Affirmations and Being in the Frequency
for the Law of Attraction
Ask yourself if a way of thinking you have aligns you with your true self.
Keep the question in mind, "Which way brings me closer to my Divine purpose?"
Keep the question in mind, "Which way brings me closer to my Divine purpose?"
Some common mistaken habits people make are the following.
Complaints are affirmations of victimhood which is never true spiritually because the spiritual realm doesn’t look at it that way. Take back your power by affirming that you have an abundance of choices and freedom.
Jealousy is an affirmation of lack also. It is lack that someone has what you don’t have. You are then asking the universe to continue giving you what you’re seeing that you’re living without. The same goes for envy. It's then never ending.
We should be all wanting everyone to have everything. The moment you catch yourself doing the “I” “I” “I” bit and being all about yourself is when you are looking at yourself as separate and better than everyone else. And that is when you screw things up in your life. Anytime you find yourself focused on the ego alone is when life takes a left turn.
But when you genuinely desire for and be glad for others to have and to receive then you are allowing yourself to have and to receive as well. You then align yourself properly. It is in this attitude when beautiful experiences happen for you.
With your increased confidence, watch your positive affirmations blossom into reality. So we don’t complain. We don't get jealous. We don't envy. We don't separate and be only about "I" "I" "I". We think of the greater good. The entirety of the big picture, the Divine Plan. The universal oneness, Unity of all, aka Christ Consciousness.
We enjoy others' joy. We love that others love. If others are in a soul-mate relationship we are very delighted for them. We celebrate that with them. If others are in happy and fulfilling careers we are overjoyed for them, as happy as if we were in that position. This is the mental attitude of a healthy and loving Divine being and only the same in return is bestowed upon us, like a magnet! That's how the Universe sees it. You see something, you get in the energy of it and you receive it back. If it's something you don't want put it down and stop focusing on it. It's that simple. It's kid's play.
Complaints are affirmations of victimhood which is never true spiritually because the spiritual realm doesn’t look at it that way. Take back your power by affirming that you have an abundance of choices and freedom.
Jealousy is an affirmation of lack also. It is lack that someone has what you don’t have. You are then asking the universe to continue giving you what you’re seeing that you’re living without. The same goes for envy. It's then never ending.
We should be all wanting everyone to have everything. The moment you catch yourself doing the “I” “I” “I” bit and being all about yourself is when you are looking at yourself as separate and better than everyone else. And that is when you screw things up in your life. Anytime you find yourself focused on the ego alone is when life takes a left turn.
But when you genuinely desire for and be glad for others to have and to receive then you are allowing yourself to have and to receive as well. You then align yourself properly. It is in this attitude when beautiful experiences happen for you.
With your increased confidence, watch your positive affirmations blossom into reality. So we don’t complain. We don't get jealous. We don't envy. We don't separate and be only about "I" "I" "I". We think of the greater good. The entirety of the big picture, the Divine Plan. The universal oneness, Unity of all, aka Christ Consciousness.
We enjoy others' joy. We love that others love. If others are in a soul-mate relationship we are very delighted for them. We celebrate that with them. If others are in happy and fulfilling careers we are overjoyed for them, as happy as if we were in that position. This is the mental attitude of a healthy and loving Divine being and only the same in return is bestowed upon us, like a magnet! That's how the Universe sees it. You see something, you get in the energy of it and you receive it back. If it's something you don't want put it down and stop focusing on it. It's that simple. It's kid's play.
Affirmations for Earth and Self
The following are affirmations for planetary disclosure and consciousness awareness. State each following segment out loud. Then close your eyes and visualize that statement happening.
