The Moon's Cycles
My guides once told me that when we work with the energies of the moon and with Mother Nature instead of against her energies, our lives run smoother, our senses sharper, and our anxieties lessened. By noticing the Moon’s phases ahead of time we are given a little snapshot of what we can expect in general in our lives. Please do not expect this outline to totally govern your life, but to simply recall it for when you are experiencing a challenging period or a strange-feeling time. I provided sample affirmations for each moon phase. Also realize that “this too shall pass.”
One good suggestion is to look at where you might be fighting against the energies rather than working with them. Often, these difficult energies arise in order to force us to work out something or face things that we’ve previously been resistant to. It is hard to look at our own problems in the bright light of the full moon, for example. But it is far easier when the light is dark, say during the new moon. What we need to do is to deal with all brightness on our problems and work with them at all times. That “work,” however, can mean doing nothing.
People are often curious as to which moon phase is the most auspicious or the most lucky, and also which phase is the worst one to be prepared for. I don’t feel that any particular moon is better or worse than the other, generally. However, there exists inherent traits that predominate over each phase and therefore gives us either apparent “gifts” or “stresses” as relates to that particular moon. It is up to us to discern and to remember each aspect and that is why I have created this chapter.
In this vein, half moons are notorious for giving us “tests” and are typically the most stressful, but that is not to say that stresses and tests won’t happen to you at other moon phases. During half to gibbous states we are not feeling like ourselves, typically. We sense something is off. It is usually best to not make any important changes in your life during the half moon when we are not altogether certain of things.
Full moons give us clarity and we can suddenly see problems or successes in greater detail.
New moons give us new energies and hopes that we should utilize to the fullest. This boost represents a sense of excitement and a new start in a new chapter. We can manifest with greater ease now than before.
If we do not take advantage of these powerful energies we will typically have to wait another month to try again.
The Moons:
New Moon
First Quarter/Waxing Half
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon
Last Quarter Moon
Balsamic Moon/Waning Crescent
Discover all the meanings to the phases of the moon, as well as the eclipses, below.
New Moon
Waxing Dark 0-45 degrees
People tend to react impulsively and emotionally, so reign in the subjective aspects that this moon instills. Assertiveness is great but be sure to do it in moderation!
Although this moon is totally dark it’s like we're being given a green light, so to speak. This time period is when we welcome in a new cycle of life. The New Moon means fresh new starts and it’s the optimal time to incorporate whatever changes we're wanting to make. In fact, anything we've been planning this past week or so is now ready to make its debut. The reason this cycle of the moon is the best for new beginnings is because that which is begun now stands a greater chance of lasting and “sticking”.
Our time of rest, reflection, and re-evaluation brought on from the waning moon is gone for another month. Nature gave us that recent opportunity to see what we want to alter, add, eliminate, etc. The new moon energies (which last for several days) signals the time is ripe to actually set into place those dreams and goals that arose or that you have been wanting in your life. This is the time to implement any physical changes you want to make. Action is the key word; the time for introspection is gone. So actively go for it!
The force of the New Moon coincides with birthing.... and, just like the moon is starting a whole new cycle, we too must start or change anything that we want to last a while* or receive lasting results. If you are thinking about signing on the dotted line, putting your house on the market, starting new work, beginning a new regimen, or even rearranging furniture, this is the ideal time. The New Moon represents "beginnings." Whatever you want to begin, you have the go-ahead now with the promise of its being a success!
This is when to do Manifestation work with Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, candles, when used in the intention of the "highest and best good for all concerned". Do not expect results right away. It's a process, this is but one phase of the moon. For those who do any type of magic against another individual will come back to them via Cosmic Law. Any dark intentions or attacks you project will come to you, and often worse.
Make a Wish List
This is the best time to set out on paper your list of goals, wishes and wants. You can do this on the computer too and post it where you'll see it often. Make a list of 10 wishes for the New Moon. Light a candle and read your list today, tonight, tomorrow, or tomorrow night (or all of the above). Vividly imagine each wish a reality. If it's something you really want, then take advantage of this very powerful "celestial backing". When we put feeling into our imagination, it brings results.
For farmers, the waxing moon is the time to plant above ground plants. Any time after the New Moon (as the light increases from the waxing until the Full Moon) is a good time for planting above ground plants. With the moonlight increasing the earth exhales and the soil releases. Energy moves up into the leaves and stems.
* The exception to beginning something new would be when Mercury is retrograde, at which time you can use the energies of the new moon to revisit already-begun projects.
Crescent Moon
Waxing Crescent 45-90 degrees
1st Quarter
During this phase we experience a slow-down from our more enthusiastic time during the recent new moon. There is an anxious feeling due to our wanting to see tangible results from our energies we've been putting out there, and our not seeing results this soon.
People are assertive despite the slowing down process that Nature is trying to do for us. Avoid being out and about as much as you can help it. There is a need to work through past karma in order to build a new future. Do not take any drastic action at this time, however tempting it may be. Work it out mentally instead, do the planning parts if you need to, but wait a week or two before taking any physical action that you will not be able to reverse.
This is a mental time of information-gathering, and it is also a time when we gather input from people to further the growth we want. An increase in Internet usage, media reading and information sharing is taking place.
The ideas we began with the new moon energies are now being established. This is the moon phase to take small steps towards your desire that you want to have manifested at the full moon. It is a cerebral moon, not an emotional moon. This period represents strong growth.
2nd Quarter Moon
Waxing Half 90-135 degrees
When you look up at the moon and notice that it is almost a total half moon this is known as the First Quarter waxing moon.
We notice that our emotions begin to take on energy and we see that the new beginnings we began last week need to also be worth our while in the long run. This is the time when we find that if we follow our instincts and trust them, that we better guide our life more purposefully.
At this time, we utilize the intuitive mind that we have, along with our enthusiasm for the direction we are seeing in our lives; however, we also notice certain blocks or obstacles, and therefore, we now must re-evaluate how to better incorporate our lives with our environment.
Half Moons are typically very difficult times if we do not follow our intuition and we struggle with the obstacles presented to us. But, if instead we step back and objectively evaluate them with the intention of working with them rather than fighting them this time period can go much more smoothly.
At the same time, we seek help from others. In spite of our strong wills at this time, we desire others to help us in building our dreams. It's harder usually to find this help as they too are in this same mode.
3rd Quarter Moon
Waxing Gibbous 135-180 degrees
The “Gibbous” moon means it is growing and is so named from a Greek root of the same name because it resembles a humped back. It is growing in both appearance and in intensity. It’s moving towards it's fullness. Obviously it's grown now since the Waxing Half Moon we recently went through, and in some ways, so too have we. Whether large or small, we all had some kind of obstacle then and were being led to follow our gut instincts and intuitive faculties to better guide our lives. We've now grown in some area. And we now strive to improve ourselves. We very much want our place in the world to have meaning.
