Crystals and gemstones are widely used in healing work and meditation. To learn how to heal with crystals and color please scroll to the bottom.
Some crystals help in psychic or angel communication and some draw things to you, like good luck and protection. They are the simplest way to maintain the body's magnetic field and to return to our naturally healthy state. Work with them by carrying them in your pocket, as jewelry, being held during meditation, or placed on the body.
All crystals are minerals, but not all are gems. Any of them can be gemstones with a gemologist's cutting, polishing and shaping. It is the belief of many (including myself) that the more natural the stone is the stronger its properties.
Care and Cleansing
After you get a stone or crystal, it is important to cleanse it so that it will be purified for your own use. During manufacture, handling by others, clerks, many hands and other energies have touched the stone. There are a number of ways to cleanse and purify them. You can put tumbled stones in a dish of sea salt * for at least one hour, but overnight is best; or light a sage stick and bathe it in the smoke to clear stagnant energy from the stone; or rinse in cool water if it is not a brittle stone; you can "soak" in dry brown rice, sand, earth, or sea salt during a waning moon; "soak" in flowers/petals; can also use a power cleansing stone such as Selenite or Herkimer and "brush" it, or set it in a moonbeam during the full moon. *Salt is not good for all crystals, such as Selenite. If the crystal is soft like Selenite, or easily scratched, do not use water.
Crystals and gemstones are widely used in healing work and meditation. To learn how to heal with crystals and color please scroll to the bottom.
Some crystals help in psychic or angel communication and some draw things to you, like good luck and protection. They are the simplest way to maintain the body's magnetic field and to return to our naturally healthy state. Work with them by carrying them in your pocket, as jewelry, being held during meditation, or placed on the body.
All crystals are minerals, but not all are gems. Any of them can be gemstones with a gemologist's cutting, polishing and shaping. It is the belief of many (including myself) that the more natural the stone is the stronger its properties.
Care and Cleansing
After you get a stone or crystal, it is important to cleanse it so that it will be purified for your own use. During manufacture, handling by others, clerks, many hands and other energies have touched the stone. There are a number of ways to cleanse and purify them. You can put tumbled stones in a dish of sea salt * for at least one hour, but overnight is best; or light a sage stick and bathe it in the smoke to clear stagnant energy from the stone; or rinse in cool water if it is not a brittle stone; you can "soak" in dry brown rice, sand, earth, or sea salt during a waning moon; "soak" in flowers/petals; can also use a power cleansing stone such as Selenite or Herkimer and "brush" it, or set it in a moonbeam during the full moon. *Salt is not good for all crystals, such as Selenite. If the crystal is soft like Selenite, or easily scratched, do not use water.

All agates are translucent to semi-translucent stones of the chalcedony quartz variety. They are ideal for general protection and good for families. They are often banded. The rarer ones that form landscape scenes are highly collectible. One is on display near the bottom of this page. Agates are good for protection, longevity, self-confidence, healing and courage.
Fire Agate is known for deflecting the ill will of others back onto them. A very grounding stone. Assists w/sexual issues, menopause, nerves and digestion. Sacral chakra.
Fire Agate is known for deflecting the ill will of others back onto them. A very grounding stone. Assists w/sexual issues, menopause, nerves and digestion. Sacral chakra.

Moss Agate: Eases stress and dispels mood swings. Protects against evil. Promotes inner peace, tolerance. Relieves fear and heals depression. It is said to bring friends, riches, balance emotions and overall good health. Enhances positivity in self. Healing for infections, colds, fevers. (Heart chakra) Indian mineral totem for those born between May 22 and June 21.

Crazy Lace Agate: Grounding, Self power, confidence, stabilizing stone. Helps focus and concentration. Healing lymph nodes, digestion, ADD. Protective stone. Base chakra.

Blue Lace Agate: Protection, calms nerves, promotes intuition and positive attitudes. Helps speech, articulating and communicating with others. Will help you say No when necessary. Helps get your point across with compassion. Heals neck or throat issues. Third eye and Throat chakras.

Alexandrite: Named after Tsar Alexander II of Russia, this is a color-change variety of Chrysoberyl, aka the Alexandrite-effect. A "Good luck" stone. Balances spiritual and material. Brings joy, helps relax. Healing with nerves, spleen, pancreas. Promotes self-esteem, creativity, intuition. Time travel stone. Brings protection. Changes in color from day to night. Blue-green, Red, or Purple Red under certain lighting. Crown chakra.

Amazonite: Named after the Amazon River even though none have yet been found around there, this is a gorgeous blue-green gem mineral of the feldspars. It is known for its healing to the heart chakra and in bringing balance to one's life. It helps with trust issues. It is said to heal past hurts and emotional pain. It also helps in speech, to speak your mind or find words to express your truth. It brings confidenc,e, self-respect, inspiration and a sense of ease to the wearer. It dispels negativity, brings a sense of calm, and assists in working with intention and manifestation. It's hardness is only in the 6 range so it is best to not wear this as a ring or a bracelet but worn in a necklace, brooch, earbobs, or in your pocket should be fine. Note: some sellers try to sell this as Yellow emerald, Green amethyst or Amazon jade in order to charge more for it. Throat chakra and Heart chakra.

