Locations of Chakra Centers
Our chakras get blocked by stress and/or highly charged emotional states of being. When people focus more on their problems and less on their self care their chakras become unbalanced. When that happens, they may start bad habits such as not eating healthy food and not getting fresh air and meditating, etc. Also, they will have a hard time expressing the qualities of the particular chakra that is misaligned. On the flip side, an overactive chakra will dominate the other systems, thereby probably causing different problems.
Our chakras get blocked by stress and/or highly charged emotional states of being. When people focus more on their problems and less on their self care their chakras become unbalanced. When that happens, they may start bad habits such as not eating healthy food and not getting fresh air and meditating, etc. Also, they will have a hard time expressing the qualities of the particular chakra that is misaligned. On the flip side, an overactive chakra will dominate the other systems, thereby probably causing different problems.
Why Should I Balance My Chakras?
Physical ailments aside, when our chakras are out of balance we become grumpy and negative, even angry and depressed. When we are living in this way we are attracting to us people of the same out-of-balance nature or negative people, and more discomforting issues in our daily lives. We also attract circumstances and experiences that we don't think we deserve. Because the law of attraction is absolute (in that we always get what we are vibrating to) it is very important that we maintain our one-ness and our alignment with our higher selves, the Christ energy, the God energy, and the Universal wisdom.
In addition, a balanced chakra system is necessary in the Ascension process. It is most beneficial too when feeling adverse side-effects (ascension symptoms) of the new and powerful Earth energies and/or the increases in our own body's vibratory frequencies. In the Seven Rays of Light and Sound, the body receives a multi-dimensional shift, ascension energies expand and speed up .
We have 7 chakras but as part of the shifting into fully conscious beings we are moving into a 13 chakra system. When the chakras are open, cleansed and aligned, our meridians are aligned and access to integration with our light bodies can be achieved. In other words, our psychic abilities are greatly enhanced, our emotions are balanced, and our outlooks improved significantly, thereby attracting more joy into our lives. This is a huge factor in countering the negative side effects of the new energies on the planet.
Why Should I Balance My Chakras?
Physical ailments aside, when our chakras are out of balance we become grumpy and negative, even angry and depressed. When we are living in this way we are attracting to us people of the same out-of-balance nature or negative people, and more discomforting issues in our daily lives. We also attract circumstances and experiences that we don't think we deserve. Because the law of attraction is absolute (in that we always get what we are vibrating to) it is very important that we maintain our one-ness and our alignment with our higher selves, the Christ energy, the God energy, and the Universal wisdom.
In addition, a balanced chakra system is necessary in the Ascension process. It is most beneficial too when feeling adverse side-effects (ascension symptoms) of the new and powerful Earth energies and/or the increases in our own body's vibratory frequencies. In the Seven Rays of Light and Sound, the body receives a multi-dimensional shift, ascension energies expand and speed up .
We have 7 chakras but as part of the shifting into fully conscious beings we are moving into a 13 chakra system. When the chakras are open, cleansed and aligned, our meridians are aligned and access to integration with our light bodies can be achieved. In other words, our psychic abilities are greatly enhanced, our emotions are balanced, and our outlooks improved significantly, thereby attracting more joy into our lives. This is a huge factor in countering the negative side effects of the new energies on the planet.
4 Chakra Balancing Techniques
Chakra Balancing Technique #1
In a seated position, feet flat on the floor, hands on your lap uncrossed, breathe deeply, and close your eyes. See the universal white light of the great central sun beam down into your crown chaka and activate it with that brilliant light. Then see it do the same with your 2nd chakra between your brows, and on to your throat chakra, heart, solar, sacral, root, all the while seeing each one light up as the white light passes through them, and then see it move way down down into Mother Earth as it anchors you and grounds you....then rest like that all grounded and lined-up with that white line of light going from down deep in the earth to the great central sun of the galaxy. Take a few more deep breaths and slow exhales. It can truly take you about 2 minutes when you get proficient at it. You are done and your chakras should be clear.
As for spiritual helpers, every morning I ask AA Michael for protection. I no longer feel that I need to do that for a simple chakra clearing. However, if I am going to go into any trance-like or deep meditation I certainly would call upon him again, most definitely.
