Free Prayer Requests

Proverbs 16:2-5
This Biblical quotation is describing the Law of cause and effect (karma), or "as above, so below". It also references the virtue of forgiveness. You can wear a mask to disguise what is in your heart but the Almighty One can still see the real you. Here is the quote with my explanation:
All the ways of man are clean in his own eyes;
But the Lord weigheth the spirits.
(You can pretend to the world that you are one way, but you cannot fool the Most High, and therefore, you cannot escape your karma.)
Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy
thoughts shall be established.
(Do your absolute best, even if you don't think your work is so great. God knows whether your intentions are noble or selfish, and to Him, this is what counts.)
The Lord had made all things for himself; yea,
even the wicked for the day of evil.
(God gives every soul a chance to learn and grow from that learning, and He loves each one. If a soul goes astray and does mean, illegal or cruel actions, thoughts, judgments, etc., that person will receive spiritual justice or karma. Another soul does not need to take it upon themself to punish the wrongdoer. Trust that God will take care of them in His own way.)
Every one that is proud in heart is an
abomination to the Lord: Though hand
join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.
(The egotistical person also falls under the karmic wheel and are therefore crushing themselves in the process. While thinking they are superior and have all the power, knowledge, skills, or whatever their ego is telling them, they are believing that they are disconnected from Source. Humbleness is the virtue that needs to be established and the ego must be flattened out. Owe your blessings first to the Almighty and even then, recognize that you are but a conduit of God's mind. And even if the egoist attaches themself to a person of virtue, they cannot hide or escape their spiritual justice. In other words, if your partner ascends you do not necessarily ascend on their coattails by way of association.)
If you have had a prayer answered, we would very much appreciate hearing from you!
Prayer request from the administrator of this site: Child sex trafficking is sadly the #1 industry. Please join me with: "Dear God, please bring miracle rescue and release from suffering to all the innocents, the babies and children, and to all people and beings who are wrongfully held and return them to their rightful places. Please heal, comfort and nourish them all now, and eviscerate all evil from this earth. Amen"
The Power of Prayer
Prayer really does work
Whenever we reach out to the Divine, our Creator, God, or Jesus, Saints, Archangels and Cosmic Angels we are contacting Heaven for assistance. They are all emissaries of God. With their help, we make contact with the higher realms and guidance from Source. Archangel Raphael is the healing angel so you can call on this angel for healing, as well as Jesus. Sometimes the best prayer is just ... Thank You God.
Or when in dire fear and need fast help... just God, God, God. I recommend the Novena to St. Jude (below) for extremely hard cases. Through St. Germain, the keeper of the Violet Flame, the sacred violet fire transmutes and heals all negative energies and/or entities that may have attached to us, now, and in all directions of time. See it. Breathe it into your heart. Surround Earth with it. Dear Archangel Sandalphon, we call upon you to deliver the following prayers to God. |
"Announcements" are now on the home page, Mass Ascension
A dear devout Catholic friend of mine introduced me to Novenas many years ago. I found them to be oh-so beneficial and definitely healing. They helped me in many circumstances. I hope you will look at the ones offered here under the drop down menu above.
Novenas work for anyone. Check them out if you are in dire need.
A dear devout Catholic friend of mine introduced me to Novenas many years ago. I found them to be oh-so beneficial and definitely healing. They helped me in many circumstances. I hope you will look at the ones offered here under the drop down menu above.
Novenas work for anyone. Check them out if you are in dire need.
Super Powerful Hawaiian Prayer
I offer some sample prayers in this site, and a short but very miracle-producing prayer is the Ho-oponopono. It is a prayer of healing & of clearing and is one of love and of forgiveness . It is a prayer of trust. It is all of these things and more, but so simple -- yet very very powerful. Even when you don't really know what.