Amber: This is one of the many organic materials that have been mineralized and made into gemstones. Self power, confidence and calming. Clears negativity, balances emotions. Increases money, manifestation, and good for eyesight. Healing for joints and issues in the sacral chakra region. Sacral chakra.

Amethyst: Violet colored variety of quartz. Spiritual awareness, balance, communication, intuition, calming, inner peace, heals soul, mind, body, sobriety, strengthens willpower to break bad habits, spirituality, protection, guards against psychic attack, protects wearer against ill-will of others, geopathic or electromagnetic stress, dispels negativity in the home, balances mood swings, enhances memory, clarity, focus, motivation, dream recall, dream interpretation, keeps air and life force in home clean, alleviates grief, helps in hormone production, metabolism, strengthens immune system, cleanses blood, eases tension, eases headaches, heals lung, skin, cellular and digestion disorders. Indian mineral totem for those born between Aug 22 and Sept 22. Crown chakra.

Ametrine: Highly rare and finite supply bicolor quartz w/ both amethyst and citrine in the same crystal, plus this power stone rids depression, brings inner peace, helps in making quick decisions, assists ascension. Read both stones' properties. Crown chakra.

Angelite: Helps speak truth, eases psychological pains, brings telepathy, angel contact, deepens attunement, heightens perception, powerful for healers, healing for thyroid, tissues, inflammation, blood, and weight control. Throat chakra.

Apatite: Clears confusion, overcome fears, life purpose clarity, creative thinking, focus, increases psychic ability, controls weight, healing for grief, stuttering, bones, nails, bones, teeth, joints, arthritic relief, variety of colors/chakras. This is a brittle stone and not best suited for jewelry.

Aqua Aura Quartz: Cleanses aura, activates & enhances other crystals, clears negativity, high vibration stone, good for channeling, meditation, clairvoyance, powerful in energy healing. and attracts money. Throat chakra

Aquamarine *: From the mineral beryl, this stone is good for public speakers, deep meditation w/spirits, protects against gossip, brings courage, intuition, peace, purification, safety on water, immune system, thymus gland, lymph nodes, heart, mouth, ears, soothing in necklaces, relieves water retention. Helps heal grieving. Brings inner strength. Will also help align you with others on same journey. Range of colors from almost none to aqua to deeper blue which is the most expensive and most counterfeited so double-check. Heart & Throat chakras.

Aventurine: A blue green form of quartz with mica. One of the luckiest of stones. Brings joy, happiness, money, motivation, healing of psychosomatic illnesses and anxiety, prosperity, reinforces leadership, career success, heals circulation, heals congestion, promotes imagination, creativity, good for teenagers, clears toxic emotions, promotes empathy, relieves stammers, balances male/female energy, protects against environmental pollution, stimulates metabolism, balances blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines and soothes the eyes, heals sinuses, brings harmony between spouses, siblings, keep in the home, has natural sparkles/inclusions. Green aventurine brings balance in love. It helps the wearer break free of whatever has been holding them back. Aventurine may also be orange-brown, yellow, blue red or gray. Heart chakra.
Blue Aventurine also aids in nearsightedness, meditation, intuition. Third-eye chakra.
Blue Aventurine also aids in nearsightedness, meditation, intuition. Third-eye chakra.

Azurite: Intuition, helps w/contact with angelic realm, embracing divine guidance, concentration, brain (memory retention, study,) helps bring open-mindedness, communication, dreams, detoxing, good for liver, thyroid gland, excellent for asthma, speeds spiritual energy vibration, clears stress. Copper carbonate mineral often mistaken for Lapis. Brilliant blue with green bands. Third-eye chakra.

Bismuth: Pain relieving, motivation, money increase, focus. Great for time travel and astral travel. Said to relieve loneliness. Stimulates energy. Very brittle stone. Can be silver-toned or brassy yellow or rainbow-colored, it is usually man-made. It dislikes magnets. All chakras.

Bloodstone: Dark green variety of chalcedony with splatter of bright red. Renewal, solace in difficult times, brings harmony in vibrations and helps in making decisions, stops bleeding, cleansing arteries, cells, intuition, healing/aligns all the body centers. physical healing for pain and injury, enhances circulation, helps others believe you, and assist in any life changes you want to make. (aka Heliotrope or green jasper opaque green spotted with dark red.) Heart chakra.

Calcite: This is one of the principals of marble and limestone--what makes up most of Earth's crust, and is one of the many organic materials that have been mineralized and made into gemstones. It is an amplifier in intention, cleanser stone, helps with manifestation, draws prosperity, brings personal acceptance, dissolves old habits, brings motivation, healing for bones, joints, muscles, blood pressure, heals infections, helps with grief, divorce, restores balance, hope and peace. (variety other colors good for spiritual growth.) Blue Calcite is said to dissolve pain. Heart chakra.