As for spiritual helpers, every morning I ask AA Michael for protection. I no longer feel that I need to do that for a simple chakra clearing. However, if I am going to go into any trance-like or deep meditation I certainly would call upon him again, most definitely.
Chakra Balancing Technique #2
Thisf in the white light of protection.) Breathe deeply. Hold for a count of 7. Release for a count of 7. With the release, the unwanted side effect is being released.
Alternately, to connect with Source, continue the above by envisioning your higher chakras opening up and letting in the light. Imagine a golden white light descending from the top-most tier of Heaven and pouring down through the layers and your higher chakras, your higher self, and into your head and down through your body, and into the Earth.
This is the easiest way for most people to connect with the Godhead, with Source, the Christ Consciousness, the Divine.
Chakra Balancing Technique #3
Listen to the little guided chakra clearing meditation above. It is a very old pre-digital recording, but if you follow it once you can do it on your own after that. As before any meditation, please remember to protect yourself first in the white light or ask AA Michael to protect you.
(Tip: if you have been attuned to Reiki, call on the Tibetan Fire Serpent symbol it will clear and balance all your chakras!)
The descriptions below are brief. For information on which crystals and stones influence each chakra, please see the Meanings of Stones page on this site.
Chakra Balancing Technique #4
Focus on each chakra one at a time while you visualize the color associated with it. Breathe in the color to that chakra. Intone the vowel sound slowly, repeat several times. Then repeat the color breath and intone its mantram several times. This is a very beneficial practice for healing.
Root Chakra (or base Chakra) is between the anus and the genitals and is associated with the element of Earth and its function is that of evolution and life itself/survival instincts and issues. It's also known as your Kundalini-- your life force. This Chakra's color is red. Refusing to confront your fears or worries about survival are the primary blocks of this chakra. Heals circulation, low blood pressure, colds & shock.
Tone: Middle C , vowel sound ooo Mantram: Lam Color: Red
Sacral Chakra is below the naval about 3" and is associated with adrenalin and the sexual organs. Its element is water (Scorpio) and it represents feelings such as security, authority, creativity and personal power or self esteem. It's color is orange. Denying either your creativity or sexual nature are the primary blocks of this chakra. Heals muscles, reproduction, detoxifying, emotional balance, sexuality.
Chakra spleen. Tone: D (Re) vowel sound O (oh) Mantram: Vam Color: Orange
Solar Plexus Chakra is below the breastbone and behind the stomach. It is associated with the digestive system, liver and stomach. Its element is fire and it represents the emotions (whether negative or not), inspiration, intellect, wisdom, and digestive disorders, nervousness, self-determination/self-changes. Its color is yellow. Refusing to release anger is a primary block of this chakra. Heals headaches & adrenals.
Tone: E (Mi) vowel sound: aw/ah Mantram: Ram
Heart Chakra is at the chest center. Its element is air and it represents compassion, love, and truth (the beginning of positive emotions.) it is associated with energies around love, unconditional love, and accepting/receiving love and emotions. Its color is green. Selfishness and resentment are the primary blocks of this chakra, as well as healing and balance, Akashic memory. heals lungs, ulcers. heart trouble, hypertension, blood/circulation.
Tone: F (Fa) vowel sound: long a (ay) Mantram: Yam
Throat Chakra is at the base of the neck. Its element is ether. It is associated with communication, speech, and other forms of self expression. It governs the thyroid gland, neck and sometimes shoulders. Its color is blue. The primary blockages in this chakra are: difficulties with communication, being misunderstood, slow healing/illness, throat, fevers, asthma, lungs, thyroid, antiseptic stimulation, clairaudience, cooling, relaxing.
Tone: G (Sol) vowel sound: short e (eh) (a/uh) Mantram: Ham
Third Eye Chakra (brow or ajna chakra) is between and just barely above the eyebrows. It represents the element of light, the color indigo, and the energy of Hakini Shakti. It is associated with the pineal gland and it governs psychic ability, telepathy, intuition and wisdom. It governs the face, the eyes, and the head. Its color is indigo. The primary block of this chakra is disbelief. An underactive Ajna chakra leads to confusion, fuzzy thinking, a lack of focus in life, cynicism, and sometimes depression. Current studies are beginning to link the pineal gland to mood disorders such as schizophrenia. But an active Ajna chakra leads to telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, astral projection and aura perception. It is not recommended to only activate the third-eye chakra and not the others. You must establish the grounding and capacity to handle the insights coming into the 3rd eye first. It is so easy anywayito open them all, so you may as well. Third-eye, spirituality, purifier (blood), obsessions, coagulant, sinuses, headaches, stroke afflictions.
