The 12 Archangels

Did you know.... When we pray to God, we are also including the Angels because they are part of God. Whenever we reach out to the Divine, our Creator, God, or Jesus, Saints and/or Angels we are contacting Heaven for assistance. They are all emissaries of God who sent them to us in order to help us. Archangel Raphael is the healing angel so you can call on this angel for healing, as well as Jesus.
Because my own notes on the archangels have become so tattered through the years it finally became necessary for me to type them out for my own preservation and, I suppose, for posterity as well. Knowing how they help us is certainly relevant to the Mystic Clinic site, so I am slowly, slowly painting them as I feel and intuit them to be. A few are finished, below.
Because my own notes on the archangels have become so tattered through the years it finally became necessary for me to type them out for my own preservation and, I suppose, for posterity as well. Knowing how they help us is certainly relevant to the Mystic Clinic site, so I am slowly, slowly painting them as I feel and intuit them to be. A few are finished, below.

Ask the Archangels to deliver your prayers to God!
God created the Archangels to guard over us and to be emissaries for us.
When we want them to to intervene we must ask them to intervene.
They normally will not interfere unless we ask. In rare instances they have helped, such as during severe accidents.
AA Michael
Michael's color is deep cobalt blue,
royal blue or royal purple. Michael's crystal is Sugalite. |
Provides protection, Chief of the Archangels. Angel of Justice. Helps to release fear and doubt. Fixes mechanical problems. Life purpose motivation. Space clearing. Self-esteem. Helps with spiritual work. Mercy. Helps while we sleep. Suggested daily request: Dear Archangel Michael, please shield and protect me in all ways today. Protect me from negative energies and entities. Thank you. |
AA Chamuel
Chamuel's color is pale spring green. His crystal is Fluorite.
AA Raphael
Raphael's color is emerald green
Raphael's crystal is Malachite. |
Sees clearly.
Helps us find things, situations or people Guides us in thoughts and actions Will help with love life and manifesting soulmate. Brings peace to you when you need to feel calm. He sees your true qualities. Chamuel is extremelu loving and sweet Healer, Helps healers Helps reduce cravings and addictions. Restores peace and harmony. Helps travelers. Clears fear. Helps with stress. Affirmation: Archangel Raphael brings me Divine guidance in healing. |
AA Gabriel
Gabriel's color is Copper.
Gabriel's crystal is Citrine. |
Patron of Messengers Angel of resurrection. Mercy and Peace. Reassurance. Guidance. Helps to replace doubts. Call on to help with conception in pregnancy. Suggested request: Dear Archangel Gabriel: Please bring me peace. |
AA Raziel
Raziel's color is all colors.
Raziel's crystal is the Prism or the Clear Quartz. |
Giving advice.
Being your mentor. Clairvoyance, Sight Will enter dreams to help understand Spirit. Suggested request: Dear Archangel Raziel: Please provide me with advice and be my mentor. Help me with signs and clairvoyance throughout my day. Thank you. |
AA Sandalphon
Delivers prayers to God. Giving and sending Love. Helps to bring peace. Helps you to feel centered and to slow down. Brings quiet, gentle energy. Helps you to relax. Suggested request: Dear AA Sandalphon, please help me to be open to receive God's gifts. Sandalphon's color is Turquoise.
Sandalphon's crystal is Turquoise. |
AA Uriel
Uriel's color is Pale Yellow.
Uriel's crystal is Candle Glow. |
Bringer of Prophecy
Angel of nature. Visions and Instruction. Bringer of answers and insights. Helps in the form of ideas. Uriel brings you clear signs. Suggested request: Dear Archangel Uriel: Please assist me in making the right decision for my highest good. |
AA Raguel
Pale blue.
Aquamarine. |
Bringer of Divine guidance,
harmony and cooperation. Call on him to answer you, to clarify something or help resolve a disagreement. Archangel Raguel guides me to situations with clear and loving energy. |
AA Jophiel
Deep rose pink.
Rubellite or other dark pink crystal. |
Bringer of increased awareness,
beauty and positive outlook. |
AA Azrael
Yellow Calcite |
Sometimes known as the angel
of death, he helps people over to the other side. Azrael is very comforting in this experience. He will also bring you messages from your dearly departed in Heaven. Azrael helps people who help others. |
AA Zadkiel
Deep Indigo
Lapis Lazuli |
Helps with forgiveness. If you ask
him to help you he'll clear away any emotional blockages that you may be holding in. This angel will help if you do not understand something. |
AA Metatron
Watermelon Tourmaline
Metatron works especially well
with teenagers and indigo children. He was once a human. He will clear your chakras using his Metatron's Cube. |

There are various heirarchies of angelics, but we are only focused here on the Archangels here as they are the ones who the Creator specifically sent to Earth to assist mankind. This is referenced in the Bible and in other religious texts, including the Koran. I am not as familiar with the guardian angels as I am with the Archangels so I not feel as qualified to discuss them.

About Angels
Angels do exist. If you are a non-believer, remember those Cosmonauts who saw angels in space in 1984. This excerpt from their encounter is easily found online. They saw them on more than one occasion. At first they say a blinding orange light from which 7 seven angels appeared with wingspans as big as a 747 jet. Their faces are human and appeared to be cherubic in nature.
The six Cosmonauts who witnessed this told reporters about it and it was widely published at the time. Find more about it at