Calcite Angel-Wing: Said to be the most spiritual of all calcites. great for working with or bringing in angels, balances yin & yang and unbalanced energies, very calming, improves health, optimism, creativity. Keep near the front door to invite wealth into your home. Holding one helps to manifest your desires. Crown chakra.

Carnelian: This is actually an Agate without banding, but most people know it only as Carnelian which is why I put it here. Very grounding, protective, increases appetite, happiness, creativity, courage, individuality, assertiveness, self-esteem, increases energy, stamina, action, accomplishment, awareness, helps with fertility and labor pains, regulates kidneys, protects against envy and resentment, sharpens concentration, calms anger, brings love of life, stimulates sexuality, guards bad vibes, poverty, & bad temper, helps blood/heart and heals wounds. It is a very stabilizing stone. Clear to translucent orange to a reddish brown. NOTE: many sellers heat-treat or stain less colorful agate and sell them off as Carnelian in order to charge more. Indian mineral totem for those born between June 22 and July 22. Sacral chakra.

Chrysoberyl: Also know as "cat's eye", and kin to Alexandrite, this yellowish green stone brings protection, clarity, and renewal like the spring. Use for motivation, starting something new. Relieves stress. It is the 3rd hardest gemstone next to diamond and corundum (Sapphire & Ruby). Heals heart disease, radiation and sunburn. Heart chakra.

Chrysocolla: Bluish green to greenish blue variety of chalcedony. Healing the heart, attract love, relieves cramps, fevers, speeds healing for burns, throat infection, lowers blood pressure, eases nervousness, irritability, empowering, helps break cycles and create positive change. (Gem silica chrysocolla is translucent and is the most expensive chrysocolla. Rare and limited, so you will need to shop high-end jewelers for it. ) This has a Mohs hardness of 7 which is perfect for jewelry wear. Indian mineral totem for those born between Apr 20 and May 20. Throat chakra.

Chrysoprase : Speeds healing, protection on water, shields negative energy, brings clarity--do not place on body but hold over affected area. A truth stone, it helps you see behind lies of others or to see yourself more clearly. Helps with grief, forgiveness and love. Alexander the Great's favorite stone. (Bright green/milky green with veins.) Heart chakra.

Cinnabar: Magic, insight, manifestation, wealth, mental agility (brick red in color, sometimes known as dragon's blood, but may contain Mercury.)

Citrine : A variety of quartz. Generosity, creativity, pleasure, protection, financial growth, prosperity, strength, stability, moderation, comfort, energy, truth, goodness, spiritual growth, intuition, self esteem, soothes digestion, relieves depression, releases negative traits and phobias, gives joy, confidence booster, love growth, removes cellulite. (Quartz stained yellow to yellowish brown or smoky gray brown due to its iron content.) Solar plexus chakra.

Diamond : Power, protection, good for coughs, mucus, supplements energy of other stones and crystals, good for surrounding other stones, sometimes fluorescent.

Emerald : Lucky for love, loyalty, tranquilizes mind, mental balance, emotional balance, brings wisdom, heals heart, promotes generosity, mental clarity, relieves stress, healing most powerful during full moon. Healing help with Parkinsons, depression, liver, sinuses, infections, and diabetes. Possibly the most popular of the beryl minerals. Heart chakra.

Fire Opal : Enthusiasm, self-confidence, improves how you relate to others, good luck, ideas, protection, draws in money & business customers, gives energy, promotes loving relationships, boosts memory, helps kidneys, insulin. Good for Libras. Also, Indian mineral totem for those born between Mar 21 and Apr 19. All chakras.

Fluorite : The original fluorescent mineral. Absorbs negative vibes, brings responsibility, wisdom, mental faculties, meditation, health, helps w/ulcers, joints, relaxing, quiets the mind , put under pillow to help with sleep problems, clears emotional damages. (Brilliant-colored fluorescence comes in green, yellow, purple, white and blue. You can take it outside, hold it in sunlight, then move it into shade and see a color change. ) Keep around the home. When wearing, wear on a necklace near your heart. It is poisonous, do not ingest.

Garnet (Red): Dispels negativity, brings insight, self-esteem, business growth, security, sex drive builds defensive aura, purifies thyroid, spleen, blood-related issues, eases arthritis, put under pillow to relieve depression. Base chakra. Indian mineral totem for those born between July 23 - Aug 22. Sacral chakra.

Garnet (Spessartine): Business growth, esp. work at home, high vibration, brings generosity of self, contentment, antidepressent, fertility, guards against nightmares. Sacral chakra.
Garnet (green): Self-confidence, increases, love, abundance, peace, heals scar tissue, detoxifies blood and kidneys; helps heart and lung. Heart chakra.
Garnet (green): Self-confidence, increases, love, abundance, peace, heals scar tissue, detoxifies blood and kidneys; helps heart and lung. Heart chakra.