Tone: A (La) vowel sound I/e (ih/ee) short i/long ee, Mantram Aum/Om
Crown Chakra is on the top of the head and extends just above the it. It represents the God-source. It is your receiver that regulates your energy of consciousness. It can become imbalanced either by being over-active and too spiritually addicted or underactive and having no connection at all to spiritual nature and being cynical and close-minded. Christ consciousness, inspiration, soothing to nerves, stress, confusion, neurosis, insomnia, skeletal problems.
Tone: B (Ti) vowel sound: long e (ee) Mantram: Om Color: Violet
Soul Star Tone: High C (above middle C) Mantram: Om Color: Purple or Magenta
(Transpersonal 8th chakra) It's attributes are the part of the soul linked to matter, link to our true spiritual essence. Building the Body of Light, key to burning away forms that hinder physical & spiritual health for discipleship.
When our chakras are out of balance there is no real sense of caring about others, or anything except materialism. There is also feelings of separation, as well as a desire to isolate and behave egotistically.
(Please see bottom of the Crystals page for detailed instruction on chakra alignment using crystals.)
- Ground yourself. Imagine magnets on the soles of your feet locking into your Earth star chakra which is about 6 inches to 18 inches below your feet. I even see a spinning golden disc and it's attached to the crystalline grid. This is very powerful light to be working with now, crystal light.
- Bring in crystalline light from the Earth star (or disc) and see it revolving and swirling up and around your body in a spiral shape. See it going clear over your head to your Higher Self chakra (about 18 inches above your head). Feel free to bring in certain colored lights (by imagination and intent) around your body. (Crystal light and white light for protection; purple for psychic protection against attacks; green for healing; gold/silver/bit of violet for the Mahatma energy from head to base of feet.) Imagine the light completely around your body.
- Feel whichever color/light you're working with. Feel it penetrating your skin and your very being. Keep breathing deeply. With the in-breaths see the area that is blocked and with the out-breaths release the blockage from your being. Feel the light transmuting the symptom into nothingness.
- Envision the light now raising through all your higher chakras and then passing through a golden doorway and into the upper realms of the Angelics, your Monad (group soul) and into the light of Infinite Source, aka the Christ Consciousness.
- Last, now that you have connected with the golden white light of the Christ, bring it downward into your higher chakras,crown chakra, pineal gland, throat, heart, stomach, sacral chakra, base, down the legs and through your feet and into the Earth. Hold that connection for at least a minute to 5 minutes.
Alternately, to connect with Source, continue the above by envisioning your higher chakras opening up and letting in the light. Imagine a golden white light descending from the top-most tier of Heaven and pouring down through the layers and your higher chakras, your higher self, and into your head and down through your body, and into the Earth.
This is the easiest way for most people to connect with the Godhead, with Source, the Christ Consciousness, the Divine.
Chakra Balancing Technique #3
Listen to the little guided chakra clearing meditation above. It is a very old pre-digital recording, but if you follow it once you can do it on your own after that. As before any meditation, please remember to protect yourself first in the white light or ask AA Michael to protect you.
(Tip: if you have been attuned to Reiki, call on the Tibetan Fire Serpent symbol it will clear and balance all your chakras!)
The descriptions below are brief. For information on which crystals and stones influence each chakra, please see the Meanings of Stones page on this site.
Chakra Balancing Technique #4
Focus on each chakra one at a time while you visualize the color associated with it. Breathe in the color to that chakra. Intone the vowel sound slowly, repeat several times. Then repeat the color breath and intone its mantram several times. This is a very beneficial practice for healing.
Root Chakra (or base Chakra) is between the anus and the genitals and is associated with the element of Earth and its function is that of evolution and life itself/survival instincts and issues. It's also known as your Kundalini-- your life force. This Chakra's color is red. Refusing to confront your fears or worries about survival are the primary blocks of this chakra. Heals circulation, low blood pressure, colds & shock.
