12/31/2021 0 Comments How to Have a Happy New YearWords are spells. They are the only spell I endorse, as I am no witch and I highly disapprove of anything witchy. Along the years somewhere, sometime, someone called how we use ours letters, "spelling". What you put into form will manifest if you are not careful. "Be careful what you wish for...." Words carry huge weight in creating our experience. It is the old cause and effect scenario. The words we habitually use are indeed affirmations. The stated or thought word energy delivers. The causal energy that creates doesn't determine whether or not what we are saying is right for us. It (that universal mind energy) just manifests what we say because cosmic law states that spirit doesn't intervene with our free will. You create it so it comes. We can all think of experiences we created that we didn't want. Think of negative or fearful thoughts you had and brooded on, and how they came into being. We've all done this. So, to forge a positive year for yourself, (or month, or week or day) word it into being. Affirmations are like prayer in a way but instead of asking a higher spiritual entity, such as God, to intervene on your behalf, you are taking charge and creating with your own God-given power. This is our divine birthright and many people don't know it. We ALL have had this ability. My parents didn't explain this to me. They probably didn't know, just as their parents and their parents didn't know. In fact, I only learned of this conclusively well into my 30s. Knowing this, I still call upon the angels to assist. It certainly helps. The Archangels are here to help humans, so ask them. I happen to know that this human power is ancient knowledge and the masses have been kept from it. I am not a conspiratist, no; the conspirators are those who say we are mere victims and have to rely on smarter people to better our own lives. What utter bs. Your affirmation is simple to create. Just identify what you want to experience. The more detailed the better. If you want a new car be specific. Write it down. Repeat it as often as you may like. I find that pinning it to a place in the home where I would likely see it and be reminded works very well. During 2021, I used just words of my intentions on a piece of paper and pinned to a wall so I would see it often. And all my affirmations in 2021 were manifested! I have heard stories of how affirmations manifested, but the affirmation "spell" wasn't clear enough and it needed to be re-done. For instance, you may want a partner who can pay for his own green fees and not rely on you to pay every time you wanted to go play some golf. The universe delivered him in the form of a person who had unlimited free access due to a company perk. But he lacked financial resources for just about everything else. Re-do! In other words, make sure you know what you don't want as well as what you do want. That is key so that your manifestation is spot-on. Let me be clear on this point. When doing successful affirmations they are best done in the positive "tense". Affirmations that begin with, "I don't want ____ to happen to me anymore" is not as powerful and not nearly as clear as "I want _______ to happen to me and it will!". The negative way of stating it seems to put all the power on another entity or source and leaving it to their/its discretion as to what the outcome should be. No no no. That is defeating the whole God-given power we have inately within us. We simply state what we do want in no uncertain terms. Then we believe it, we "see" it, until it gets embedded into our subconscious mind, where it naturally materializes into being. And boom. See the Affirmations page for more. If you have any need for a spiritual or card reading please do not hesitate to ask for a confidential appointment. I am still taking virtual appointments.
For more on cosmic law, your divine birthright and mankind's history in settling on Earth, read Law of One. (lawofone.org) Happy New Year!!!
12/15/2021 0 Comments Mass Meditation for 12/21/21Ben Fulford said it most clearly last week when he said "The battle is between those who want to use fear and hate to enslave us and those who want to build a better future together." That's about the size of it. Who "wins" is either the side for whether our species will go on being enslaved by negativity (fear, panic, outright lies, etc.) or the side that is pro-positivity and our divine sovereign-being birthrights. Divine Intervention Activation on December 21st at 4 PM UTC Please don't sweat the time zone. Anytime on that date is a fine time to focus and visualize on a positive earth for the masses. See it in the violet fire of transmutation to the glorious home of love, freedom and unity. This automatically dispels the evil.
12/9/2021 0 Comments Forgiveness Is the KeyAs identified below, and in the Ascension page, we must, must, must forgive in order to ascend to 5D. It's imperative. I have two easy examples here. These didn't really take any effort. They are good people after all. I put these here as mere examples.
As a medium, I have been given visual spirit sightings of a great many more than a few people in my lifetime from some years ago---and these include people who are either passed over or who are here but visiting in the astral state (as in astral traveling to me). The first one was my 2nd ex-mother-in-law. She had always been on the quiet side and rather aloof. After her passing, she came to me in the astral plane and showed me that she is my step-daughter's spirit guide. Nice. It was somewhat shocking at the same time because she somberly looked me straight in the eye as if to make sure I saw her role in the passenger seat of the girl's car. (It is always interesting to me how the person's spirit or higher self can spot people who know truths about energy only changes form and there is no real death and also those who can see spirits. They flock to us.) This lady fought against me in her later life but this little visit was almost like a capitulation from her. She was forcing me to see what she was doing these days, after her passing. I'm not sure I like being forced to see someone. Long ago I put up a shield against that. But I bless her, and I see that she was somehow acknowledging my work. When you have the "light", the spirit world seeks you out. I have come to learn this via my visits with spirits these 30+ years, or since the early 90's, that no matter your belief system, if you tune in to spirit often they readily visit you when you don't even ask. If you're prone to visits you don't want, tell your guides and angels that. If they are negative spirits line up salt in front of your doors and windows, sage the space and if needed even put lemon juice crosses on your windows with your fingers. It's like you have a "welcome" sign over your head! So only welcome in those who are benevolent! Another example is an astral experience I had wherein I thrust into a room I vaguely remembered from my youth. It seemed so in order to have a brief visit with a living person's higher self. We never really know what our higher selves, or future selves, are wanting to teach us. These so-called lessons are generally geared towards a forgiveness experience. Although I don't remember what I had to forgive, nonetheless, there was something underlying there that apparently needed fixing. There was a very peaceful and happy feeling in the short visit. I astral travel all the time. I've noticed that it has really increased after storing my special Kyanite bracelet in a pyramid. So here is the example of forgiveness. The 4th density is here already. It is enabling us to "see" on a more regular basis, should you wish to embrace it. It's an energy of transparency to truth. There can be no more lies. No more untruths. No more hidden feelings, hidden agendas, and no more duping the public. So, after entering 4D and on our way to 5D, we simply must forgive. That is the key. Bless them on their way. "Bless them on their way for they know not what they do." Jesus The day will come when the critical mass will be raised high enough in frequency to ring in the shift into full fifth-dimensional consciousness! 12/5/2021 0 Comments I Hope This HelpsI am enclosing here 3 good links that reference what has been said below in my previous blogs.
What do you really know about isolating the virus? Or any virus ever for that matter? How do they test what they haven't even isolated? And why does the viewing public still buy into it? https://truthinplainsight.com/christine-massey-and-mike-adams/ If you don't really know what the cabal (or controllers) have been about, I highly recommend you listen to this explanation, the most concise and thorough explanation ever, in my humble opinion -- odysee.com/@HumanitysVault:a/David-Wilcock----The-Cabal-rules-explained:5 Additionally, if you are unaware of Bohemian Grove and the cities of the rulers (which is the very root of all the evil here) I urge you to check out this article. You aren't truly awake until you know. thenarrowgateweb.com/2016/07/20/secrets-of-the-owl-part-1-links-to-the-ancients/ |
AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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