11/26/2021 Ascension Info from Late 2020 to Late 2021These blogs are in latest-first order.
2021 I received this information from David Wilcock and Mike Adams. I suggest you watch it on Brighteon. In a nutshell, it goes like this: There is a direct line between the tall Grays, Satanism, the Illuminati, human trafficking, and ET UFO sightings. The gray hybrid named Lam (sp) is the creature who taught Alistair Crowley, the satanist that the worshipers love to copy in their ceremonies. The aliens brought satanism to us. And not all Grays are doing this, but the ones who have been working with the government here for so long, since Eisenhower's terrible deal, are. They require human protein to survive. They don't need satanism in the preparation of the food but the Reptilians do. The Reptilians prefer to eat meat. The Grays prefer a blend of human body. They absorb it into their bodies. A couple of U.S. states have begun allowing the liquefaction of dead human remains. Human remains are allowed to be flushed into the municipal sewer systems in those states. They then call it Bio Solids. Trucks then come to collect those solids as fertilizer to the food crops in those states. This has been documented and began, to our knowledge, in 2019. The Matrix movie showed the dead were ground up and fed to the living. That was in 1999. Jupiter Ascending also talked about this. The Grays don't need the humans to be tortured at all, but the Draco/Reptilians really rely on the energy created from suffering and from fear. It's called loosh. They energetically feed on negative energies, on fear and deep suffering. This is why the controllers here are trying to eliminate families and motherhood, so that babies can be grown in labs. Yes, it's sick. It's unGodly. And that's "their thing" is it not. The next stage is that their demonic beings can be summoned at the end of their ceremonies. They appear before the ones praying to them. As part of the Great Awakening we'll all know this as a fact. When those demons make physical form they are killable. They can be shot. Grays hate sand and can't walk on it. This is why they don't appear on land in the desert areas, or if they do appear they can't walk and are trapped. Our military has caught them this way. Bad Grays come from Zeta Reticulus and work with the Draco. (Another source says that the Reptilians and the Insectoids, and small Grays who do mainly genetic and reproductive experiments on us, report to the Tall Grays.) The victim is killed, blood removed, certain organs removed for donorship (which works like a fund-raiser for them) and the shell is handed over (usually) through a portal to a type of janitor who does the cleanup. Human trafficking is a joint human / alien deal which allows the controllers here to stay in power in exchange for keeping up with their payments (humans for the aliens' food). The ET's technology transfers go into the controller's agenda to stay in power. Very few truckloads of people coming over the border actually go on to become U.S. citizens. Generally, the trucks are driven to a collection center or a type of underground base where those humans are part of that payment plan. Our military knows of this and can do nothing about it. The controllers have been working with the Draco on a vax since 2010. It's the vax that the Dracos have in their bodies, with their computer nanite particles in it. A droplet of the vax now has bubbles in the shape of a hexagon. The rest got too medical for me to follow. But this was gist of it all. Very interesting and all the more proof to protect ourselves daily. Call on Archangel Michael for daily protection. (Some newer info on the Reptilians has come from Goode on YT at SSP Alliance Update: RECON - Reptilian Agenda Revealed - Shadow Beings, Demons & AI Worship) Nov. 2021 Insight: The "fear for the body" that would be happening as per my 2020 blog has happened and it is the fear of the WuFlu as mainstream media pushes this fear everyday. Turn off the news. Fear is loosh for the Dracos. Don't feed that. We are One, Rea ```````````````````````````````````````````` Certain aliens have been putting "chips" into peoples' brains for easier communication. That is nothing more than artificial intelligence (AI). They claim it is not AI, just technology, which is laughable because that is exactly what AI is, technology in a brain. Corey Goode talks extensively about this and what the nice alien guides tell him. Listen to his YT about Tall Grays. He warns that AI tries to seduce you with the knowledge they share. And I've witnessed many people falling for it. I myself run from it. I will never put it on a pedestal or in any way bow down to it. I only bow to God, to the Divine Benevolent Creator. We have the knowledge anyway and it will be revealed in Divine right timing. I have seen dozens if not hundreds of people practically worship these chipped prophets online. I have even seen good guys online who are constantly trying to expose the Black Hats' operations with the Dracos just fall over in praise to these so called prophets. The chipped humans are receiving information from A.I. Besides the Tall Grays, Reptillians and Insectoids there are "rogue" Federation groups that appear as tall attractive humans. (See SSP Alliance Updates on Grays on YT.) These beings all come from the Orion area of the galaxy. Many so-called prophets on social media and YT claim to channel these beautiful angelic-looking humans from other star systems. Cosmic Law dictates to both light and dark