It's also Nature’s time for organization. It is during this time that we may find ourselves rearranging things, clearing out closets, beliefs, etc. This is a good time to start developing ideas that will be incorporated over the next two weeks. We are in a very practical time and it's not well-suited for white-magic work. There will be time enough for that during the Full Moon or the day after.
In this phase we find distractions popping up in our lives to urge us to re-think the things we're dealing with in our daily lives. If your work is suffering from distractions, know that this will be history in a day or two and your routines should be a little more in-sync. In the meantime, try to adjust and take advantage of these energies by planning ahead, processing, analyzing and re-thinking the many issues in your life.
On the bright side, do you now notice that the very stressful and anxiety ridden feelings of late are easing up, if not in fact totally eased up? This is our preview of the well-enlightened Full moon about to be upon us. We aren’t feeling that sense of dis-ease. In my own viewing at the time I write this, there was a halo around the gibbous moon, and my spirit guide told me the above. She explained that the halo means we are given “hope”, and that we are now overcoming our uncertainties in many areas and feeling more confident. I agree with her! Do you? I suggest you observe these various moons and compare them with your moods.
Full Moon
Waning 180-135 degrees
They say that during a Full Moon something in us ends or dies. The Full Moon is our brightest and it is at its peak. It’s like the end-celebration of the lunar cycle and it brings illumination to issues and represents endings in much the same way as the Lunar eclipse.
Whether it is for good or evil, we reap our reward now.
The energies are very vivid the night before and the day after as well. Just as Nature gave us the past couple weeks to rest and reflect she is now spurring us to connect with others and get out of our cave! Like a curtain being lifted from our self-absorbed scenario we can now see ourselves and others in an objective light. The old self is shed so the new self can begin. The time is here to wrap up and finish things in order to be done with them once and for all.
One of the best things we can do for ourselves at this time is to get quiet and connect with our higher power or our higher self. This is a potent time to pray for creative solutions (the Law of Creative Solutions), meditate, visualize, perform magic, spells, alchemy, and/or tune into your Higher Self and guides. We can actualize and manifest the dreams we've set forth during the New moon by using this time to allow deep feeling to cement the dream. Feeling is the catalyst that makes visualization work because it anchors it into the subconscious.
If your full-moon phase is a disappointment to you because you are experiencing the same ole, same ole, vow to take creative action on the next new moon towards the direction where you would like for your life to be by this phase next month.
We feel almost an exact opposite as we did when the moon was a dark moon. While then we felt inclined to pull back into ourselves we now lean towards outward expression. People and animals are naturally much more outgoing and assertive during a Full Moon and it's the busiest night for police, fire, ER, and other emergency-response personnel. People who are generally introverted come out of their shell now and emotions run high.
This is not a time for new ideas. It is a time to receive and remember and notice what is now being made clear. We are highly objective and can see situations and other people clearly. Suddenly confusion drops away. We see truth. We see things clearly for what they are. Truly the veil is lifted. This is the case too for psychic perceptions. It is the most potent time to either have a reading or give a reading, meditate to achieve other-world connections, tune into spirit guides and departed people. Because of this, it’s my favorite time to give or get a reading.
If you use or work with crystals, do put them in the moon's beams if at all possible. I put mine outside for the night where at times they will be lit by the moon. This charges them very strongly. You know, over time, they diminish in their energy, so this is an important time for them as well.
For farmers, the waning light is the time to sow root plants. Any time after the Full Moon and until the New Moon is best for planting bulbs and vegetables that bear crops below ground. With the moonlight decreasing the earth inhales. The soil absorbs and the energy moves down into the roots.
Special Note: Important and serious relationships usually begin on or just after a Full Moon.
Also, see Full Moon meditation and/or Full Moon Water Spell
Full Moon prayer work:
I see what has been hidden
I am grateful for what is working
I release what does not serve me
I trust my own power.
Waning Gibbous
135-90 degrees
This moon phase is a good time to relate to others. There is a need to share knowledge and information with others. It is likely that at some point during this time you will talk to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. There is a step up in social networking as well (and will decrease during the next two phases).
This is a time of great change and/or transmutation, when we get one final burst of an outlet or creativity. We have just come out of a period where we were able to see ourselves and others objectively, and we became aware of whether what we wanted deep down was beginning to manifest (or not). Now, the accumulation of all that awareness, of all that sight and understanding, is moving into the depths of our being, causing core-level changes or feelings within.
It is natural for people to look for prayer or guidance during this time to help better incorporate these changes, or this transmutation. This phase is most well suited for seeking counseling. We don’t feel as challenged in life. There is a bit of an ease taking shape. We are reflective. This can be a depressing or moody time if one is not careful. Instead of brooding, go to a show perhaps. Do something relaxing, read a book or some other diverting activity.
Because there seems no more challenge, we start to perceive an increase in desire for change. However, it’s not the time to incorporate sudden changes, no matter how much we want them, unless they are of rather minor importance. This isn’t the time to suddenly end a relationship or move or make any drastic change if you can help it. Wait a few days until the moon is 50 percent, then the universe backs you up.
Last Quarter Moon (lasts about 5 days)
Waning Half 90-45 degrees
Just over a week prior to a new moon are two more moons that are designed to prepare for it. The first of these is the Last Quarter or 3rd Quarter moon as it is often called because it is 3/4ths the way until the New Moon. It is important to know that this isn't a time to start new projects. Instead, there is a feeling of completion around this time frame. The atmosphere is one where we are able to see how far we've come in different areas of our life.
When the moon is at 50% this is when to know if what is in your life is serving your highest and best good. This is a time for review. And we tend to spend equally the same amount of time in looking at the past as thinking of the future. This is Not a time for new beginnings. Instead, take a look at your accomplishments (or lack thereof). The energies do support the completion of things and tying up of loose ends.
This is the time to end a relationship for good. Or to stop anything for good: a habit, a job, etc. Any time we're in a "completion of tasks" phase want to get rid of something this is when to toss out what really no longer serves our purpose. It can be something as simple as clearing out a drawer to making a major life change. Of course, some may be going through much more profound "clearings" at this time.
Similar to the waxing Half Moon, obstacles become more apparent in our lives, or we find ourselves facing difficulties (either with others or with things). Therefore, instead of bemoaning whatever it is, we must step back and with an objective eye try to see how we can best move forward at this time. Be positive at this time; look at what has improved rather than looking at what hasn't.
