3/25/2013 1 Comment Spring Newsletter![]() Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying the newness of Spring. It's not just weather but the new energies that come with Sun in Aries, signifying the new astrological year. This is actually the best time of year to make resolutions and new starts in your life. We have Passover, Easter and the Spring Equinox all telling us that is when we celebrate new beginnings, a new life, and to manifest our ideals into reality. I decided to go back to the one website, the Mystic Clinic. Rather than putting myself through the extra hassles of maintaining 3 sites, or even 2 sites, I took into account what many of you have told me--that you preferred it the old way. I am so happy to get your feedback. As you can see, I do read what you send me and consider all your suggestions. I agree with you and so, I thank you! I'm still in the process of transferring information from The Mystic Spirit.net site back to the Mystic Clinic but most of the main things you are wanting are all back on the original site. (For those of you who may not remember, last year I had thought it would be better to separate my coaching from my readings so that people who are only wanting one or the other wouldn't get confused or sidetracked. That was a mistake, as I've come to realize.) People aren't bothered by too much stuff on the site at all; but having to do extra "clicking" to get where they wanted to go was much more of a hassle. So here we are, making new starts in our lives. Some of us are making new starts in our careers, in our relationships, in our health regimens, and in our belief systems. We are still in the throes of the new waves of enlightened thought energy to our chakras and to our Earth. In order to help us along through many "ups" and "downs" that this kind of shift creates we must remember to:
Karma Reminder I want to briefly bring up the issue about karma because I am in an "8" year of karmic growth. Many of you have had me help you to "cut" undesirable karmic cords you've had with others. I want to remind you that karma can be cut and then come back, depending on if you have created more karma with a person since we did the "surgery". If you remember how to do it then you might want to do it again. You can always schedule a session with me and we can do it together. It takes about a minute per person you want to cut karma with. For me, this year started out with heavy karmic reminders with my family. My karma in this lifetime is relationship-oriented. It takes effort and a conscious remembrance that we do not have to allow others to make us miserable. We can say "No", I will not have this. You don't have to lash out at the people but you can back off from them and not allow them to do what they do. Having that psychic shield up, the bubble or cocoon of light, and not internalizing what they do or say helps. Not internalizing what they say is the hardest part for me as I am so sensitive. It hurts. And I was hurt until I was reminded by Spirit that they are merely mirroring themselves. It's not me. And, having my armor up has kept me from allowing them to hurt me further. I re-did my karma cord cutting, but it's an ongoing thing. If I send negative thoughts to them there I go rebuilding another karmic cord! So, be careful to keep your thoughts one of forgiveness. This is one of the things I am here to master. We are just visiting here in order to learn and to grow. Healing Circles Do you want to continue the healing circles? We haven't done any yet this year. I had been moving at the end of 2012 and then all that family karma I had to deal with. But, I would love to pick them back up. I know that prayer works and when our collective energies are focused on prayer and visualization miracles happen. Please let me know by emailing me if you would like to the healing circles again. They would be by teleconference and will be free, with any "tips" accepted to help offset the costs involved. Take a LookTake a new look at the Mystic Clinic site. You can:
I send you all Bright Blessings!
1 Comment
AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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