that we must tell what we are doing. We have to listen carefully and be more discerning than ever on who we follow now. Every day now, ask Archangel Michael to shield and protect you from all negative energies AND entities. The chipped people's info generally correlates with what David Wilcock and Corey Goode have stated many times. But they are leaving out their own spiritual growth in going that route instead of ascension. There is something scary and eerie to me about communicating through AI. After all the most evil of all, the Dracos, worship an AI god or gods. So I stopped listening to their broadcasts earlier in the summer. I go out of my way to stay safe. I even run salt outside my doorways. We are One, Rea ````````````````````````````````````````` We have learned how prolific the control over weather is. The major governments have this technology. We have seen some devastating and dastardly acts of weather control during 2021, and we pray they've had their fun and will no longer put us through the extremes. And Welcome to 4D!! 4th density is where we are now as a whole. And the ones who embrace ascension will begin to see the benefits and beauty of the 4th dimension. And simply put, the ones who still embrace ego and negativity will remain in 3rd density. Do your own research with back-channel journalists who have no agenda. Use your discernment. Walk away from the controllers in social media as well. Turn off the news for the most part. The controllers want to keep us outraged. The Dark ones feed off of the loosh that emits from our fears and anger. Realize that this is all going the way of the Good guys. Do not buy into the narratives that it's not going to be all right. And be joyous as often as possible! Cosmic Law dictates to both light and dark that we must tell what we are doing. The dark side, the controllers, have been giving us the information on what they're doing for decades in the form of movies from Hollywood, books and media. Be mindful of what you eat, now more than ever. Go organic as much as possible. Get the orange-yolked eggs (strengthens the pineal gland), raw sugar instead of white refined, free range meats if you still eat meat, and absolutely no McDonalds or the pizza from the Hut. I was a fan of a fake-meat that is in the stores until my cards told me it was unsafe except the bacon--Morningstar is the name. However, the fake meat Beyond is perfectly fine and the Impossible brand is also very fine for us. My cards confirm, so I recommend to avoid these products. And use NO fluoride. Pay a bit more and get the fluoride-free toothpaste. Filter your own water. To my knowledge, north America may be perhaps the only ones that still fluoridate the water---and the toothpaste! I understand Europe does not allow fluoride. All these activities together really amp-up your pineal gland, aka 3rd eye. Being in 4D and experiencing 4D are two different things. Adjust your thinking to joy. We are in exciting times, and we're all here for this timeline on Earth! It is glorious. Praise God, Source, Divine Benevolent Creator! We are One, Rea ~~~~~~~~~~ 2020 Many are concerned that the "big event" regarding us receiving a life-changing solar flare will be happening this year. So I asked Source with my cards. It is planned to happen and there will be increased activity this year and in a very high-energy type of way. But certain beings (showed as women police in my cards) are actually taking control of the situation as a service to us to stabilize our planet. I feel these beings are benevolent to us. The pivot card was the "government" card but it also can mean "will" or "determination". As it tops one of the policewomen (who are really not police as we know them but obviously some type of guardians), it shows that they are determined to help us out and to be of service to the government who they have had a great deal of communication with. There have been negotiations with the government on this very issue, and as of May 3, 2020, these negotiations are still on-going. But the cards showed clearly that help is going to happen to alleviate the worse-case scenario. Will many of us still ascend into 4D this year? Answer is yes. It seems to be later in the year as I got slow movement to the yes answer. Many many people's thought processes have been so positive that the Law of Attraction is rewarding the more spiritual people. The cards showed the importance to adjust the types of foods you ingest. Avoid food products that contain HEK-293 (aborted human kidney cells). They disguise this as "artificial flavorings". We are told to try and eat more high-vibrational (raw) foods. When in doubt about a food you are about to eat, take the palm of your hand and rotate over the food while blessing it "bless this food to make me healthy". When in 4D we still go through physical and emotional healing for a while that our lifetime and other lifetimes have incurred on us, but it will be much easier. I asked if any harm would come to those moving into 4D and was shown that only fear for the body will be happening until practice eases the minds. I do not presently understand that answer but I will update when I get more clear information. We are One, Rea For mega information on Earth's history, our history, the pre-Adamites and more visit Law of One, aka the Ra material, lawofone.info. @MysticClinic
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AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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