Granite: Promotes cooperation from and with others. Grounding. Disperses negativity. See bigger picture. Money increase. Strengthens hair; healing for head or facial issues. Root, third-eye and crown chakras.

Hematite : Remove headache, remove negativity, grounding, shields from irrational desires, calms, worry stone, psychic abilities. (gun-metal gray with metallic luster, some have a blood red color, once used as mirrors.) Besides being one of Earth's most abundant iron rocks it's been discovered that it is one of the most prolific rocks on Mars' surface. Base chakra.

Herkimer "Diamond" : It is actually a misnomer as it is Quartz that is double-terminated, and very rare. It's so named after Herkimer County, New York, where it is mined, having formed in cavities in the Dolostone rock 500 million yrs ago. Mowhawks were the first to use it in amulets, to make tools and trade with other tribes. It is great for astral travel, meditation, enhances visualization, balances body & mind, out-of-body travel. Range from colorless to smoky with many inclusions, even if microscopic. Crown chakra.

Howlite : Used for calming, strengthening bones and teeth, relieves stress, heals insomnia, absorbs anger, balances calcium levels. (white w/black banding--carry in pocket for stress reliever.)

Jade** : Made up of two different minerals, jadeite and nephrite. There are many Jade imposters. It's best to get a geologist or gemologist to verify it's authenticity. The palest and most translucent is known as Imperial jade. Self-healing, good for digestive orders, inner peace, brings money, wisdom, long life, health, universal attunement, love, protection, hold to make good decision, white jade for ADD. Various colors, but watch for dyes.

Jaspers (all): Opaque stones that are in the same chalcedony quartz family as Agate and other stones. Very protective, stabilizing, grounding, opens mind to new thinking, balances emotions, stress-relieving, aids focus, digestion, good to have in your home. All Jaspers are nurturing stones. They do absorb negative energies; use salt soak or moonlight to cleanse them. Many colors and styles. Indian mineral totem for those born between Sept 23 - Oct 23.
Jasper (red): Gives energy, balances life, brings stability, strength and protection, helps one speak out for beliefs, justice, healing for spleen, kidneys, aids in animal communication. Used in divination, astral projection, grounding. Base chakra.
Jasper (red): Gives energy, balances life, brings stability, strength and protection, helps one speak out for beliefs, justice, healing for spleen, kidneys, aids in animal communication. Used in divination, astral projection, grounding. Base chakra.

Jasper (Picture or Banded) : Business increase, "the stone of Global Awareness", spirituality, heals immune system, skin, kidneys, balances dysfunction, emotional healing (brown/tan marbelized or banded.) Brown and Cream banded are known as Zebra Jasper. Sacral chakra.

Jasper (Leopard-skin) Assists in shaman-travel and protection, spiritual discovery, connect w/ animal totem/power animal, self-healing work, removing toxins from body as well as body odor. Base chakra.

Jasper (Picasso): Attracts joy, creativity, optimism, positive energies, relief from stress. Helps with vision or optic-related issues. This jasper is known as the Friendship Stone, bringing in new friends and healing old friendships. Very grounding. Multi-colored w/markings. Note: Picasso Stone is actually a Marble and mined in Utah. For that matter, many jaspers and agates are mined in Utah as well. The way I tell Tigers Eye apart from a brownish golden Jasper is in the chatoyancy or cat's-eye; the jasper won't have it, typically. Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras.

Kyanite : Gorgeous metamorphic rock mineral that is excellent for meditation and clearing energy blockages. Black kyanite clears any chakra. Blue kyanite opens psychic ability, enhances telepathic communication, assists in lucid dreaming, promotes dream recall, aids in communication w/nature spirits and angels, stimulates energy and focus. Clears away anger, confusion, stress, and it is said to be a pain reliever. It aids healing in throat, brain and glands as well as blood pressure and infections. It comes in blue, gray, black, orange, and green. Blue is great for speakers and communications. Throat chakra.

Labradorite : Phenomenal feldspar mineral. Healing (rheumatic fever, arthritis, rheumatism, strengthens immune system, lowers blood pressure, vision, relieves gout, balances metabolism) Grounds, Deflects negativity, Brings clarity, focus, Relieves insecurity, great for meditation, dream recall, past-life recall, Enhance intuition; See, balance & protect the aura; commune with other-worlds/universes, reveals life path, and, this power stone is even said to protect against drowning. (Mixed color w/flashes--the more light refraction the more powerful the properties.) Third-eye chakra.

Lapis Lazuli : Combination of Calcite, Lazurite and Pyrite. A stone of psychic enhancement, mental and healing properties, protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks. Brings deep peace, harmony, truth, morality to the personality, encourages self-expression, creativity and releases stress,. Helps one speak their truth. Not as powerful as Sapphire but much less expensive. Good for channeling, meditating, boosts immune system, alleviates insomnia, overcomes depression, benefits nerves, respiratory, throat, vocal chords, bones, thymus. (deep blue.) It is a reminder stone of where we came from. Third-Eye chakra.

