5/24/2013 1 Comment Lunar Eclipse Affects Us--How?![]() Full Moon Waning 180-135 degrees The Full Moon is our brightest and it is at its peak. It’s like the end-celebration of the lunar cycle and it brings "illumination" to issues and represents "endings" in much the same way as the Lunar eclipse. The energies are very vivid the night before and the day after as well. So, as Nature gave us the past couple weeks to rest and reflect, here she is now spurring us to connect with others and get out of our cave! Like a curtain being lifted from our self-absorbed scenario we can now see ourselves and others in an objective light. We feel almost an exact opposite as we did when the moon was a dark moon. While then we felt inclined to pull back into ourselves, we now lean towards outward expression. People and animals are naturally much more outgoing and assertive during a Full Moon and it's the busiest night for police, fire, ER, and other emergency-response personnel. People who are generally introverted come out of their shell now and emotions run high. This is the time to "manifest" the dreams set forth at the last New Moon by using this time of potent feeling and emotion. "Feeling" is the catalyst that makes visualization work. This is a powerful time to pray for creative solutions (the Law of Creative Solutions), meditate, visualize, perform magic, spells, alchemy, and/or tune into your Higher Self and guides. If you use or work with crystals, put them in the moon's beams. I put mine outside for the night where at times they will be lit by the moon. This charges them very strongly. You know, over time, they diminish in their energy, so this is an important time for them as well. If you can't put them outside or if it is raining put them in the window. When the landscape at night-time is very illuminated like it is we find suddenly that issues, situations and people become clearer to us. We see truth, see things clearly for what they are. Truly the "veil" is lifted. This is also the case for psychic perceptions. It's the most potent time to either have a reading or give a reading, meditate to achieve otherworld connections, tune into spirit guides and departed people. Because of this, it’s my favorite time to give or get a reading. Special Note: Important and serious relationships usually begin on or just after a Full Moon. Sample affirmations would be: I SEE MY GOALS TAKING FORM. I NOW RELEASE THAT WHICH DOES NOT SERVE MY HIGHEST GOOD. THANK YOU, UNIVERSE, FOR MY RICH BLESSINGS. Eclipses At least twice a year we have a Lunar eclipse and a Solar eclipse. Some years there are as many as four or five, with at least two of them being partial eclipses. Generally, there are two Lunar eclipses and two Solar eclipses in a given year. Two weeks after a Solar eclipse we get a Lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses always coincide with a full moon, and Solar eclipses always occur during a new moon. Solar eclipses blot out the sun briefly as the moon passes between Earth and the Sun. Lunar eclipses are when the moon is lined up opposite the sun with the Earth being the one in-between, thus passing the Earth’s shadow over the moon. Eclipses put a sort of spotlight on shadow areas of our lives, bringing long buried desires to the surface. Typically, these areas lie in what we need to face and “deal with” in our lives in order to move forward. To best meet the opportunity presented with this potential we need to release. We may have thought that we’d dealt with certain buried fears or anxieties we have been carrying, but perhaps not. This is like a “spring cleaning” for us to further release what has been unsettling to us so that we can move forward. So, eclipses serve to shake us out of our safety zone and shake off more misguided beliefs or attachments that stem from past patterns, fears, etc. We will notice extremes in how we feel. Some of us may be more vibrant and energetic, while others of us are more lethargic and withdrawn than usual. For myself, after a Solar eclipse I notice a significant drop in my energy level. I feel tired most of the time and even a sense of depression sinks in for up to several weeks after the eclipse. With a Lunar eclipse I find myself a little bit on the lonely side. How do they affect you? Regardless of how we as individuals handle Solar eclipses, when it comes to a Lunar eclipse we all sense an adjustment of sorts in our emotional and spiritual bodies. This is the upgrade to our intuitive and instinctive selves. Eclipses in Astrological Signs The Solar eclipse on 5/20/12 occurred in Gemini, so the lunar eclipse that occurred on 11/28/12 was in Gemini, exactly six months later. Six months seems to be the divine right timing for seeing if what we began during the new