Dear God
I am sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
and I Thank you
I offer some sample prayers in this site, and a short but very miracle-producing prayer is the Ho-oponopono. It is a prayer of healing & of clearing and is one of love and of forgiveness . It is a prayer of trust. It is all of these things and more, but so simple -- yet very very powerful. Even when you don't really know what.
Dear God
I am sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
and I Thank you
Values and Virtues
1. Gratitude
This test is about being grateful for all of God's tests and having gratitude for the journey. This is the appreciation of every step, be it rocky or smooth. This attitude opens the door to miracles and positive transformations. It doesn't wait for the destination, it is being thankful right now for the growth, the lessons and the beauty of the path. By being grateful for every twist and challenge and turn we embrace the richness of the journey, evolving into powerful beings. When we can even express gratitude during times of adversity we show spiritual maturity. God's tests often come disguised as challenges inviting us to find blessings within difficulties. Having gratitude while undergoing adversity doesn't deny the existence of pain or struggle or heartbreak, it acknowledges the lessons within and the miracles of positive transformations the test brings.
2. Letting go
This challenge is being tested with situations that demand detachment from people, possessions or expections. It does not mean giving up, no. It means, by releasing attachments we invite freedom and lightness into our lives. Letting go is an art that spiritual testing perfects. It means acknowledging that some things are beyond our control.
3. Discernment
Discernment is a valuable test and lesson. Trusting our intuition and inner guidance even in the face of adversity sharpens our discernment. Discerning what serves our highest good and what doesn't is an important ability to have. Similarly, trusting our intuition and inner guidance in the face of uncertainty sharpens our discernment. In relationships, testing comes in the way of discerning between soul connections and fleeting encounters, karmic relationships or toxic bonds. Discernment involves listening to our intuition, observing patterns and understanding the lessons that each relationship brings, and in knowing what is best for our highest and best good.
4. Resilience
The ability to bounce back from adversity is God's test to forge resilience. We face setbacks, failures and heartbreaks yet we emerge stronger and more resilient. Resilience doesn't mean avoiding difficulties but learning to navigate them with Grace and determination. It's in our ability to bounce back that our true strength is revealed.
5. Integrity
Integrity is doing the right thing even no-one is watching. Spiritual testing challenges our integrity. We are tested with situations where our moral compass is the guiding force upholding our values and principles even in the face of temptation or pressure, thus building our integrity. God's tests refine our character, molding us into beings of unwavering integrity.
6. Balance
Balance is the key to a harmonious life. Spiritual testing often tips the scales, challenging our balance between work and rest, give and take, self care and care for others. Learning to maintain balance even in the midst of chaos ensures that we can steer through life's challenges with grace and poise.
7. Acceptance
Acceptance is the ultimate surrender to Divine Will. God's tests give us situations we cannot change. Learning to accept what is without resentment is a profound spiritual lesson. Acceptance doesn't mean approval. It only means acknowledging reality, and finding peace within it. Through acceptance we free ourselves from the burden of resistance, embracing the flow of life.
8. Self Awareness
This is the cornerstone of spiritual growth. God's tests often lead us on a journey within, encouraging self-reflection, introspection and understanding of what our triggers, patterns and beliefs are, in order to allow us to better direct our life wisdom. It illuminates the shadows within us, enabling us to transform them into light.
9. Faith i
God's tests challenge our Faith, especially when the road is rocky and steep. It's during these times our faith becomes a light of hope. Trusting in the Divine Plan even when circumstances seem dire strengthens our faith. True faith isn't shaken by external circumstances,it remains steady, lighting the darkest roads.
10. Unconditional love
This is the highest form of love that is free from expectations and limitations. During testing we are often called to love unconditionally, a love that forgives without holding grudges, a love that accepts without judgment and a love that embraces without conditions. Cultivating uncondtional love transforms our hearts, aligning us with the Divine essence of love itself.
11. Perseverence
Perseverence is the steady pursuit of goals despite obstacles. Spiritual testing challenges our perseverence. We encounter hurdles and roadblocks that test our determination. It's not about never falling, it's about getting up every time we do. Through persistant effort and commitment we overcome testing and emerge victorious.