Larimar : Aka Atlantis Stone or Dolphin Stone, this stone is not of Earth. The Atlanteans brought it here from Lyra to utilize it. Most is at bottom of the Atlantic and outcroppings on some islands. It connects you with the wisdom of the ancients. Nurturing, great for new mothers/ pregnancy, relieves stress, healing powers, assists in expression of emotions/love (blue w/white.) Throat chakra.

Lepidolite : Lithium-bearing mica mineral known as a power stone, brings stability, aids career, assists in life changes/transitions, aids sleep (put under pillow), very healing emotionally, lifts depression, locates energy blockages, strengthens & heals muscles, nerves, heart, self-love, patience, optimism, greatly diminishes stress, anger, panic, anxiety, helps glands, immune system, skin, nails, addiction recovery, childbirth, and bipolar disorder. Usually pink or purple. Heart & Crown chakras.

Lithium Quartz (aka Phantom Quartz): High energy healing and balancing, enhances meditation, releases tension, reduces panic attack and anxiety attack, reduces stress, helps people on anti-depressants, awakens higher self. All chakras

Lodolite Quartz aka Dream Crystal or Shaman Stone: Manifestation of desires, strong healing stone, energy shifts, transformation, heightens spiritual energies, meditation, journeying, visionary, see past life (clear with many inclusions and interior shapes; each one is different, use when being regressed, receiving a healing, or meditating.)

Malachite : Fabulous green colored copper carbonate; it was one of the first ores to produce copper metal. Peace in sleep, divination of heart's desire, money, emotions, heals heartbreak or looking for answers in love life, protection from witches, healing for chest, respiratory, circulation. (opaque green stone composed of copper and carbon, usually with distinctive bands.) If you are at a mine, ask for Azurite too, they are quite often found in the same deposit! Heart chakra

Marble : Purity and protection. Success in education. Aids in dream recall; enhanced meditative states; enhances common sense in the home. Sometimes used to treat sore throat, infection, bone marrow, lower back.

Moldovite : Clears blockage, clears chakras, helps release attachments to people/things, vivid dreams, inner vision, spiritual growth. (forest green) All chakras.

Moonstone : Rainbow Moonstone is a name often given to Labrodorite in a white matrix so double check. Genuine Moonstone is composed of Orthoclase and Albite of the Feldspar group. It represents new beginnings in relationships, harmony, attraction, and soothes emotional instability and stress. It promotes calmness and serenity, as well as inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business. It enhances intuition, foretelling future, stimulates pineal gland, aids digestive system, eliminates toxins/fluid retention, alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs, balances hormonal cycles, good for conception, childbirth, nursing and for men to open emotional self. (opaque white, cream, yellow, grey, blue, peach/pink.
Note: It's weaker hardness is not recommended for ring or bracelet wear. Third-eye or Solar Plexus chakra.
Note: It's weaker hardness is not recommended for ring or bracelet wear. Third-eye or Solar Plexus chakra.

Nuumite: Rare, one of the oldest stones (4 billion yrs old) only mined in in an area near Nuuk, Greenland. Accelerates your spiritual growth, enlightenment, contact with spirit world. Empowers other stones, grounding, enhances intuition, luck, increase in personal power. Cleanses all chakras by doing just the root chakra. Iridescent. Base chakra.

Obsidian : A mineraloid, volcanic glass. Protection but faces negativity head-on and works against it, truth enhancing, breaks bad luck, absorbs, shields against & dispels negativity from the environment, blocks psychic attack, alleviates stress and tension, opens new horizons, brings mental clarity, clears confusion, awakens potential, dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas, promotes compassion and strength, good for divination/scrying. (black but brown and red are also common. Apache Tear is more translucent and found only in Arizona. ) Its Mohs hardness is only 5.5 so it is easy to scratch when wearing as a ring or in bracelets. It is best suited for low-impact pieces such as on earrings, brooches, and pendants. Indian mineral totem for those born between Nov 22 and Dec 21.

Onyx : Essentially an Agate only black, brown or red. Some have white and brown bands or white and black, white and red bands, and used for cameos. Onyx is one of the 12 stones mentioned in the Bible (Exodus 28:20; 39:13) for the breastplate of high priests. Its properties are the same as those of Quartz. Protection, centering self, meditation, super grounding, wards off evil spirits and inner demons, dispels negativity, counters criticism, brings calmness, heals bones. (Not as shiny as Obsidian, a duller finish, often black but can be brown or white.) Base chakra.

Opal (white) : Precious Opal is any opal that has a play of color. Black opal, white opal, crystal opal, boulder opal, and matrix opal usually all fit in this category of mineraloid. The Common Opal, aka Potch, does not display flash or any spectrum of colors in it, but comes in a variety of pastels.
White Opal is said to be a stone of angelic connections, clears emotions, positive vibes, hope, good luck, healing, sometimes fluorescent. Balances all chakras.
White Opal is said to be a stone of angelic connections, clears emotions, positive vibes, hope, good luck, healing, sometimes fluorescent. Balances all chakras.