Balsamic Moon (lasts about 3.5 days)
Waning Crescent
45-0 degrees
Nearly a week before the New Moon we get the last phase, called the Balsamic or waning crescent. Here we find that circumstances change and/or friends change. It's all a part of the bigger picture and nature's way of clearing out the old in order to bring in the new.
A waning crescent moon is sometimes called an old moon. It’s seen in the east before dawn.
This is the last phase of the waning moon. It is when the light of the moon is between 45 and 0 degrees. As the last aspect just before the New Moon, this is the time to go within and do some deep thinking. Meditation, contemplation, and clearing out should all be things on our to-do lists.
Ever since the full moon we've been through the week-long waning period of "re" things in our lives, where we either re-arranged, re-did, restructured, reoriented, reevaluated, reviewed or tied up some loose ends. So now we are being brought tendencies to pull back into ourselves and reconnect with our inner mind and maybe take stock of our goals.
Nature gives us this time to rest, and to either reflect on our lives or re-evaluate our lives just prior to giving us the fresh start at the New Moon. She is giving us this opportunity in order to see our lives more objectively so we will have a better awareness. It's good to rest up and get prepared. Take this opportunity to re-examine your dreams and goals.
When the New Moon arrives soon you'll be ready to visualize these things into being.
We may notice certain gaps in our lives that may cause some uneasiness. For some it could be that friends change or circumstances change. Any feeling of separation is backed up by Nature’s insistence that we withdraw and just let it go; don't resist it. Do not let this cause you worry. It's just the way it is. Relax.
Get in touch with your “big picture” and decide what is important to you. The universe is taking pressures off of us, whether others say so or not. We must pull back and reconnect with our strengths, and then try to see our own big picture. We will do more resting and should be sleeping more.
Blue Moon:: A Blue Moon time is when to cleanse and detox with the moon water.
Red Moon: This is when to release past life issues or make changes relating to past life situations that may be following you around so you can be free of it. Write your intentions, use a candle, ask ascended masters, guides, angels, etc., and visualize.
One good suggestion is to look at where you might be fighting against the energies rather than working with them. Often, these difficult energies arise in order to force us to work out something or face things that we’ve previously been resistant to. It is hard to look at our own problems in the bright light of the full moon, for example. But it is far easier when the light is dark, say during the new moon. What we need to do is to deal with all brightness on our problems and work with them at all times. That “work,” however, can mean doing nothing.
People are often curious as to which moon phase is the most auspicious or the most lucky, and also which phase is the worst one to be prepared for. I don’t feel that any particular moon is better or worse than the other, generally. However, there exists inherent traits that predominate over each phase and therefore gives us either apparent “gifts” or “stresses” as relates to that particular moon. It is up to us to discern and to remember each aspect and that is why I have created this chapter.
In this vein, half moons are notorious for giving us “tests” and are typically the most stressful, but that is not to say that stresses and tests won’t happen to you at other moon phases. During half to gibbous states we are not feeling like ourselves, typically. We sense something is off. It is usually best to not make any important changes in your life during the half moon when we are not altogether certain of things.
Full moons give us clarity and we can suddenly see problems or successes in greater detail.
New moons give us new energies and hopes that we should utilize to the fullest. This boost represents a sense of excitement and a new start in a new chapter. We can manifest with greater ease now than before.
If we do not take advantage of these powerful energies we will typically have to wait another month to try again.
The Moons:
New Moon
First Quarter/Waxing Half
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon
Last Quarter Moon
Balsamic Moon/Waning Crescent
Discover all the meanings to the phases of the moon, as well as the eclipses, below.
New Moon
Waxing Dark 0-45 degrees
People tend to react impulsively and emotionally, so reign in the subjective aspects that this moon instills. Assertiveness is great but be sure to do it in moderation!
Although this moon is totally dark it’s like we're being given a green light, so to speak. This time period is when we welcome in a new cycle of life. The New Moon means fresh new starts and it’s the optimal time to incorporate whatever changes we're wanting to make. In fact, anything we've been planning this past week or so is now ready to make its debut. The reason this cycle of the moon is the best for new beginnings is because that which is begun now stands a greater chance of lasting and “sticking”.
Our time of rest, reflection, and re-evaluation brought on from the waning moon is gone for another month. Nature gave us that recent opportunity to see what we want to alter, add, eliminate, etc. The new moon energies (which last for several days) signals the time is ripe to actually set into place those dreams and goals that arose or that you have been wanting in your life. This is the time to implement any physical changes you want to make. Action is the key word; the time for introspection is gone. So actively go for it!
The force of the New Moon coincides with birthing.... and, just like the moon is starting a whole new cycle, we too must start or change anything that we want to last a while* or receive lasting results. If you are thinking about signing on the dotted line, putting your house on the market, starting new work, beginning a new regimen, or even rearranging furniture, this is the ideal time. The New Moon represents "beginnings." Whatever you want to begin, you have the go-ahead now with the promise of its being a success!
This is when to do Manifestation work with Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, candles, when used in the intention of the "highest and best good for all concerned". Do not expect results right away. It's a process, this is but one phase of the moon. For those who do any type of magic against another individual will come back to them via Cosmic Law. Any dark intentions or attacks you project will come to you, and often worse.
Make a Wish List
This is the best time to set out on paper your list of goals, wishes and wants. You can do this on the computer too and post it where you'll see it often. Make a list of 10 wishes for the New Moon. Light a candle and read your list today, tonight, tomorrow, or tomorrow night (or all of the above). Vividly imagine each wish a reality. If it's something you really want, then take advantage of this very powerful "celestial backing". When we put feeling into our imagination, it brings results.
For farmers, the waxing moon is the time to plant above ground plants. Any time after the New Moon (as the light increases from the waxing until the Full Moon) is a good time for planting above ground plants. With the moonlight increasing the earth exhales and the soil releases. Energy moves up into the leaves and stems.
* The exception to beginning something new would be when Mercury is retrograde, at which time you can use the energies of the new moon to revisit already-begun projects.
Crescent Moon
Waxing Crescent 45-90 degrees
1st Quarter
During this phase we experience a slow-down from our more enthusiastic time during the recent new moon. There is an anxious feeling due to our wanting to see tangible results from our energies we've been putting out there, and our not seeing results this soon.
People are assertive despite the slowing down process that Nature is trying to do for us. Avoid being out and about as much as you can help it. There is a need to work through past karma in order to build a new future. Do not take any drastic action at this time, however tempting it may be. Work it out mentally instead, do the planning parts if you need to, but wait a week or two before taking any physical action that you will not be able to reverse.