12. Divine timing
The test of Divine timing operates beyond our human understanding. God's tests often come with a lesson in patience. We may desire instant results or answers but the quantum universe operates at the exact right time and at the exact right place, that will make complete sense to you when it does. Learning to discern and understand that everything operates on its own rhythm, and trusting that everything unfolds at the perfect moment, we learn to surrender our impatience and begin embracing the divine flow of time.
13. Non-attachment
The test of non-attachment is the ability to let go of attachments to material possessions, relationships and outcomes. Spiritual testing challenges our attachments. We may lose what we hold dear, teaching us the impermanence of life. Non attachment doesn't mean indifference. It means loving deeply while holding everything lightly. Be releasing attachments we find freedom within the flux of life.
14. Divine Guidance
The test of Divine Guidance is the the "whisper of the soul" leading us on our highest path. During testing we're often required to trust our intuition. This may come in the form of signs or dreams. When we trust these messages it deepens our connection with the divine, guiding us through testing with wisdom and grace.
15. Ego Dissolution
This is the process of transcending our ego's limitations and seeing our connection with all there is. God's tests often challenge our ego, revealing its fears and desires. Ego dissolution is about letting go of the need for validation, control and superiority. Through humility we bring authentic connections into our lives, nurturing our souls and aiding our spiritual evolution.
16. The test of Creative Manifestation
We are co-creators of our reality. God's tests teach us the power of creative manifestation. Instead of succumbing to victimhood we learn to harness the energy of intention and imagination. Creative manifestation is the alignment of our thoughts with our feelings, and the alignment of our actions with our desires. By focusing on our intended result we co-create our reality, transforming thought into form.
17. Self Discipline
This is the ability to control our impulses and stay focused on long-term goals. Spiritual testing challenges our self-discipline. We often face distractions, temptations, or procrastination. Self discipline requires cultivating inner strength and resolve. By mastering this we channel our energy into productive endeavors and we overcome testing with determination.
18. Conscious Choice
This is the practice of making decisions that align with our highest good. God's tests confront us with choices that affect our spiritual growth. Conscious choice involves being mindful and aware. It involves having integrity and choosing love over fear and choosing forgiveness over resentment and choosing gratitude over complaints. Through conscious choice we drive through the testing times with wisdom and with grace.
19. Inner Silence
This is the deep stillness within that is untouched by external noise. Spiritual testing often brings inner chaos. Having inner silence usually includes meditation and detachment from mental chatter. In the peace of inner quietude we find guidance and clarity. Testing then becomes a whisper on our cheek.
20. Unity Consciousness
This the realization that we are all interconnected and part of the same cosmic tapestry. God's tests often dissolve the illusion of separateness. Unity consciousness transcends boundaries of race, religion and nationality. It's about recognizing the divine spark within every being. By embracing unity consciousness we navigate testing with compassion, understanding and unity, dissolving the barriers that divide us.
21. The test of Divine Intervention
This is the miraculous assistance we have when we see the timely message or serendipitous encounter that restores our faith. We more clearly see our way through the testing we receive when we surrender to the Divine. During testing we may feel overwhelmed. Yet divine intervention reminds us that we are never alone. It's the unexpected help, knowing that the universe conspires in our favor.
If you focus on the hurt you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow.
This test is about being grateful for all of God's tests and having gratitude for the journey. This is the appreciation of every step, be it rocky or smooth. This attitude opens the door to miracles and positive transformations. It doesn't wait for the destination, it is being thankful right now for the growth, the lessons and the beauty of the path. By being grateful for every twist and challenge and turn we embrace the richness of the journey, evolving into powerful beings. When we can even express gratitude during times of adversity we show spiritual maturity. God's tests often come disguised as challenges inviting us to find blessings within difficulties. Having gratitude while undergoing adversity doesn't deny the existence of pain or struggle or heartbreak, it acknowledges the lessons within and the miracles of positive transformations the test brings.