Pearl : Like Amber and coral, this is one of the many organic materials that have been made into gemstones. Wear for prosperity, success, beautify aura, brings calm, spiritual transformation, heals stomach, digestion and emotions, good for meditation. Solar Plexus chakra.

Peridot : Wealth, happiness, well-being (like a tonic,) relieves depression, promotes sleep, helps w/childbirth, heals anger, fear, jealousy, obesity, infection, ulcer, thyroid, promotes intuition (brilliant green,) a gemstone of the mineral Olivine. Heart chakra, Solar Plexus chakra.

Petalite : A lithium mineral that quiets the mind, use for stress-related illness, excessive worry, ADD, overactivity, anxiety, protects from negative energy/intentions or spells, Manifestation, Love. Translucent stone. Wards off psychic attack/bad thoughts/karma. (colorless to gray, pale yellow, or green or pink.) Sometimes mistaken for pink Tourmaline or Lepidolite, so double-check w/expert. Third-eye & Crown chakras.

Pyrite : Money, luck, mental strengthening, confidence, energizes area where placed, heals fatigue, lethargy, asthma, lungs, bronchitis, strengthens blood, circulation, blocks out negativity, guards against EMFs. (brassy yellow with luster, aka fools gold, very popular in ancient Greece.) Solar Plexus chakra.

Clear Quartz : aka Crystal Quartz or Rock Crystal. A natural form of silicon dioxide. Master healer. Amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other stones and absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connects the physical dimension with the mind. Enhances psychic awareness, mysticism, spirituality, scrying, brings clarity, see the truth of things, aids concentration and unlocks memory. It must only be worn when wanting positive energies as it has a very strong attraction to either good or bad energy. It stimulates the immune system, brings body into balance. Sweeps the aura. Clears and harmonizes all chakras. Indian mineral totem for those born between Dec 22 and Jan 19. Works for all birth signs.
Blue Quartz: Calming, organizational skills, diplomacy, helps connect to higher realms/beings. Third-eye and Throat chakras.
Blue Quartz: Calming, organizational skills, diplomacy, helps connect to higher realms/beings. Third-eye and Throat chakras.

Pink Quartz : The small prism-like stones make Pink quartz the most powerful of all the pink quality stones. Healing for mind and spirit, bringing forgiveness, compassion, a new love into your life or new relationship. Very pale pink, almost transparent. Heart chakra.

Rhodochrosite : Manganese mineral used as an ore or a pink gem. It brings understanding, heals emotions, strengthens identity, ability to function better, energy, circulation, blood pressure, kidneys, reproductive organs, enhances intuition, soothes the heart, brings courage, self-confidence. Is very relaxing and great for meditation. Brings luck on wedding day. Helps with pregnancy and childbirth. Increasingly harder to find. (banded w/alternating pink and red bands.) Heart chakra, Sacral Chakra.
Rhodonite: This stone is very similar in look as above, but with fewer markings, also is pinkish with black inclusions but more in a solid pattern. Protects upper respiratory system and lungs. It assists with love, forgiveness, brings balance and heals old wounds. It helps with mental clarity and to see where a person needs to improve in their relationship. It helps to heal PTSD, fertility, scars, emphysema, arthritis and joints. Heart chakra.
Rhodonite: This stone is very similar in look as above, but with fewer markings, also is pinkish with black inclusions but more in a solid pattern. Protects upper respiratory system and lungs. It assists with love, forgiveness, brings balance and heals old wounds. It helps with mental clarity and to see where a person needs to improve in their relationship. It helps to heal PTSD, fertility, scars, emphysema, arthritis and joints. Heart chakra.

Rose Quartz : The stone of unconditional love. Will bring more love into your love life, inner peace and beauty, self-worth, money, wealth. It restores trust and harmony in love relationships. It is good for skin, said that cleansing face in water charged with rose quartz will fade wrinkles (pale pink.) Heart chakra.

Ruby : Considered the most powerful stone there is next to clear quartz, it aids circulation, cleansing blood, heals infection, bones, headaches, fevers, indigestion, colic, brings self-love, peace, awakens potential, brings leadership, courage, passion, guards from jealous arrows, helps w/eyesight, sometimes fluorescent, lucky for Virgos. Bright red gem of the mineral corundum, wear on left side or on a chain near the heart. Heart chakra.

Sapphire aka Wisdom Stone: Helps with public speaking, inspiration, intuition, loyalty in partners, peace of mind, prosperity, regulates glands, eases tension, soothing for eyes, great to wear in necklace/earrings, variety colors/chakras. Star Sapphire strongly helps to connect with other star systems. Also of the mineral corundum. Other colors are known as Fancy Sapphires. Crown chakra.