This is a mental time of information-gathering, and it is also a time when we gather input from people to further the growth we want. An increase in Internet usage, media reading and information sharing is taking place.
The ideas we began with the new moon energies are now being established. This is the moon phase to take small steps towards your desire that you want to have manifested at the full moon. It is a cerebral moon, not an emotional moon. This period represents strong growth.
2nd Quarter Moon
Waxing Half 90-135 degrees
When you look up at the moon and notice that it is almost a total half moon this is known as the First Quarter waxing moon.
We notice that our emotions begin to take on energy and we see that the new beginnings we began last week need to also be worth our while in the long run. This is the time when we find that if we follow our instincts and trust them, that we better guide our life more purposefully.
At this time, we utilize the intuitive mind that we have, along with our enthusiasm for the direction we are seeing in our lives; however, we also notice certain blocks or obstacles, and therefore, we now must re-evaluate how to better incorporate our lives with our environment.
Half Moons are typically very difficult times if we do not follow our intuition and we struggle with the obstacles presented to us. But, if instead we step back and objectively evaluate them with the intention of working with them rather than fighting them this time period can go much more smoothly.
At the same time, we seek help from others. In spite of our strong wills at this time, we desire others to help us in building our dreams. It's harder usually to find this help as they too are in this same mode.
3rd Quarter Moon
Waxing Gibbous 135-180 degrees
The “Gibbous” moon means it is growing and is so named from a Greek root of the same name because it resembles a humped back. It is growing in both appearance and in intensity. It’s moving towards it's fullness. Obviously it's grown now since the Waxing Half Moon we recently went through, and in some ways, so too have we. Whether large or small, we all had some kind of obstacle then and were being led to follow our gut instincts and intuitive faculties to better guide our lives. We've now grown in some area. And we now strive to improve ourselves. We very much want our place in the world to have meaning.
It's also Nature’s time for organization. It is during this time that we may find ourselves rearranging things, clearing out closets, beliefs, etc. This is a good time to start developing ideas that will be incorporated over the next two weeks. We are in a very practical time and it's not well-suited for white-magic work. There will be time enough for that during the Full Moon or the day after.
In this phase we find distractions popping up in our lives to urge us to re-think the things we're dealing with in our daily lives. If your work is suffering from distractions, know that this will be history in a day or two and your routines should be a little more in-sync. In the meantime, try to adjust and take advantage of these energies by planning ahead, processing, analyzing and re-thinking the many issues in your life.
On the bright side, do you now notice that the very stressful and anxiety ridden feelings of late are easing up, if not in fact totally eased up? This is our preview of the well-enlightened Full moon about to be upon us. We aren’t feeling that sense of dis-ease. In my own viewing at the time I write this, there was a halo around the gibbous moon, and my spirit guide told me the above. She explained that the halo means we are given “hope”, and that we are now overcoming our uncertainties in many areas and feeling more confident. I agree with her! Do you? I suggest you observe these various moons and compare them with your moods.
Full Moon
Waning 180-135 degrees
They say that during a Full Moon something in us ends or dies. The Full Moon is our brightest and it is at its peak. It’s like the end-celebration of the lunar cycle and it brings illumination to issues and represents endings in much the same way as the Lunar eclipse.
Whether it is for good or evil, we reap our reward now.
The energies are very vivid the night before and the day after as well. Just as Nature gave us the past couple weeks to rest and reflect she is now spurring us to connect with others and get out of our cave! Like a curtain being lifted from our self-absorbed scenario we can now see ourselves and others in an objective light. The old self is shed so the new self can begin. The time is here to wrap up and finish things in order to be done with them once and for all.
One of the best things we can do for ourselves at this time is to get quiet and connect with our higher power or our higher self. This is a potent time to pray for creative solutions (the Law of Creative Solutions), meditate, visualize, perform magic, spells, alchemy, and/or tune into your Higher Self and guides. We can actualize and manifest the dreams we've set forth during the New moon by using this time to allow deep feeling to cement the dream. Feeling is the catalyst that makes visualization work because it anchors it into the subconscious.
If your full-moon phase is a disappointment to you because you are experiencing the same ole, same ole, vow to take creative action on the next new moon towards the direction where you would like for your life to be by this phase next month.
We feel almost an exact opposite as we did when the moon was a dark moon. While then we felt inclined to pull back into ourselves we now lean towards outward expression. People and animals are naturally much more outgoing and assertive during a Full Moon and it's the busiest night for police, fire, ER, and other emergency-response personnel. People who are generally introverted come out of their shell now and emotions run high.
This is not a time for new ideas. It is a time to receive and remember and notice what is now being made clear. We are highly objective and can see situations and other people clearly. Suddenly confusion drops away. We see truth. We see things clearly for what they are. Truly the veil is lifted. This is the case too for psychic perceptions. It is the most potent time to either have a reading or give a reading, meditate to achieve other-world connections, tune into spirit guides and departed people. Because of this, it’s my favorite time to give or get a reading.
If you use or work with crystals, do put them in the moon's beams if at all possible. I put mine outside for the night where at times they will be lit by the moon. This charges them very strongly. You know, over time, they diminish in their energy, so this is an important time for them as well.
For farmers, the waning light is the time to sow root plants. Any time after the Full Moon and until the New Moon is best for planting bulbs and vegetables that bear crops below ground. With the moonlight decreasing the earth inhales. The soil absorbs and the energy moves down into the roots.
Special Note: Important and serious relationships usually begin on or just after a Full Moon.
Also, see Full Moon meditation and/or Full Moon Water Spell
Full Moon prayer work:
I see what has been hidden
I am grateful for what is working
I release what does not serve me
I trust my own power.
Waning Gibbous
135-90 degrees
This moon phase is a good time to relate to others. There is a need to share knowledge and information with others. It is likely that at some point during this time you will talk to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. There is a step up in social networking as well (and will decrease during the next two phases).
This is a time of great change and/or transmutation, when we get one final burst of an outlet or creativity. We have just come out of a period where we were able to see ourselves and others objectively, and we became aware of whether what we wanted deep down was beginning to manifest (or not). Now, the accumulation of all that awareness, of all that sight and understanding, is moving into the depths of our being, causing core-level changes or feelings within.
It is natural for people to look for prayer or guidance during this time to help better incorporate these changes, or this transmutation. This phase is most well suited for seeking counseling. We don’t feel as challenged in life. There is a bit of an ease taking shape. We are reflective. This can be a depressing or moody time if one is not careful. Instead of brooding, go to a show perhaps. Do something relaxing, read a book or some other diverting activity.
