7/22/2013 0 Comments Royal Baby Predictions![]() (This is probably the fastest blog I've every written, but I wanted to get it out there this a.m., asap.) Yippee! The Royal baby is being born today! What a splendid day for a birth and all babies born today will be quite lucky in life. Let me explain the personality this child will have in life, their challenges, their skills, and my prediction of the baby's sex. (Dear Kate, you're going to want to read/keep this!) An 8 Life Path, this baby is living a highly karmic lifetime. What does this mean? This lifetime is coming as a result of karmic debts created in a previous life or karmic injustices, or both. And, it's a Leo. The Leo baby is regal anyway, but to be a real regal, well, Leo the lion is about the most desired for royalty. The lion wears a crown anyway :). This child will be a leader and definitely in-charge. He will relish the spotlight rather than try to hide from it, and that's just a good thing as the papparazzi will always be nearby. This baby will be a Master Number 22 birth number, a highly intuitive master number. In fact, this child will have a double-dose of intuitive power. Also, this child (who I predict will be a Prince) will be as a spiritual teacher (22), and other qualities of this master number are: More power of the practical 4 Master builder Big idea person Very karmic lifetime Master teacher This baby, as an 8 life path will have plenty of: Drive Authority Ambition and may be potentially detached. Most 8's are prone to cruelty and violence but the master numbers 11 and 22 in this child's numerology I feel will mitigate that as they are quite sensitive master numbers. At worst, religious zealot-tendencies might manifest but again, I think this child will be a new age guru-type spiritual and intuitive person, leading the way for ascended thought through the world. This baby's Attitude number is Master Number 11, showing: Is the most intuitive person (more power of the 2 traits) Illumination Extreme sensitivity Extreme shyness (mitigated by his Leonine birth) Very charismatic Inspirational a Leader Humanitarian more power of the number 2 Colors: This baby will be best in strong colors, especially greens and browns--no pale colors here. And, he'll be born on the Full Moon, meaning he'll be "bringing things to fruition" throughout his life. He'll be constantly balancing creative ideals with practicality. Karma, again, is emphasized in this baby's lifetime, as the full moon birth is like a bridge connecting him to the past while propelling his ideas into the future. This child will have challenges in being able to take control of his own feelings. He may need to overcome a sense of guilt and/or fear in this lifetime. He will definitely marry--the double master numbers indicate that he will certainly want to share his life with another. As you can see, the royal baby will be a double-master number, and a karmic 8, which also represents Infinity, a Leo (natural leader) and born on the Full Moon--his birth is divinely orchestrated in a very karmic way. The moon is in Aquarius, a very humanitarian sign, and I believe Monday's child is "full of grace" ? How appropriate for someone who will be someday addressed as "Your Grace". :) Call me today for a reading!! Your spirit guides always want to communicate to you. Book a reading: http://www.mysticclinic.com With light & blessings, Rea p.s. I should be available all day. I normally work days, every day. But, if I'm not available, may I recommend one of the many talented psychics in my Group. Topic Date Rated By Rating Comments Tarot Readers 7/20/2013 3191218 5 stars Gawd I love this advisor........the best XOXOXOXO Tarot Readers 7/19/2013 oliviaS 5 stars thank you, I will keep you posted on the predictions, blessings Life Questions 7/19/2013 Melissa2509 5 stars Thank you I am so happy to speak with you
7/2/2013 0 Comments Midsummer Astro News![]() (I post this on the front page of my site each month but as it's located at the bottom of the page, beneath the readings, I fear many people miss out on seeing it. I was guided to put it in a blog each month as well, hence this. :)) During this time get ready for the Mercury retrograde on June 26th. Get all papers signed and ready ahead of time, data backups, car tuneups, etc. The last few days of June has a sociable air to it and a Full Moon. Jupiter (expansive and over the top) enters Cancer (water) so watch out for rains and floods, mis-communications and the usual Mercury mixups over the next few weeks. The East coast sure got their fair share of rain and then some! Remember to re-anything when Mercury is Rx. That is, re-think, re-visit, re-do, etc., while not starting anything major or brand new. It's an opportunity to finish what we've started. The next few weeks will potentially fun-filled although somewhat impractical. Heavy energy happens on July 1st with a Venus and Saturn square, likely affecting your money or your love life. This early July energy very difficult for relationships or ongoing disagreements. Also, the potentials for fires, windstorms or earthquakes are high. July 4th, brings a lighter energy with more optimism thanks to Jupiter. July 8th brings the New Moon, remember to plant your seeds that you want to grow in your life. Also, Saturn's five-month retrograde comes to an end and you will feel a lightness like something lifting off of you. This New Moon energy is most auspicious for making major strides. Uranus goes retrograde on July 17th. When this big guy goes in reverse it's like having a few months of calm in the eye of the storm. If there's a loss or separation that you haven't been able to come to terms with this time is most likely when you will now be able to. Uranus signifies sudden change, so when it's retrograde we can get a break from that. Mercury ends his retrograde on July 20th. Now is the time to push forward with any new projects or purchases that you've wisely held off while it was retrograde. Communications gradually return to normal. July 20th, Mercury goes direct. Communications return to normal, it's okay now to buy electronics or to start something new. On July 22nd Sun enters Leo. and we get also get some very positive alignments for good energy. Also on this date, the Full Moon in Aquarius beneficially trines the Sun. And later that day, Venus enters neat/tidy, nitpicky and meticulous Virgo. Dealings in love and money will have a more difficult time measuring up to Virgo's critical eye. Virgo is one of the hardest-to-please of all the signs. Focus on service to others during this time in order to fare best under this influence. On July 27th there will most likely be drama and possibly violence due to Mars/Pluto clash. At the least, it won't be a boring time. Mars is aggressive and when you add-in Pluto's disruptive tendency the two create loud bangs and harsh effects. There is a fabulous 7-planet Grand Sextile occurring in the sky during the last week of July that astrologers have been looking forward to for a long time. It is a rare aspect or configuration that will take place on July 29th. We won't be able to see it without instruments but its influence is quite strong. A Grand Sextile looks like a 6-pointed star or a hexagram. Think of two triangles, each pointing the opposite direction and overlapping. The planets involved are all considered feminine energies and healing. The moon trines Venus which trines Pluto and Mars/Jupiter trines Saturn which trines Neptune. There are sextiles involved which bring potential and there are oppositions involved which make the whole thing activate more energy. Astrologers call this the return of the feminine and is a gift to us to regain our footing and recreate balance in the world. We've been in the midst of a Uranus/Pluto struggle since 2012 and will continue through 2015, but this Grand Sextile is a saving opportunity, if we all act on its healing and re-balancing gift. And anyone who is actively working on a healing will surely benefit greatly around this date (29th). The first week of August brings us a New Moon in Leo. More of August will be put here a little later on, but that month appears to be much quieter than July! Find out which crystals are best for your needs on this site's Meanings of Stones page here. Have a safe and happy Summer! Bright blessings, Rea Wallace |
AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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