moon eclipse can or will be able to come to fruition during the full moon eclipse in the same sign. In the case of Gemini, emphasis is felt in areas of communication, relating with others, short trips, siblings, our immediate surroundings, and new experiences. Whatever we began during the solar eclipse in May, 2012, was likely influenced by one of these traits and then culminated on November 2012. A Lunar eclipse in a certain astrological sign is said to be the culmination of events we have experienced in the past six months or so when the solar eclipse new moon was in that same sign. For instance, the 11/25/11 solar eclipse in Sagittarius heralded events and desires for us to deal with in terms of travel, writing/publishing, education, entrepreneurship, foreign matters and higher concepts. Six months later, when the 06/04/12 “matching” lunar eclipse in Sagittarius occurred we saw a flurry of activity in these areas “culminate”. These areas were highlighted in our lives to whatever degree we allowed or nurtured them. As an example, during the few days leading up to the 6/4/12 lunar eclipse, I found myself tackling this book once and for all. I pushed forward with it during last year’s Solar eclipse in Sagittarius but it got waylaid and then it came back on track again during the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. (Things culminate during Lunar eclipses.) And yet again, with the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 25, 2013, I began yet another surge in my book writing. (I felt it several days prior!) So note to writers, notice where the moon is when you feel the most inspiration for your writing project. Evidently, my inspiration is when the Moon is in Sag! Going forward, pay attention to which sign the Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse fall in so that you will have an understanding of what is beginning or culminating in your life. Also notable are “birthday eclipses”. If an eclipse were to fall on your birthday, for example, you are ensured an eventful year to come. Additionally, even if the eclipse were to take place in a key sign in your chart you will experience the eclipse in an intensified way. Any good astrologer can help you identify upcoming eclipses of significant importance to you. The Lunar Eclipse Contrary to the Solar eclipse fresh start momentum, the lunar eclipse represents “endings” and tying up loose ends. We are at this time receiving an “upgrade” in our systems by a purging of the old in order to make room for newer situations. Something in us leaves; something in the way we view ourselves or others or the world is not quite the same anymore. This is a time to let go of and shed old beliefs, habits, ideas, viewpoints or anything that makes us stuck. These events bring closure and completion to certain matters in our lives, thereby pushing us ahead. Our old skin must be shed for the new “us” to emerge. Old files are deleted so that our upgrade can take effect. It is advised to allow these much needed changes to happen, and to have faith that it is all a part of Divine Order. The changes and discards can be subtle or monumental, depending on your personal life path and in whether or not you have already been updating your “system” regularly. In this opportunity to leave our past behind we are encouraged to connect with our great Central Sun. It is recommended that we center our mind and soul connection by looking inward. In doing this, we are better able to clear out the blocking energies and allow a burst of new light to enter, thereby ensuring a successful new start. We see many guided meditations instructing on how we visualize a connecting cord or column of light emanating from our higher self to the great central sun of our galaxy, or our spiritual sun. This helps us to grow beyond our ego-based personality self and merge with our all aspects of our higher self. In this way, we are able to truly let go of what no longer serves our divine purpose (not our ego purpose). We’ve all heard stories and fables that span time on the importance of building on a solid foundation or the new structure doesn’t stand a chance. Similarly, we are given these special times throughout the year to look inside ourselves in order to clear out old patterns, beliefs, misplaced desires, misguided energies, etc., thus enabling us to build on a newer and more stable base. This is why Lunar eclipses are expansive times in which to remind us, in a way, to release the burdens that we’ve attached to or accumulated on ourselves in order to go forth with better confidence and a firmer foundation as we continue to create our highest desires. Affirmation: I NOW RELEASE AND FORGIVE ALL THAT IS NOT OF MY HIGHEST GOOD, AND I WELCOME DIVINE WISDOM IN ALL WAYS.