Because there seems no more challenge, we start to perceive an increase in desire for change. However, it’s not the time to incorporate sudden changes, no matter how much we want them, unless they are of rather minor importance. This isn’t the time to suddenly end a relationship or move or make any drastic change if you can help it. Wait a few days until the moon is 50 percent, then the universe backs you up.
Last Quarter Moon (lasts about 5 days)
Waning Half 90-45 degrees
Just over a week prior to a new moon are two more moons that are designed to prepare for it. The first of these is the Last Quarter or 3rd Quarter moon as it is often called because it is 3/4ths the way until the New Moon. It is important to know that this isn't a time to start new projects. Instead, there is a feeling of completion around this time frame. The atmosphere is one where we are able to see how far we've come in different areas of our life.
When the moon is at 50% this is when to know if what is in your life is serving your highest and best good. This is a time for review. And we tend to spend equally the same amount of time in looking at the past as thinking of the future. This is Not a time for new beginnings. Instead, take a look at your accomplishments (or lack thereof). The energies do support the completion of things and tying up of loose ends.
This is the time to end a relationship for good. Or to stop anything for good: a habit, a job, etc. Any time we're in a "completion of tasks" phase want to get rid of something this is when to toss out what really no longer serves our purpose. It can be something as simple as clearing out a drawer to making a major life change. Of course, some may be going through much more profound "clearings" at this time.
Similar to the waxing Half Moon, obstacles become more apparent in our lives, or we find ourselves facing difficulties (either with others or with things). Therefore, instead of bemoaning whatever it is, we must step back and with an objective eye try to see how we can best move forward at this time. Be positive at this time; look at what has improved rather than looking at what hasn't.
Balsamic Moon (lasts about 3.5 days)
Waning Crescent
45-0 degrees
Nearly a week before the New Moon we get the last phase, called the Balsamic or waning crescent. Here we find that circumstances change and/or friends change. It's all a part of the bigger picture and nature's way of clearing out the old in order to bring in the new.
A waning crescent moon is sometimes called an old moon. It’s seen in the east before dawn.
This is the last phase of the waning moon. It is when the light of the moon is between 45 and 0 degrees. As the last aspect just before the New Moon, this is the time to go within and do some deep thinking. Meditation, contemplation, and clearing out should all be things on our to-do lists.
Ever since the full moon we've been through the week-long waning period of "re" things in our lives, where we either re-arranged, re-did, restructured, reoriented, reevaluated, reviewed or tied up some loose ends. So now we are being brought tendencies to pull back into ourselves and reconnect with our inner mind and maybe take stock of our goals.
Nature gives us this time to rest, and to either reflect on our lives or re-evaluate our lives just prior to giving us the fresh start at the New Moon. She is giving us this opportunity in order to see our lives more objectively so we will have a better awareness. It's good to rest up and get prepared. Take this opportunity to re-examine your dreams and goals.
- What do you want to initiate in your life at the forthcoming New Moon phase?
- What do you want to let go of now?
- Prepare your dreams again and prepare your goals again.
When the New Moon arrives soon you'll be ready to visualize these things into being.
We may notice certain gaps in our lives that may cause some uneasiness. For some it could be that friends change or circumstances change. Any feeling of separation is backed up by Nature’s insistence that we withdraw and just let it go; don't resist it. Do not let this cause you worry. It's just the way it is. Relax.
Get in touch with your “big picture” and decide what is important to you. The universe is taking pressures off of us, whether others say so or not. We must pull back and reconnect with our strengths, and then try to see our own big picture. We will do more resting and should be sleeping more.
Blue Moon:: A Blue Moon time is when to cleanse and detox with the moon water.
Red Moon: This is when to release past life issues or make changes relating to past life situations that may be following you around so you can be free of it. Write your intentions, use a candle, ask ascended masters, guides, angels, etc., and visualize.
Eclipses, April 8, 2024, TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE
(Please read further down for the 2023 eclipse season)
At least twice a year we have a Lunar eclipse and a Solar eclipse. Some years there are as many as four or five, with at least two of them being partial eclipses. Generally, there are two Lunar eclipses and two Solar eclipses in a given year.
Two weeks after a Solar eclipse we get a Lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses always coincide with a full moon, and Solar eclipses always occur during a new moon.
Solar eclipses blot out the sun briefly as the moon passes between Earth and the Sun. Lunar eclipses are when the moon is lined up opposite the sun with the Earth being the one in-between, thus passing the Earth’s shadow over the moon.
Eclipses put a sort of spotlight on shadow areas of our lives, bringing long buried desires to the surface.
Someone once said, a Solar eclipse is like a New Moon on steroids. It's very much a time of new beginnings, but also something has to end, usually. Eclipses blot something out of your life. Something or someone gets eclipsed out of your world. But it's usually a good thing because it's about new opportunities for you.
Typically, these areas lie in what we need to face and “deal with” in our lives in order to move forward. To best meet the opportunity presented with this potential we need to release. We may have thought that we’d dealt with certain buried fears or anxieties we have been carrying, but perhaps not. This is like a spring cleaning for us to further release what has been unsettling to us so that we can move forward. So, eclipses serve to shake us out of our safety zone and shake off misguided beliefs or attachments that stem from past patterns, fears, etc.
We will notice extremes in how we feel. Some of us may be more vibrant and energetic, while others of us are more lethargic and withdrawn than usual. Some, may even experience a dark night of the soul time. I feel tired and even a sense of depression around a week prior to a solar eclipse. With a Lunar eclipse I find myself a little bit on the lonely side. How do they affect you?
Usually, when it comes to a Lunar eclipse we all sense an adjustment of sorts in our emotional and spiritual bodies. This is actually an upgrade to our intuitive and instinctive selves.
Eclipses in Astrological Signs
The Solar eclipse on 5/20/12 occurred in Gemini, so the lunar eclipse that occurred on 11/28/12 was in Gemini, exactly six months later. Six months seems to be the divine right timing for seeing if what we began during the new moon eclipse can or will be able to come to fruition during the full moon eclipse in the same sign. In the case of Gemini, emphasis is felt in areas of communication, relating with others, short trips, siblings, our immediate surroundings, and new experiences. Whatever we began during the solar eclipse in May, 2012, was likely influenced by one of these traits and then culminated on November 2012.
A Lunar eclipse in a certain astrological sign is said to be the culmination of events we have experienced in the past six months or so when the solar eclipse new moon was in that same sign. For instance, the 11/25/11 solar eclipse in Sagittarius heralded events and desires for us to deal with in terms of travel, writing/publishing, education, entrepreneurship, foreign matters and higher concepts. Six months later, when the 06/04/12 “matching” lunar eclipse in Sagittarius occurred we saw a flurry of activity in these areas “culminate”. These areas were highlighted in our lives to whatever degree we allowed or nurtured them.