Tone: Middle C , vowel sound ooo Mantram: Lam Color: Red
Sacral Chakra is below the naval about 3" and is associated with adrenalin and the sexual organs. Its element is water (Scorpio) and it represents feelings such as security, authority, creativity and personal power or self esteem. It's color is orange. Denying either your creativity or sexual nature are the primary blocks of this chakra. Heals muscles, reproduction, detoxifying, emotional balance, sexuality.
Chakra spleen. Tone: D (Re) vowel sound O (oh) Mantram: Vam Color: Orange
Solar Plexus Chakra is below the breastbone and behind the stomach. It is associated with the digestive system, liver and stomach. Its element is fire and it represents the emotions (whether negative or not), inspiration, intellect, wisdom, and digestive disorders, nervousness, self-determination/self-changes. Its color is yellow. Refusing to release anger is a primary block of this chakra. Heals headaches & adrenals.
Tone: E (Mi) vowel sound: aw/ah Mantram: Ram
Heart Chakra is at the chest center. Its element is air and it represents compassion, love, and truth (the beginning of positive emotions.) it is associated with energies around love, unconditional love, and accepting/receiving love and emotions. Its color is green. Selfishness and resentment are the primary blocks of this chakra, as well as healing and balance, Akashic memory. heals lungs, ulcers. heart trouble, hypertension, blood/circulation.
Tone: F (Fa) vowel sound: long a (ay) Mantram: Yam
Throat Chakra is at the base of the neck. Its element is ether. It is associated with communication, speech, and other forms of self expression. It governs the thyroid gland, neck and sometimes shoulders. Its color is blue. The primary blockages in this chakra are: difficulties with communication, being misunderstood, slow healing/illness, throat, fevers, asthma, lungs, thyroid, antiseptic stimulation, clairaudience, cooling, relaxing.
Tone: G (Sol) vowel sound: short e (eh) (a/uh) Mantram: Ham
Third Eye Chakra (brow or ajna chakra) is between and just barely above the eyebrows. It represents the element of light, the color indigo, and the energy of Hakini Shakti. It is associated with the pineal gland and it governs psychic ability, telepathy, intuition and wisdom. It governs the face, the eyes, and the head. Its color is indigo. The primary block of this chakra is disbelief. An underactive Ajna chakra leads to confusion, fuzzy thinking, a lack of focus in life, cynicism, and sometimes depression. Current studies are beginning to link the pineal gland to mood disorders such as schizophrenia. But an active Ajna chakra leads to telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, astral projection and aura perception. It is not recommended to only activate the third-eye chakra and not the others. You must establish the grounding and capacity to handle the insights coming into the 3rd eye first. It is so easy anywayito open them all, so you may as well. Third-eye, spirituality, purifier (blood), obsessions, coagulant, sinuses, headaches, stroke afflictions.
Tone: A (La) vowel sound I/e (ih/ee) short i/long ee, Mantram Aum/Om
Crown Chakra is on the top of the head and extends just above the it. It represents the God-source. It is your receiver that regulates your energy of consciousness. It can become imbalanced either by being over-active and too spiritually addicted or underactive and having no connection at all to spiritual nature and being cynical and close-minded. Christ consciousness, inspiration, soothing to nerves, stress, confusion, neurosis, insomnia, skeletal problems.
Tone: B (Ti) vowel sound: long e (ee) Mantram: Om Color: Violet
Soul Star Tone: High C (above middle C) Mantram: Om Color: Purple or Magenta
(Transpersonal 8th chakra) It's attributes are the part of the soul linked to matter, link to our true spiritual essence. Building the Body of Light, key to burning away forms that hinder physical & spiritual health for discipleship.
When our chakras are out of balance there is no real sense of caring about others, or anything except materialism. There is also feelings of separation, as well as a desire to isolate and behave egotistically.
(Please see bottom of the Crystals page for detailed instruction on chakra alignment using crystals.)
Disclaimer: Rea Wallace, aka The Mystic Clinic, assumes no liability or responsibility for any actions carried out based upon the advice given. Rea Wallace, aka The Mystic Clinic, is not liable for your interpretation of divination given, spiritual work performed, or spiritual advice offered. She is not a medical doctor nor is the Mystic Clinic a medical clinic.
p.s. Special thanks to the card deck Shustah, by Ann Manser, in elaborating on the benefits of each frequency. This is a highly spiritual deck that the Mystic Clinic has utilized for many years.
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