Selenite : A soft stone and easily scratched, it comes in white, green, grey and brown. Intuition, meditation, healing, chakra cleansing, cleansing out negativity, use to charge other crystals, sweep the aura, connecting w/past life & getting information. It promotes angel and nature spirit communication. Brings a deep peace. Do not place in water. All chakras

Shungite: Psychic protection and protection from EMFs. It's becoming more widely advised that everyone have some Shungite in their home. For detox and purification place one in your drinking water. Relieves stress, anxiety, insomnia and boosts energy. Place on any place that needs healing. Base Chakra

Smoky Quartz : Eliminates negativity, dissolves mental & emotional blocks, manifests dreams, clairaudience, grounding, calming, creativity, adult ADD, OCD, (darker clear quartz, re-cleanse frequently.) Good to have around work and home to get things done. Sacral chakra.

Sodalite : Great for meditation, healing, harmony, understanding. Keep around the house for harmony, lucky for writers, clears mental confusion, promotes communication, intuition, higher knowledge, strengthens metabolism, boost immune system, combats radiation, (A mineral found in Lapis, it often has white streaks giving a mottled appearance.) Throat chakra.

Sugilite : One of the best love stones, protection from trauma, rids hostility, aids forgiveness, hold on forehead for headache or to relieve despair. good for dyslexia, motor skills, pain relief, purifies blood, and for work with Archangel Michael. (Deep pink to purple w/black.) Very rare and very sought after by mineral collectors. NOTE: Often faked with dyed marble, serpentine or quartzite. The only way to be sure you are buying real Sugilite is to have it confirmed by a gemological laboratory. Third-eye and Crown chakras.

Tanzanite : Mineral called Zoisite, but Tiffany thought the name Tanzanite was more attractive sounding (which it is) so it's been called that ever since. Good for communication, spirit world, enhances psychic abilities, meditation, visualization, skin, eyes, said to bring a person out of coma, helps heal spinal column. (striated blue or lavender, flat.) Mined only in Tanzania. Due to its hardness scale it is best suited for earbobs or pendants. Third-eye and Throat chakras.

Tigers Eye : A quartz gemstone that is super strengthening of inner power, esteem. When used in jewelry brings good luck and protection from the "evil eye" to the wearer. Also, clear thinking, separates false desire from need, helps stop bad habits, insight, mental vision, understanding, divination. Use for mental healing, not physical. (golden brown.) Enhances Third-eye and Sacral chakras.

Topaz: Desire manifestation, communicating with the cosmic realms, wealth, generosity, kindness, healing & removes stagnant energy, wards off injury or attack, heals colds, nervousness, mental problems, brings faithfulness. Topaz is one of the top 4 hardest stones. Rare silicate mineral in natural yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, and/or blue*. Most chakras, esp. Solar Plexus chakra.

Tourmaline : Expands reality, love, channeling, deep insight, removes energy blocks such as anxiety, fear, stress, resentments, abuse, and brings positive transformation, promotes thinness, incredible aid in detoxing, nervousness. One can never have too much Tourmaline, (variety colors, wear only in silver). Pink is known as October's birthstone. Note: Red Tourmaline is also sold as Rubelite. All chakras, esp. Heart chakra and Higher heart, with blue Tourmaline for Third-eye chakra.
Black Tourmaline: Often sold as "schorl". Guardian stone, great for natural empaths, builds confidence. Base chakra.
Black Tourmaline: Often sold as "schorl". Guardian stone, great for natural empaths, builds confidence. Base chakra.

Turquoise : Very calming. Attracts money, good luck, healing acidity, helps with sleep, recurring headache, stomach ailments, liver, eyes, reduces pain, cramps, anti-inflammatory, heals rheumatism, gout, is effective for detox, muscles, growth, strength, spirituality & protection. Turquoise is often imitated, unfortunately, by using dyes, especially on Howlite. If you see a too-uniform and too wonderfully blue color it just may be an imitation stone. Make sure your search includes the word "genuine". A good rock or crystal shop in your area should be able to tell. Indian mineral totem for those born between Feb 19 and Mar 20. Solar Plexus chakra

