4/13/2014 0 Comments Week of April 13, 2014Before planning your schedule for the week of April 13, 2014, be sure to take into account these two important days, to ensure that you don't waste your time and energies.
We know that there is a full "blood" moon* lunar eclipse on Tuesday, and, much talk of the Cardinal Cross and the most heavy and radical energies that it produces. But what is often overlooked are the little "mini Mercury retrogrades" that happen when the moon is void of course. On both Tuesday and Thursday this week we have void moons, meaning the moon makes no aspects--she's taking a much needed rest period on these two days. If you are planning on starting something on either of these two days it most likely will not pan out. It's best to follow the moon's example and take it easy, do your necessary things but do not begin something. However, Monday, Wednesday and Good Friday are fine for more activities and beginnings. Do also know that many of the internal struggles we are feeling both personally and with regards to relationships as well as the world itself, are a direct result of this Cardinal Cross in the skies this month. More prayer work helps, as does visualization and invoking angels to ask for their help to get through this phase. Affirmation: I NOW RELEASE AND FORGIVE ALL THAT IS NOT OF MY HIGHEST GOOD, AND I WELCOME DIVINE WISDOM IN ALL WAYS. p.s. How the Blood Moon may affect Israel, an excerpt from Coast to Coast radio show: * In the latter half, Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington state spoke about 'blood moons' and decoding signs from the heavens. Four successive total lunar eclipses (known as blood moons) will occur starting this April 15th, and then again on October 8th, April 4, 2015, and September 28, 2015. Blitz tied this rare astronomical pattern with ancient prophecy, as it's mentioned in the Bible, that in the Last Days, the sun would turn to sack cloth and the moon to blood. He views the succession of blood moons as like a set of red, warning flashing signs or "appointed times on God's calendar." In Genesis, it's written that God created the sun and moon as signs, so an eclipse can be particularly portentous, he noted. During previous patterns of four blood moons over a year and a half period, the Israeli Six-Day War in 1967 took place, as well as the founding of Israel in 1948, Blitz said. Based on this pattern, during the upcoming blood moon cycle, he foresees Israel involved in a war in the Middle East, related to issues about dividing its land, as well as a global economic catastrophe tied to the seven-year "Shmita" cycle. Feel free to share from Rea's Tarot Have a safe and wonderful week! ♥~♡.¸¸.•´¯`♡♡´¯`•.¸¸.♡~♥
AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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