2. Letting go
This challenge is being tested with situations that demand detachment from people, possessions or expections. It does not mean giving up, no. It means, by releasing attachments we invite freedom and lightness into our lives. Letting go is an art that spiritual testing perfects. It means acknowledging that some things are beyond our control.
3. Discernment
Discernment is a valuable test and lesson. Trusting our intuition and inner guidance even in the face of adversity sharpens our discernment. Discerning what serves our highest good and what doesn't is an important ability to have. Similarly, trusting our intuition and inner guidance in the face of uncertainty sharpens our discernment. In relationships, testing comes in the way of discerning between soul connections and fleeting encounters, karmic relationships or toxic bonds. Discernment involves listening to our intuition, observing patterns and understanding the lessons that each relationship brings, and in knowing what is best for our highest and best good.
4. Resilience
The ability to bounce back from adversity is God's test to forge resilience. We face setbacks, failures and heartbreaks yet we emerge stronger and more resilient. Resilience doesn't mean avoiding difficulties but learning to navigate them with Grace and determination. It's in our ability to bounce back that our true strength is revealed.
5. Integrity
Integrity is doing the right thing even no-one is watching. Spiritual testing challenges our integrity. We are tested with situations where our moral compass is the guiding force upholding our values and principles even in the face of temptation or pressure, thus building our integrity. God's tests refine our character, molding us into beings of unwavering integrity.
6. Balance
Balance is the key to a harmonious life. Spiritual testing often tips the scales, challenging our balance between work and rest, give and take, self care and care for others. Learning to maintain balance even in the midst of chaos ensures that we can steer through life's challenges with grace and poise.
7. Acceptance
Acceptance is the ultimate surrender to Divine Will. God's tests give us situations we cannot change. Learning to accept what is without resentment is a profound spiritual lesson. Acceptance doesn't mean approval. It only means acknowledging reality, and finding peace within it. Through acceptance we free ourselves from the burden of resistance, embracing the flow of life.
8. Self Awareness
This is the cornerstone of spiritual growth. God's tests often lead us on a journey within, encouraging self-reflection, introspection and understanding of what our triggers, patterns and beliefs are, in order to allow us to better direct our life wisdom. It illuminates the shadows within us, enabling us to transform them into light.
9. Faith i
God's tests challenge our Faith, especially when the road is rocky and steep. It's during these times our faith becomes a light of hope. Trusting in the Divine Plan even when circumstances seem dire strengthens our faith. True faith isn't shaken by external circumstances,it remains steady, lighting the darkest roads.
10. Unconditional love
This is the highest form of love that is free from expectations and limitations. During testing we are often called to love unconditionally, a love that forgives without holding grudges, a love that accepts without judgment and a love that embraces without conditions. Cultivating uncondtional love transforms our hearts, aligning us with the Divine essence of love itself.
11. Perseverence
Perseverence is the steady pursuit of goals despite obstacles. Spiritual testing challenges our perseverence. We encounter hurdles and roadblocks that test our determination. It's not about never falling, it's about getting up every time we do. Through persistant effort and commitment we overcome testing and emerge victorious.
12. Divine timing
The test of Divine timing operates beyond our human understanding. God's tests often come with a lesson in patience. We may desire instant results or answers but the quantum universe operates at the exact right time and at the exact right place, that will make complete sense to you when it does. Learning to discern and understand that everything operates on its own rhythm, and trusting that everything unfolds at the perfect moment, we learn to surrender our impatience and begin embracing the divine flow of time.
13. Non-attachment
The test of non-attachment is the ability to let go of attachments to material possessions, relationships and outcomes. Spiritual testing challenges our attachments. We may lose what we hold dear, teaching us the impermanence of life. Non attachment doesn't mean indifference. It means loving deeply while holding everything lightly. Be releasing attachments we find freedom within the flux of life.