Unakite : Power stone from eastern Tennessee and the Unaka mountains of North Carolina. De-stresses, brings confidence, helps finding lost items, releases emotional patterns, heals anger, negativity and blocks from heart and strengthens the heart, lifts spirits. Note: some may be called Unakite but lack the pink feldspar luster, in which case they are really green Epidosite. (Epidosite is comprised of Epidote and Quartz, a very healing stone, but with the quartz content it must only be worn when wanting positive energies as it has a very strong attraction to either good or bad energy.) Unakite aids in glands, gall bladder, nervous system, brain, hair, skin, energy, protection, lucid dreams, dream recall, can be programmed to attract love and heal relationship, mends heart, clears aura. Heart chakra.
* Aquamarine is nearly identical in appearance to blue Topaz but is entirely different, as it is from the Beryl family. Blue Topaz is harder and more refractive, and often it takes using a loupe or heat-measurement to tell the difference. A good rock or crystal shop should be able to tell you.
** Many stones are often misrepresented to be Jade and are in fact a form of either feldspar, quartz, serpentine, or soapstone. Jade is usually authentic when the seller specifies "jadeite" or "nephrite" and offers a guarantee.
*** Some stones don't like water or sunlight. The ones that do not like water are Angelite, Turquoise, Kunzite, Selenite and Kyanite.
The ones that do not like sunlight are Aventurine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Citrine, Kunzite, Sapphire, Flourite, Rose Quartz, and Smoky Quartz.
Please note: The Indian mineral totem for those born on dates not mentioned above are metals, not stones: for those born between Oct 24 - Nov 21 it's Copper. For those born between Jan 20 - Feb 18 it's Silver.
All green stones represent renewal (as in springtime) and fresh starts. If you feel the need for a jumpstart in life hold, wear, or keep one on your desk. They are all good for healing and balancing the heart and emotions.
You will find that the beautiful lustrous Feldspars have a good Mohs hardness of between 6 and 6.5, which make them useful in industry, therefore 600,000 metric tons of them are produced each year in the United States alone and crushed into fine granules or powders to be used in construction materials, plastics, etc.
** Many stones are often misrepresented to be Jade and are in fact a form of either feldspar, quartz, serpentine, or soapstone. Jade is usually authentic when the seller specifies "jadeite" or "nephrite" and offers a guarantee.
*** Some stones don't like water or sunlight. The ones that do not like water are Angelite, Turquoise, Kunzite, Selenite and Kyanite.
The ones that do not like sunlight are Aventurine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Citrine, Kunzite, Sapphire, Flourite, Rose Quartz, and Smoky Quartz.
Please note: The Indian mineral totem for those born on dates not mentioned above are metals, not stones: for those born between Oct 24 - Nov 21 it's Copper. For those born between Jan 20 - Feb 18 it's Silver.
All green stones represent renewal (as in springtime) and fresh starts. If you feel the need for a jumpstart in life hold, wear, or keep one on your desk. They are all good for healing and balancing the heart and emotions.
You will find that the beautiful lustrous Feldspars have a good Mohs hardness of between 6 and 6.5, which make them useful in industry, therefore 600,000 metric tons of them are produced each year in the United States alone and crushed into fine granules or powders to be used in construction materials, plastics, etc.
Healing With Crystals
Call on the angelic ones for protection (Michael, guardians). Call on Raphael for healing. Visualize the Merkaba. Call on Metatron for sacred symbols. Call on Source and Jesus for healing.
Sweep the aura and energy field with hands and pendulum to detect stagnant energies, blockages, etc.
Now for crystal alignment:
1. Bring in the white light from above the head through the crown, forehead, throat, heart, stomach, sacral, base, legs, ankles, feet, earth; reverse go back up. Then surround the entire field in the light. If working on another person ask them to do this with you.
2. Use hands and pendulum to scan each chakra point. Note the direction of the pendulum and your hand to detect whether each chakra is clear or has blockages.
3. Place the recommended crystal from the above list on the relatve chakra point.
4. Use Selenite to increase the work of each crystal.
5. Use Selenite to aim positive energy through top of head of Merkaba.
6. Use Selenite to clear and activate any blocked area.
7. Use hands and pendulum again to scan each point to make sure each chakra is clear.
Stand up client, gently and slowly. With master crystal sweep the aura.
Sweep the aura and energy field with hands and pendulum to detect stagnant energies, blockages, etc.
Now for crystal alignment:
1. Bring in the white light from above the head through the crown, forehead, throat, heart, stomach, sacral, base, legs, ankles, feet, earth; reverse go back up. Then surround the entire field in the light. If working on another person ask them to do this with you.
2. Use hands and pendulum to scan each chakra point. Note the direction of the pendulum and your hand to detect whether each chakra is clear or has blockages.
3. Place the recommended crystal from the above list on the relatve chakra point.
4. Use Selenite to increase the work of each crystal.
5. Use Selenite to aim positive energy through top of head of Merkaba.
6. Use Selenite to clear and activate any blocked area.
7. Use hands and pendulum again to scan each point to make sure each chakra is clear.
Stand up client, gently and slowly. With master crystal sweep the aura.
Power Stones
I recommend wearing your birth-stone or personal power stone along with the best stones for the healing or metaphysical properties you want at this time. See also Healing With Reiki.
This information has come from many sources. The Mystic Clinic or Rea Wallace is not responsible for the information presented on this page expressed or implied about the suitability of any stone for healing or for curing diseases. The information here is provided for you to make your own decisions and has not been evaluated or approved by FDA or any other agencies.
This list is protected by copyright. If you should decide to use it you must link to this page as the source and to Rea Wallace.
This information has come from many sources. The Mystic Clinic or Rea Wallace is not responsible for the information presented on this page expressed or implied about the suitability of any stone for healing or for curing diseases. The information here is provided for you to make your own decisions and has not been evaluated or approved by FDA or any other agencies.
This list is protected by copyright. If you should decide to use it you must link to this page as the source and to Rea Wallace.