Things finalized at the Lunar eclipse, give or take a few days or so. Going forward, pay attention to which sign the Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse fall in so that you will have an understanding of what is beginning or ending in your life. Read more about Lunar eclipses below.
Also notable are “birthday eclipses”. If an eclipse were to fall on your birthday you are ensured an eventful year to come. Additionally, even if the eclipse were to take place in a key sign in your chart you will experience the eclipse in an intensified way. Any good astrologer can help you identify upcoming eclipses of significant importance to you.
The Solar Eclipse
Solar eclipses are about fresh starts and manifestations. They bring new portal openings, new vortexes which flood us with new energies. These “energies” are not necessarily of the energetic type! In fact, many begin to feel an overwhelming lethargy in the days or weeks before and following a solar eclipse. This is simply the 4 body system processing these new waves. The more sensitive or empathic the person the more they will feel these effects. Many experience a higher level of excitement, restlessness, and dis-ease.
During this eclipse the energies are prime for beginning something new and making promises to ourselves. It is widely believed in esoteric culture that the Solar eclipse power creates lasting manifestations into our lives. We are encouraged to make decisions at this time, to make changes, and to grow.
We are urged to center our minds and reach a connection with our higher self or I Am Presence. We then add in powerful visualizations of what we are now wanting to manifest into our lives. We write down our “10 wishes”, write out our “abundance checks”, make affirmations and/or write down our goals, all with the focus and intent of really “seeing” it in our mind’s eye.
The Lunar Eclipse
Contrary to the Solar eclipse of ego and fresh momentum, the lunar eclipse represents emotions and “endings” and tying up loose ends. We are at this time receiving an “upgrade” inw our systems by a purging of the old in order to make room for newer situations. Something in us leaves; something in the way we view ourselves or others or the world is not quite the same. When the lunar eclipse is on the North node of the moon it is bringing new energy in. When it is on the South node, however, it is about letting things go, having mastered them.
This is a time to let go of and shed old beliefs, habits, ideas, viewpoints or anything that makes us stuck in a emotional state of being that isn't conducive to our true nature. These events bring closure and completion to certain matters in our lives, thereby pushing us ahead. Old skin must be shed for the new you to emerge. Your old files are deleted so that your upgrade can take effect. It is advised to allow these much needed changes to happen and to have faith that it is all a part of Divine Order. The changes and discards can be subtle or monumental, depending on your personal life path and in whether or not you have already been updating your emotional hard-drive regularly.
In this opportunity to leave our past behind we are encouraged to connect with our great Central Sun. It is recommended that we center our mind and soul connection by looking inward. In doing this, we are better able to clear out the blocking energies and allow a burst of new light to enter, thereby ensuring a successful new start. We see many guided meditations instructing on how we visualize a connecting cord or column of light emanating from our higher self to the great central sun of our galaxy, or our spiritual sun. This helps us to grow beyond our ego-based personality self and merge with all aspects of our higher self. In this way, we are able to truly let go of what no longer serves our divine purpose (not our ego purpose).
We’ve all heard stories and fables that span time on the importance of building on a solid foundation or the new structure doesn’t stand a chance. Similarly, we are given these special times throughout the year to look inside ourselves in order to clear out old patterns, beliefs, misplaced desires, misguided energies, etc., thus enabling us to build on a newer and more stable base. This is why Lunar eclipses are expansive times in which to remind us, in a way, to release the burdens that we’ve attached to or accumulated onto ourselves in order to go forth with better confidence and a more stable structure to create our highest desires.
If what you needed to release isn't done during a given Lunar Eclipse it will most likely resurface in 6 months (at the next one), thus giving you another opportunity to address it in order to update your emotional hard-drive more properly so you can expand as a better and healthier individual.
When the moon is doing a prenumbral eclipse (traveling through Earth's outer shadow as it does/did on March 25th of 2024) it signifies that whatever is changing in your life is a big part of your destiny. Check the zodiac sign that the moon is in at the time to see which area of your life that is mos likely to be affected. As in the 03/25/24 lunar eclipse with the sign being Libra, it is probably in the area of relationships, especially if they are imbalanced in any way, such as unequal give and take. Also, because the prenumbral is in the shadow of Earth, we are needing to do shadow work on ourselves. Do deep meditation and try to connect with guides or your higher self. If you have a hard time meditating follow any of the guided meditations online and just listen and imagine when prompted, and pretty soon you will be in a deep trance-like meditation which makes communication with spiritual helpers very easy and also very enlightening.
During a regular or partial Lunar eclipse, something culminates for you in an emotional type of way in your life, like a revelation maybe, and it's somehow connected to something in your life begun or looked at about 2 years ago.
Note: The best time for planting and irrigation is when the moon is in the water signs, and the best time for weeding and organic (of course) pest control is when the moon is in the fire signs. A good annual calendar will show you moon signs but it requires a specific search request.
A partial Lunar eclipse happens in Pisces on September 17, 2024. A small part of the moon is covered by the Earth's shadow. Just like full moons do, eclipses shine the light on things that need to be uncovered. And like full moons, it also represents endings, loss, surrender. There is usually a lesson attached to a lunar eclipse and the one associated with this eclipse may be one of surrender and letting go. The location of the eclipse is touching Neptune (secrets, deception, dreams, intuition, spirituality) and Saturn (rigidity, limitations, structure. responsibility) and so we really need to pay attention to messages we receive in dreams and warnings we receive intuitively. We must also be sure to stay grounded and to get more rest. This eclipse being in Pisces is known as a north node eclipse so it's a perfect opportunity for self growth and/or healing. The North Node of Karma enters its last degree of Pisces where Neptune has been transiting when the Nodes of Fate change signs in January. Eclipses make us see things that we've never seen before. Be prepared to see something differently. Be prepared to get more rest. Change is necessary. In 2 weeks we get the partial Solar Eclipse new moon.
Two weeks after a Solar eclipse we get a Lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses always coincide with a full moon, and Solar eclipses always occur during a new moon.
Solar eclipses blot out the sun briefly as the moon passes between Earth and the Sun. Lunar eclipses are when the moon is lined up opposite the sun with the Earth being the one in-between, thus passing the Earth’s shadow over the moon.
Eclipses put a sort of spotlight on shadow areas of our lives, bringing long buried desires to the surface.