1 Comment
5/20/2013 0 Comments Why are half-moon's so difficult ?![]() Yes well, it’s a half moon, one of the most difficult times for us in the moon’s cycle. But why is that? It doesn't matter if it is a waxing (from New) to waning (after Full). Half moons are always trying. And here we are, sandwiched between two eclipses, the recent Solar eclipse and the upcoming Lunar eclipse this Friday. This makes for intensity in relationships. And not always in a good way.... Throughout the years on the Mystic Clinic site, I have written extensively about the moon, her cycles, and how they affect us, as well as, how crystals can help us. But in case you need reminding, please refer to that page here or ask me to send to you the phases' meanings. Anyway, today, may I reiterate for the sake of our own emotions, that wearing and/or carrying a Moonstone would be most helpful. (Consult too my meanings of stones blog when you get a chance or ask me to send it to you.) I'm most glad to help all people. Back to the half moon--when you look up at the moon and notice that it is almost a total half moon it is known as the Second Quarter moon (in this case waxing Half, while the 31st will be the waning Half,). During half moons we notice that our emotions begin to take on unwelcome energy and we see that the "new beginnings" we began during the New Moon (or later, the clarity during the Full) need to either be worth our while in the long run or we re-think what we thought was true, respectively. We're smack halfway between the New Moon of fresh new energy and optimism and the Full Moon of high emotion and being able to see things so clearly. It doesn't quite seem like things are working out as we thought.... And not only are we sandwiched this way but also between two eclipses! This means enormous energy being gushed onto our planet and onto our psyches. Do take time to meditate and commune out in nature as much as possible. On top of that, are traffic signals out where you are driving? Weather conditions wreaking havoc? Technical problems at home? Yes, these things are being noticed as common all over the place. Not hearing from friends or close ones? Are they being distant? Don't be surprised, please. Deep breathe instead and know that in a week things will look entirely differently... more clearly. But stresses abound. Why is this? In world matters, such as traffic signals and technology problems a lot of that is due to the solar flares as well as the hardships thanks to the Half moon. But... ....relationships are more difficult. We don't understand things fully (and neither does the other party). This is the time when we find that if we follow our instincts and trust them that we can better guide our life more purposefully. (Your other party may not know this!) Now we can try to utilize the intuitive mind that we have, along with our enthusiasm for the direction we are seeing in our lives; however, we also notice certain blocks or obstacles, and therefore, we now must re-evaluate how to better incorporate our lives with our environment / with others' decisions, etc. Speaking of obstacles, have your gut feelings been amiss? Is your own inner guidance system not giving you the direction you are needing? If so, this is typical during a Half Moon. But take heart, clarity can be accomplished with a reading (with me of course! ha ha-- but true) and/or with meditation with your spirit guides. Do you have unanswered questions? This time brings us a needed excuse to find answers, to be sure. In other words, with your own intuition somewhat at a standstill why not get the clarity you need with an accurate reading ? Or, take time to plug in your i-Pod to an in-depth guided meditation, and then release your cares and ask your guides to bring you the answers you need.... That is a luxury I so love to indulge in. You Tube has many such guided meditations. (I have one too but it's more for Chakras....However, I encourage you to listen to it.) Half Moons are typically very difficult times if we do not follow our instincts or tune into the clarity that we glean in an reading. If we do not do this we struggle with the obstacles presented to us. Another way to handle this stressful time is to step back and objectively evaluate our concern with the intention of working with it rather than fighting it. And then, this time period can go much more smoothly. Sample affirmations would be: I SEE WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE IN ALL AREAS OF MY LIFE. I AM DIVINELY GUIDED AT ALL TIMES. I hope you will call me today--let me shine some insights onto your issues. Good luck during this more stressful moon phase. Coming soon (May 25th) we have a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon with tons of emotional energies and we will see things crystal clear. You may want to see what's in store in your relationship.... I would, if I had a relationship!! (:)) Bright blessings, Rhea ![]() Hello friends, The time has come for Thursday's New Moon Solar Eclipse, a potent time for new starts and manifestation! The eclipse happens on May 9th at 7:28 pm CST. It's an "annular" meaning that it doesn't fully cover the sun. Don't be alarmed if you see more fears about economic security than you have in the recent past because it takes place in down-to-earth Taurus. This Solar Eclipse is more powerful than the recent Lunar Eclipse on April 25th because it affects on a larger scale to the heads of state and world leaders. The reason deep-seated fears comes into play here is that Saturn (money and restrictions) has a difficult aspect to the New Moon in Taurus (security and stability). 