pure white light 7 times. Then hold for a count of 3 and surround yourself or your patient in white. Next, breathe in green light 7 times. Vision it an emerald green. Surround yourself in the green light. Next. breant in blue light 4 times and surround yourself in blue. Then gold light 4 times. Breathe in pink and surround yourself in pink. Breathe in violet 7 times and surround yourself in violet.
Next, hold in meditation while letting the colors do their work. See the various colors penetratin the skin, the bones, muscles and cells.
Another way to do this is to lay a color swatch on the area that needs treatment. Do rhythmic breathing and exhale into the swatch. See the color going into the area of the body. Breathe in the color. You will feel your colored breath filling up inside you with the color vibration. Bringing your mouth close to the swatch strongly breathe out into it that colored breath. See it penetrate into the body, restoring balance.
Red Breath
Energizing and warming. Helps with colds and sinuses. Drying to mucous membranes. Strengthening to overall energy levels. This can be a quick fix to alleviate colds and flu symptoms.
Pink Breath
Beneficial to all skin conditions. Good for puffiness. Eases anger and feelings of loneliness. It can be used to soothe most emotional and mental conditions.
Orange Breath
Balances emotions. Healing to muscular conditions. Can help ease some respiratory problems. Awakens creativity. Restores joy for life. Orange and pink combinations (peach color) are especially good for feeling fulfilled in life, as well as soothing muscles.
Call on Jesus, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, and Guardian angels for assistance in healing and for protection. Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth and begin the inhales, slowly through your nostrils.
Try to hold each one for a count of five or six. As you breathe in, see and feel the air as a particular color filling your entire body See the color growing stronger within you with each breath. Visualize it balancing and healing whatever condition you wish to correct. Breathing the color for five to ten minutes can wonderful effects.
Breathe in pure white light 7 times. Then hold for a count of 3 and surround yourself or your patient in white. Next, breathe in green light 7 times. Vision it an emerald green. Surround yourself in the green light. Next. breant in blue light 4 times and surround yourself in blue. Then gold light 4 times. Breathe in pink and surround yourself in pink. Breathe in violet 7 times and surround yourself in violet.
Next, hold in meditation while letting the colors do their work. See the various colors penetratin the skin, the bones, muscles and cells.
Another way to do this is to lay a color swatch on the area that needs treatment. Do rhythmic breathing and exhale into the swatch. See the color going into the area of the body. Breathe in the color. You will feel your colored breath filling up inside you with the color vibration. Bringing your mouth close to the swatch strongly breathe out into it that colored breath. See it penetrate into the body, restoring balance.
Red Breath
Energizing and warming. Helps with colds and sinuses. Drying to mucous membranes. Strengthening to overall energy levels. This can be a quick fix to alleviate colds and flu symptoms.
Pink Breath
Beneficial to all skin conditions. Good for puffiness. Eases anger and feelings of loneliness. It can be used to soothe most emotional and mental conditions.
Orange Breath
Balances emotions. Healing to muscular conditions. Can help ease some respiratory problems. Awakens creativity. Restores joy for life. Orange and pink combinations (peach color) are especially good for feeling fulfilled in life, as well as soothing muscles.
It is recommended to utter or hum these notes / sounds when using color therapy or tantric *color yoga as created by Rea Wallace. It was Isaac Newton who connected the 7 Solfege syllables to the rainbow colors, giving red the lowest vibration and violet the highest. The following chart is copied from Wikipedia.
* Color yoga, as in the style-of Tantric, was invented by the Mystic Clinic.