Someone once said, a Solar eclipse is like a New Moon on steroids. It's very much a time of new beginnings, but also something has to end, usually. Eclipses blot something out of your life. Something or someone gets eclipsed out of your world. But it's usually a good thing because it's about new opportunities for you.
Typically, these areas lie in what we need to face and “deal with” in our lives in order to move forward. To best meet the opportunity presented with this potential we need to release. We may have thought that we’d dealt with certain buried fears or anxieties we have been carrying, but perhaps not. This is like a spring cleaning for us to further release what has been unsettling to us so that we can move forward. So, eclipses serve to shake us out of our safety zone and shake off misguided beliefs or attachments that stem from past patterns, fears, etc.
We will notice extremes in how we feel. Some of us may be more vibrant and energetic, while others of us are more lethargic and withdrawn than usual. Some, may even experience a dark night of the soul time. I feel tired and even a sense of depression around a week prior to a solar eclipse. With a Lunar eclipse I find myself a little bit on the lonely side. How do they affect you?
Usually, when it comes to a Lunar eclipse we all sense an adjustment of sorts in our emotional and spiritual bodies. This is actually an upgrade to our intuitive and instinctive selves.
Eclipses in Astrological Signs
The Solar eclipse on 5/20/12 occurred in Gemini, so the lunar eclipse that occurred on 11/28/12 was in Gemini, exactly six months later. Six months seems to be the divine right timing for seeing if what we began during the new moon eclipse can or will be able to come to fruition during the full moon eclipse in the same sign. In the case of Gemini, emphasis is felt in areas of communication, relating with others, short trips, siblings, our immediate surroundings, and new experiences. Whatever we began during the solar eclipse in May, 2012, was likely influenced by one of these traits and then culminated on November 2012.
A Lunar eclipse in a certain astrological sign is said to be the culmination of events we have experienced in the past six months or so when the solar eclipse new moon was in that same sign. For instance, the 11/25/11 solar eclipse in Sagittarius heralded events and desires for us to deal with in terms of travel, writing/publishing, education, entrepreneurship, foreign matters and higher concepts. Six months later, when the 06/04/12 “matching” lunar eclipse in Sagittarius occurred we saw a flurry of activity in these areas “culminate”. These areas were highlighted in our lives to whatever degree we allowed or nurtured them.
Things finalized at the Lunar eclipse, give or take a few days or so. Going forward, pay attention to which sign the Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse fall in so that you will have an understanding of what is beginning or ending in your life. Read more about Lunar eclipses below.
Also notable are “birthday eclipses”. If an eclipse were to fall on your birthday you are ensured an eventful year to come. Additionally, even if the eclipse were to take place in a key sign in your chart you will experience the eclipse in an intensified way. Any good astrologer can help you identify upcoming eclipses of significant importance to you.
The Solar Eclipse
Solar eclipses are about fresh starts and manifestations. They bring new portal openings, new vortexes which flood us with new energies. These “energies” are not necessarily of the energetic type! In fact, many begin to feel an overwhelming lethargy in the days or weeks before and following a solar eclipse. This is simply the 4 body system processing these new waves. The more sensitive or empathic the person the more they will feel these effects. Many experience a higher level of excitement, restlessness, and dis-ease.
During this eclipse the energies are prime for beginning something new and making promises to ourselves. It is widely believed in esoteric culture that the Solar eclipse power creates lasting manifestations into our lives. We are encouraged to make decisions at this time, to make changes, and to grow.
We are urged to center our minds and reach a connection with our higher self or I Am Presence. We then add in powerful visualizations of what we are now wanting to manifest into our lives. We write down our “10 wishes”, write out our “abundance checks”, make affirmations and/or write down our goals, all with the focus and intent of really “seeing” it in our mind’s eye.
The Lunar Eclipse
Contrary to the Solar eclipse of ego and fresh momentum, the lunar eclipse represents emotions and “endings” and tying up loose ends. We are at this time receiving an “upgrade” inw our systems by a purging of the old in order to make room for newer situations. Something in us leaves; something in the way we view ourselves or others or the world is not quite the same. When the lunar eclipse is on the North node of the moon it is bringing new energy in. When it is on the South node, however, it is about letting things go, having mastered them.
This is a time to let go of and shed old beliefs, habits, ideas, viewpoints or anything that makes us stuck in a emotional state of being that isn't conducive to our true nature. These events bring closure and completion to certain matters in our lives, thereby pushing us ahead. Old skin must be shed for the new you to emerge. Your old files are deleted so that your upgrade can take effect. It is advised to allow these much needed changes to happen and to have faith that it is all a part of Divine Order. The changes and discards can be subtle or monumental, depending on your personal life path and in whether or not you have already been updating your emotional hard-drive regularly.
In this opportunity to leave our past behind we are encouraged to connect with our great Central Sun. It is recommended that we center our mind and soul connection by looking inward. In doing this, we are better able to clear out the blocking energies and allow a burst of new light to enter, thereby ensuring a successful new start. We see many guided meditations instructing on how we visualize a connecting cord or column of light emanating from our higher self to the great central sun of our galaxy, or our spiritual sun. This helps us to grow beyond our ego-based personality self and merge with all aspects of our higher self. In this way, we are able to truly let go of what no longer serves our divine purpose (not our ego purpose).
We’ve all heard stories and fables that span time on the importance of building on a solid foundation or the new structure doesn’t stand a chance. Similarly, we are given these special times throughout the year to look inside ourselves in order to clear out old patterns, beliefs, misplaced desires, misguided energies, etc., thus enabling us to build on a newer and more stable base. This is why Lunar eclipses are expansive times in which to remind us, in a way, to release the burdens that we’ve attached to or accumulated onto ourselves in order to go forth with better confidence and a more stable structure to create our highest desires.
If what you needed to release isn't done during a given Lunar Eclipse it will most likely resurface in 6 months (at the next one), thus giving you another opportunity to address it in order to update your emotional hard-drive more properly so you can expand as a better and healthier individual.
When the moon is doing a prenumbral eclipse (traveling through Earth's outer shadow as it does/did on March 25th of 2024) it signifies that whatever is changing in your life is a big part of your destiny. Check the zodiac sign that the moon is in at the time to see which area of your life that is mos likely to be affected. As in the 03/25/24 lunar eclipse with the sign being Libra, it is probably in the area of relationships, especially if they are imbalanced in any way, such as unequal give and take. Also, because the prenumbral is in the shadow of Earth, we are needing to do shadow work on ourselves. Do deep meditation and try to connect with guides or your higher self. If you have a hard time meditating follow any of the guided meditations online and just listen and imagine when prompted, and pretty soon you will be in a deep trance-like meditation which makes communication with spiritual helpers very easy and also very enlightening.