14. Divine Guidance
The test of Divine Guidance is the the "whisper of the soul" leading us on our highest path. During testing we're often required to trust our intuition. This may come in the form of signs or dreams. When we trust these messages it deepens our connection with the divine, guiding us through testing with wisdom and grace.
15. Ego Dissolution
This is the process of transcending our ego's limitations and seeing our connection with all there is. God's tests often challenge our ego, revealing its fears and desires. Ego dissolution is about letting go of the need for validation, control and superiority. Through humility we bring authentic connections into our lives, nurturing our souls and aiding our spiritual evolution.
16. The test of Creative Manifestation
We are co-creators of our reality. God's tests teach us the power of creative manifestation. Instead of succumbing to victimhood we learn to harness the energy of intention and imagination. Creative manifestation is the alignment of our thoughts with our feelings, and the alignment of our actions with our desires. By focusing on our intended result we co-create our reality, transforming thought into form.
17. Self Discipline
This is the ability to control our impulses and stay focused on long-term goals. Spiritual testing challenges our self-discipline. We often face distractions, temptations, or procrastination. Self discipline requires cultivating inner strength and resolve. By mastering this we channel our energy into productive endeavors and we overcome testing with determination.
18. Conscious Choice
This is the practice of making decisions that align with our highest good. God's tests confront us with choices that affect our spiritual growth. Conscious choice involves being mindful and aware. It involves having integrity and choosing love over fear and choosing forgiveness over resentment and choosing gratitude over complaints. Through conscious choice we drive through the testing times with wisdom and with grace.
19. Inner Silence
This is the deep stillness within that is untouched by external noise. Spiritual testing often brings inner chaos. Having inner silence usually includes meditation and detachment from mental chatter. In the peace of inner quietude we find guidance and clarity. Testing then becomes a whisper on our cheek.
20. Unity Consciousness
This the realization that we are all interconnected and part of the same cosmic tapestry. God's tests often dissolve the illusion of separateness. Unity consciousness transcends boundaries of race, religion and nationality. It's about recognizing the divine spark within every being. By embracing unity consciousness we navigate testing with compassion, understanding and unity, dissolving the barriers that divide us.
21. The test of Divine Intervention
This is the miraculous assistance we have when we see the timely message or serendipitous encounter that restores our faith. We more clearly see our way through the testing we receive when we surrender to the Divine. During testing we may feel overwhelmed. Yet divine intervention reminds us that we are never alone. It's the unexpected help, knowing that the universe conspires in our favor.
If you focus on the hurt you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow.
The Original Lord's Prayer
Here we have the Prayer that Jesus gave to us, in the original Aramaic with translation into English below:
"Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,
who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.
Nethkâdasch schmach
May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.
Têtê malkuthach.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.
Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d'bwaschmâja af b'arha.
Let Your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates)
just as on earth (that is material and dense).
Hawvlân lachma d'sûnkanân jaomâna.
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,
Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna
daf chnân schwoken l'chaijabên.
detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others.
Wela tachlân l'nesjuna
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),
ela patzân min bischa.
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.
Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almîn.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,
the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.
"Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,
who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.
Nethkâdasch schmach
May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.
Têtê malkuthach.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.
Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d'bwaschmâja af b'arha.
Let Your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates)
just as on earth (that is material and dense).
Hawvlân lachma d'sûnkanân jaomâna.
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,
Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna
daf chnân schwoken l'chaijabên.
detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others.
Wela tachlân l'nesjuna
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),
ela patzân min bischa.
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.
Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l'ahlâm almîn.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,
the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.
Affirmations are another form of prayer. They are very powerful for manifestation. See my sample affirmations here.
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Any tip is greatly appreciated. The cost of running this site increases steadily and as a result it is getting more difficult to keep it alive. With Sincerest Thanks and Loving blessings! Tips are not tax deductible. |