(You may hold a crystal if you like. A Moonstone is also recommended.) Nothing of a lower vibration can affect me! Dear God, thank you for healing this planet, all people and pets and animals everywhere. Thank you for the eradication of evilness and human destruction everywhere. Protect and rescue every human and every creature that is used for nefarious purposes. The full disclosure comes quickly and peacefully. Surround this planet in the Sacred Violet Fire, the light of transmutation--let it shine with its new awakening. We see the dissolution of the illegal system that governs our world and the negative controllers replalced with benevolence that restores our God-given rights. Wrongful diseases are ceased. Cures that have been withheld are being administered. Vast healing takes place in a smooth and delightful manner. We see prosperity be rightfully distributed and a fair and balanced financial system begun. The illegal banking system is dissolved. Financial freedom is restored. We receive Galactic Federation assistance to instigate all these changes. All wrongfully imprisoned people are released, and the justice system is reorganized to be fair and accurate. A system set up to care for all the neglected animals in shelters in a loving and humane way. Proper orphanages are set up that truly care for and provide children with safe and loving adults. Our divine rights and DNA are fully restored. We are a loving and peaceful world. We quickly become a true Galactic Earth. Amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can add if you wish: I have always lived the future, now. I have always lived the future, now. I have always lived the future, now. I have always been an outstanding (fill in the blank) I have always been (fill in the blank) I have always been (fill in the blank). I have always been (fill in the blank). B E W A R E Watch your words. It's becoming more widely known that our vocabulary was created with the intention to create. Certain words in the English language ARE akin to bad spells. It is a little known fact, that words are spells. This is why it is called "spelling". Your statements carry WEIGHT. When doing your affirmations use beneficial healing words at all times. "I am connected to the abundant flow of the Universe and easily manifest my dreams." "Divine Love is working through me now to adjust all the details of my life." |
What you Truly Desire is Already there for You
In manifestation it's about being in the vibration of your desire.
This is a quantum universe or reality. What you truly desire is already there, you just need to align with it and just vibrate to it. Don't ask for it in a future tense. When praying don't say "bring me". And when you affirm say"it is". For example, the most effective way someone might pray would be, "Dear God, thank you for giving me _____." When you pray or affirm in the future tense such as it will come, or God will bring, will never arrive because the future does not exist. Instead, thank God for giving me every moment and everything I desire. That's why people don't believe in prayer or affirmations. If they don't see it happen then it must not work, they say. Imagine all the prayers that go to God and the Saints and Ascended Masters who must despair of all that pleading with them to deliver answers to prayers for some never-never time which is non-existent and just cannot be done. Simply by declaring you have your wish the entity you pray to will help facilitate it. So instead of "I will have" make it "I now have", or "am having or seeing/ experiencing". And what you want is already there for you when you speak it. Your words are so powerful. This is why you need to really be mindful of what you say and think and feel. As the Beatles' song says, it is Instant Karma. It is a quantum universe, it delivers whatever you align with, so your words are like prayers. It's call the Law of Vibration. We often give up on our prayer or affirmation if it doesn't materialize for us. Say you want a new car. Say you do the present tense. But maybe you sort of watched the clock. Or got anxious, and that's a common mistake. The thing God sends us in the divine right time according to our vibration. You must have the conviction that you will receive it When an idea comes to you of something you want it is already created for you under the condition that you ask for it in the correct way so that it can be made manifest to you. Be in Alignment with your Desisre In the quantum world everything is created for you, and when it enters your mind it is because it is ready to be delivered to you, but you must vibrate at the frequency required for it to come into form. In other words, be ready for it. If your garage isn't cleared out yet for the car, thinking well, when the car comes then I'll clear out the garage, no. Being in alignment is being ready for it now. It is resonating with the desire now if your desire were to come to you today. Stay in the Frequency If you ask for something and then doubt that you will receive it you are changing the frequency and that desire you have moves away from you. Similar vibrations resonate together. Those that are different separate. You must have Faith This is just as important as which tense to ask the prayer in. Learn to trust the laws because they exist and they are precise. You must have faith that you will receive it and let God arrange everything in perfect timing for you to receive it. Faith is the bird who sings when the dawn is still dark. Why do people doubt they will receive it? Because most people tend to need to see it first in order to believe it. But God doesn't work that way. Learn to believe to see and God will put the universe at your feet. That's the key to manifestation. You will be able to manifest everything you desire because as it enters your mind it enters your world. |
Have the certainty that you will receive it and remain calm. Be at peace. Know your desire is already being created. Like bread that needs to rise before it can bake, so it is with your desire. Just allow God to deliver your result in divine timing.