During a regular or partial Lunar eclipse, something culminates for you in an emotional type of way in your life, like a revelation maybe, and it's somehow connected to something in your life begun or looked at about 2 years ago.
Note: The best time for planting and irrigation is when the moon is in the water signs, and the best time for weeding and organic (of course) pest control is when the moon is in the fire signs. A good annual calendar will show you moon signs but it requires a specific search request.
A partial Lunar eclipse happens in Pisces on September 17, 2024. A small part of the moon is covered by the Earth's shadow. Just like full moons do, eclipses shine the light on things that need to be uncovered. And like full moons, it also represents endings, loss, surrender. There is usually a lesson attached to a lunar eclipse and the one associated with this eclipse may be one of surrender and letting go. The location of the eclipse is touching Neptune (secrets, deception, dreams, intuition, spirituality) and Saturn (rigidity, limitations, structure. responsibility) and so we really need to pay attention to messages we receive in dreams and warnings we receive intuitively. We must also be sure to stay grounded and to get more rest. This eclipse being in Pisces is known as a north node eclipse so it's a perfect opportunity for self growth and/or healing. The North Node of Karma enters its last degree of Pisces where Neptune has been transiting when the Nodes of Fate change signs in January. Eclipses make us see things that we've never seen before. Be prepared to see something differently. Be prepared to get more rest. Change is necessary. In 2 weeks we get the partial Solar Eclipse new moon.
Your Birth's Moon Phase
For a moon phase calendar, and to see the moon's phase at the time of your birth click here or for more information ....
Click here then check it's meaning here. Mary Devlin explains what your current life is about. I was born under a Balsamic moon so my lifetime is at the end of a karmic round, and I am preoccupied with times past. This explains my long-time interest in history. (I get nothing for sharing this information.)
Click here then check it's meaning here. Mary Devlin explains what your current life is about. I was born under a Balsamic moon so my lifetime is at the end of a karmic round, and I am preoccupied with times past. This explains my long-time interest in history. (I get nothing for sharing this information.)
Void of Course moons
During these times when the moon is in between forming aspects with a planet, it is it's time for rest. By the same token, it's beneficial for us humans to take a time out, maybe turn off the phone, be quiet. We all need rest to function well, including the moon. New ideas and new tasks should not be implemented during a VOC moon as the time spent will prove a misstep or fruitless. However, if you want something to falter or not follow through, try to schedule for a VOC moon and see what happens. Otherwise, save the important stuff for when the moon makes aspects. A good astrological calendar will always let you know which days/hours these no-aspects occur.
Oct 2023 Solar Eclipse in Libra, Do you remember what was going on in your life at this time 19 years ago?
We had three Supermoons in the Eclipse season, 2 in August (1st and the 30) and the official beginning of this Eclipse season on September 29, 2023. The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th, marks new beginnings and of course something leaving your life to make way for them. These energies last for up to a week prior and after these dates. Do not expect happenings to be exactly on the dates all the time. Eclipses bring major turning points. A lot occurs in a very short period of time. Beginnings and endings happen, new job, or leaving a job, a move, a break up from a relationship/or to start one, a new promotion or dropping a longtime friend. Life changing events can occur. Often, it is something that has built up for a while and suddenly explodes. Eclipses can/will eclipse people and situations right out of our lives. Intuitive Empaths like me, who know as well as feel physically in our body especially, can get emotional at this time. I certainly get teary-eyed (not actually cry) but now more than ever given that the eclipse is in my sign. Beginning the Sunday prior to the Solar Eclipse it was most hard on me and I see no letup in sight (although logically I know it will come.) That next night, Monday night, I had a very real "dark-night-of-the-soul" experience that I think I will never forget. The non-crying lodged instead as huge lumps in my throat and my heart in horribly painful ways. I'm very thankful the eclipse didn't land on my birthday! I don't think I would have survived such intensity. (I suspect one I love has eclipsed me out of their life.) And I have since learned this was God's testing me to be patient for my prayers to be answered; to be humble and grateful in spite of that, and to simply surrender. In other words it was a profound opportunity for my soul to grow while enduring pain. (Midweek the non-tear lumps are still there so; "Thank you God for this test, I am trying to surrender and I know I will, me". Friday the 13th update all is well and prayer answered on that note, no more pains.) But now, get this for a jolt from the universe on a personal note. In 6 months, in April, 2024, on the 8th I believe, we get a total Solar Eclipse in my rising sign of Taurus. The birth sign and the ascendant are your 2 major signs in your chart and mine are getting eclipse treatments of electrical-shake-ups! Something big is happening in my life, possibly on a grand scale. Then there's the world stage! So please stay tuned as I do more delving into what is going to happen. I hope everyone enjoys watching the 10/14 eclipse on tv or in person. It's very incredible to see that ring of fire. I hear there won't be another one of these annulars (ring) here until 2039. Eclipses recur approximately every nineteen years; therefore, this Eclipse series did occur in October of 2004 when there was an Annual Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2004; as well as a Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2004. Eclipses can bring back certain themes. It may not play out the exact same way. Although Eclipses are very unpredictable, you can control how you interface with the events and with your emotions; as well as with others. The sign of Libra is usually for justice or relationships of some type. An Eclipse will bring us information we never had until now, and they bring things to light and force us to see things we weren't seeing . Two weeks later we get the Lunar Eclipse, along with an upgrade to our systems via a real purge of our beliefs, our viewpoints, and other ego-based things in order to better advance our higher selves. Good luck everyone! (see more on the Solar Eclipse '23 dark night of the soul for me that happened, with further details of it on the Frequencies page.) |
October, 28, 2023 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
An eclipse cycle will last up to two years. In 2021, this Taurus/Scorpio cycle began and this eclipse season ends it tonight. Lunar eclipses shed light on whatever you are needing either to focus on or change. Think back to what in your life has changed in these past 2 years in relation to relationship patterns, financial security, your own safety and how you balance your spiritual and outer life. Because the moon is about emotions rather than the sun being about the ego, this eclipse may represent healing wounds for some people, while others may embark on a newfound spiritual journey and still others may be able to express love in a new or more liberating way. Something culminates for you in an emotional type of way in your life, like a revelation maybe, during this moon, and it's somehow connected to something begun or looked at about 2 years ago. It is called the Full Hunters Moon. It is visible in the Eastern hemisphere Watch it here. www.space.com/partial-lunar-eclipse-oct-2023-heres-what-to-expect (Read more about how Lunar Eclipses affect your life above in the Lunar Eclipse general description.) |