![]() Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 My communications with Hathor. My latest Guide showed up during last week’s Lunar Eclipse, in the morning. She said her name was Hathor. 3x she told me her name during that morning meditation. Because I didn’t recognize the name I researched it and found that she's of a former lifetime and was of this Earth plane existence. She was an Egyptian goddess who is usually depicted with horns and a sun disk on her head. I found a gold talisman that I already had (handed down from my mother) and it was of Hathor! Stuck away in a drawer and about to go to be sold, but is now going to be a mainstay talisman for me. It's now my mission to continue with her teachings. And I found more information about her in a Cartouche book I'd recently bought. Full moons are terrific times for crossing the veil to interact with those in higher dimensions, and this one will not be wasted for me, especially with it being so close to my birthday and in my opposite sign of Aries. I just hoped at that time, that this was a beginning and not the ending that my sign will experience! But no, it was to be an ending… Hathor was trying to tell me something about my mother. This came up again when I tried to talk to her through my cards. As my mother has been slowly dying for years now, I knew that the time was nigh. After our visit with her the other day, I told my son that it would probably be our last visit with her in this world. (Previous readings I'd done showed me it would be when the Sun was in Libra anyway.) It seems this was correct. Her caregiver contacted my mother’s stepson to tell him that she didn’t think my mother had much longer now. My cards show imminent, within a day to 2 days. I felt night-time, but not on the 17th. I also asked if my dad was ready for this major event and greeting her -- he was ready, yes. I charged crystals and created a “transition” mandala for her, around a lovely photo of her when she was younger and beautiful, in the early 1940's I believe. I created it in a spiral shape and charged it to help ease her spirit and her physical departure into pure positive energy. My own birthday is the day after tomorrow, 5 days before the Solar Eclipse. When one’s birthday falls around the solar eclipse it heralds major changes for that person. Having your mother pass on is definitely a major life change (even though she’s been all but absent for the past year to me in her decline). Still, it is a major hit. I feel she will pass on the 18th. This is a time when I too might want to make a mandala for myself as well. One for peace and healing. ****************************************************************************************************************************** The following are her charged mandala and re-charged mandala that I made as a part of the energy work and prayer work I did. The one on the left was charged, or so I thought, until my reading told me it wasn’t. I re-charged it, did more Reiki on it, more prayers and this time felt the heat in my palms and felt it was charged. My next reading showed it was charged. It may be hard to see the change with your eyes in these photos. I can only say that I “felt” it had charged and the crystals seem stronger and more intense in the photo on the right as well. I continued praying for her easy transition and went to bed praying for it and woke up praying for it. Update, the following day: Today, Oct. 18th, I was told that my mother passed around 10:30 a.m. She simply stopped breathing. I know that she had been “passing” for days prior. It was a gradual experience for her and I am glad that it wasn’t a traumatic or painful ending.
My mother is in a “5” personal year. Her birthdate was July 18th. 5 is a year of major change, along with expanding your horizons and freedom. Leaving the body that had all but completely shut down was a no-brainer for her. I wish that I had her birth time to make a copy of her chart. I’m sure she has one made but through the years and her decline and various caregivers and family members rooting through her things it’s doubtful I will find it. I’m kind of kicking myself for not securing it years ago. It would have been interesting to study it and see how it reflects her death as well. The next factor for me to study is how her stepchildren are going to be deceitful, as my guide showed me that, unfortunately. I imagine that around the Solar Eclipse in 5 days’ time, or thereabouts, I will be finding out. I pray a good deal around that situation too. Thank you, dear Mother, for your beautiful life here and all you have given me and shared with me. Be happy and free now. ♥
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AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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