The conundrum of the Abundance of Money and how some people can't vibrate to it
There must be that vibration of abundance of money. When lottery winners end up poorer than before it is because they don't vibrate to wealth. Remember, similar vibrations resonate together while those that are different separate. The winners often vibrate in scarcity.
Learn to vibrate in abundance and money will constantly flow into your life. I assure you it is so. I see it everyday of my life. If you want financial freedom step out of the victim mentality of constant scarcity and right now, and from here on, declare and affirm, "I am abundant".
Do not let appearances set you backwards on this. When you look in your wallet and not see abundance you do not understand this principle. First, you must stop saying you don't have money. Stop saying you are broke. Your words are prayers. God doesn't judge what you pray for, and neither does the quantum universe criticize what you ask for. Our words are like magnets that carry frequencies. When you are declaring what you want you must be absolutely clear that you are speaking your own desire.
Vibration attracts like vibration. Say you are abundant many times throughout the day and I promise you will start attracting abundance into your life. And when you're saying it you must believe it. If you have an anxious feeling and if you have doubt that it's even going to work then it will not work because that is a vibration of lack.
What you Want is Already Waiting for your Vibration
You must have faith in your abundance that is there waiting for your vibration to link up to it. Have the wealthy abundant mindset going on inside you, not an anxious and doubtful feeling. Say your prayer or affirmation in the present tense, multiple times a day, with the feeling of it's TRUE.
(Important side note: Never ever try to use your manifestations on other people, i.e., to try to influence their behaviors, to get them to split up with a partner, to leave the company, etc., because it will come back to you so bad in your relationships or in whatever way you influenced their life that it's much worse in fact than what you caused. In my work over the years I've seen this happen so I know it's absolutely the case. "Let it be." You don't want bad karma!)
The conundrum of the Abundance of Money and how some people can't vibrate to it
There must be that vibration of abundance of money. When lottery winners end up poorer than before it is because they don't vibrate to wealth. Remember, similar vibrations resonate together while those that are different separate. The winners often vibrate in scarcity.
Learn to vibrate in abundance and money will constantly flow into your life. I assure you it is so. I see it everyday of my life. If you want financial freedom step out of the victim mentality of constant scarcity and right now, and from here on, declare and affirm, "I am abundant".
Do not let appearances set you backwards on this. When you look in your wallet and not see abundance you do not understand this principle. First, you must stop saying you don't have money. Stop saying you are broke. Your words are prayers. God doesn't judge what you pray for, and neither does the quantum universe criticize what you ask for. Our words are like magnets that carry frequencies. When you are declaring what you want you must be absolutely clear that you are speaking your own desire.
Vibration attracts like vibration. Say you are abundant many times throughout the day and I promise you will start attracting abundance into your life. And when you're saying it you must believe it. If you have an anxious feeling and if you have doubt that it's even going to work then it will not work because that is a vibration of lack.
What you Want is Already Waiting for your Vibration
You must have faith in your abundance that is there waiting for your vibration to link up to it. Have the wealthy abundant mindset going on inside you, not an anxious and doubtful feeling. Say your prayer or affirmation in the present tense, multiple times a day, with the feeling of it's TRUE.
(Important side note: Never ever try to use your manifestations on other people, i.e., to try to influence their behaviors, to get them to split up with a partner, to leave the company, etc., because it will come back to you so bad in your relationships or in whatever way you influenced their life that it's much worse in fact than what you caused. In my work over the years I've seen this happen so I know it's absolutely the case. "Let it be." You don't want bad karma!)
Note: If your conscious mind is giving you trouble with resistance I suggest that you by-pass it and go with subliminal affirmations which go directly into your subconscious mind. You can find many of the kind you may be needing on YouTube. You will hear music but not the affirmations themselves. Just be aware that not all the authors of those are the same and some are better than others. I can recommend several good ones if you wish you can email me here.