6 months from now, when the Lunar eclipse is in the same sign of Taurus we will see if what we started now has come to fruition or not, and the probably reasons as to "why", and they most probably have to do with security in some fashion. From Children of the Sun foundation: The shift of an age can be likened to a lengthy birthing process, so we are reminded to be patient and continue to persevere in our work as Planetary Light Servers. Cosmic rays are streaming forth with increasing intensity from our beloved Sun to assist us in shedding light on where we may still be held within the illusion of separation, in order to guide us into greater unification with Divine Presence. Let us yield all resistance to this process by surrendering in gratitude and with reverence. In addition to this being a period of personal revelation, manifestation and transformation, there is simultaneously a global purge taking place that is contributing to the growing feelings of confusion, unrest and instability. It is a time of extremes! The amplified energies of the recent and upcoming eclipses are creating a rather challenging environment in which to remain in a constant state of equanimity. Yet, this is exactly what we are being called upon to do. As agents of Good Will, it is our role to remain calm and poised in the midst of all the storms of appearances. We are being called to dig our roots deep into the Earth, spending as much time in nature as we can in order to increase our capacity to draw from the reservoir of the Great Presence within. Whatever form your spiritual practice takes, be it yoga, prayer, invoking the sacred fire, meditation, singing, dancing, or all of the above... now is definitely the time to deepen our connection to these activities in an effort to stay true to our inner alignments. (The Sandwich:) Lunar Eclipse: Full Moon, April 25 Solar Eclipse: New Moon May 9 - 10 (UTC), 2013 Lunar Eclipse: Full Moon, May 25 When we have such a powerful line-up of three eclipses, we experience huge life shifts, transformative processes, emotional upheaval and plenty of purging! In this New Moon, we are right in the middle of two lunars and an intensified eclipse sandwich! Breathe.... let go... and give it up to the Divine Presence within. Thank you, Children of the Sun! Now, today, be sure to write down your goals, dreams, and wishes because this is the most potent time for alchemical work and/or manifestation! ![]() The Mystic Clinic UpdatesI hope you will take a new look at the Mystic Clinic site, with many updates on the *current and upcoming astro news scroll, * meanings of crystals and how they can help you with health or mind or emotions or protection, * moon phases and eclipses and how they affect your thinking, prayer request list--please help and pray for everyone! * buy your mother a reading (or yourself) ! As you may notice, I've gone back to working with just the Mystic Clinic site was based on several factors, including your feedback as well as the extra effort it caused with my running more than one site.... Thank you! I love your thoughts, please keep sharing them with me. ![]() As we all know, Jodi Arias was found guilty of the first degree 6/2008 murder of her boyfriend Travis Alexander. She has been enjoying enormous notoriety in these past 5 years and making quite a bit of money off of it. If you've been watching this trial as I have you would be interested to get a glimpse of their relationship (beyond all that we heard about during the trial) through their numerology. How can she appear so calm and cool during her admitted lies? Travis Alexander is a 5 life path and an 8 attitude--both of these numbers are somewhat larger than life. This person was eager for new experiences, had a mostly positive attitude, and likely many friends. He was not a quiet or shy person--in fact, he was probably louder than most people, and he didn't care what other people thought of him. The latter underlines his ability to be a public speaker (in life he was a motivational speaker). People who are timid or care deeply about how they appear to others find it more difficult to stand up in front of audiences. On the flip side of his big personality, we find Jodi Arias who is a 7 life path and a 7 attitude. Wow! 7 people are so very different than 5 and 8 people. 7's are quieter and very, very rarely do we get to see what they are actually thinking. In fact, I would say with fair certainty that these people are most adept at hiding their thoughts. 7's also abhor organized religion, yet she joined the Mormon church to sway Travis to love her. Jodi Arias has admitted to numerous lies that she was found to have made. She even lied on the stand to the jury. It is not surprising given her double 7 energy... that makes for a perfect poker-faced individual. 7's are also very poised. Did you wonder how she was able to be so very poised on the stand and during her public lies? This is why. Not all 7 people are vicious murderers, please don't misunderstand, but they can be good liars if they want to be. They all are hard to "read". But Jodi has this 7 energy three-fold (read on). If she had allowed Travis to live, this relationship would have never worked. And in fact, it didn't work in the few years they knew each other, nor would it have worked for marriage or anything long term. Her 7 and his 8 are diametrical opposites. Furthermore--her full name is a 7, making her a triple 7 person. Travis Victor Alexander's name is an 8, just as his attitude number. This is a very karmic number and so we know that he had important karma in this lifetime. Was it to be the victim? The attraction that brought these two together reflects each one's creativity and unconventionality, both of which belong to each of their attitude numbers. Travis, being an 8 life path, however, had more conventionality and sense of responsibility than did Jodi. He was a happy-go-lucky person and Jodi, a manipulative yet quiet individual who can easily trick the lighthearted 8 person. Finally, of interest is that her guilty verdict came in on an 8 day! The same number as Travis' life path, and the number of Karma. After seeing Travis' numbers, is there any coincidence that the verdict came on 5 / 8 (May 8th)? Have a beautiful Solar Eclipse, Happy Mother's Day, and a wonderful last month of Spring. May all your wishes be made manifest!
Bright blessings, Rhea |
AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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