4/8/2013 0 Comments Monthly Astro News![]() April 1st (April Fool's Day) is the first eclipse of this year, a Lunar eclipse, and a Solar one following in May. This time is about letting go of the past. We must release it, we can ask our guides and divine helpers to take away from us any baggage. The new moon in April happens in Aries on the 10th. They say that the 2 weeks following the Aries new moon is the best time to launch a new project or product, or start a relationship--it's like an "opening", just as all seeds grow better when planted during the waxing Moon. This is a golden time to write down goals and wishes for real results with visualization. On April 12th, Pluto goes retrograde which gives us a five-month period of self examination, and from now until September we do well to detox our physical body, clear out old memories and recycle or throw away anything we aren't using. The next day, April 13th, Mercury enters fiery Aries and so communications will be hotter and more intense for the next several weeks--watch out for speaking before you think. Taurus is the sign that really has the most activity this month with Venus entering it on the 15th and the Sun on the 19th, makes it a great time to be productive, and further, with Mars following them into Taurus on the 20th we should watch out for aggression and stubbornness. Of interest to stargazers, on April 22nd there will be a huge and stupendous meteor shower. It is also "Earth Day". The big news this month is the Scorpio Full Moon on the 25th, marking the time of the month when lunar forces are at their peak. (We are given this time to strike a balance between the world's transformation which it is confronting and trying to make our life secure.) This is a very special and powerful Full Moon as it is the first Lunar Eclipse of the year. This eclipse will be visible from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Although not as strong as Solar Eclipses, the Lunar eclipse is still a time in which major change can occur. If your birthday is April 25th or October 25th this eclipse is a sign that there will be an important turning point in your life over the next six months. The last of the month starts off with a new window of opportunity--on the 28th Saturn opposes the Sun bringing blocks or a general slowdown, but we are given an opportunity to solve our problems when, on the 29th, the Sun and Moon make a productive trine. Mercury makes several sign changes this month and so it will truly seem like time is going by faster and faster! This is not a good month to set anything in stone, however. ***************************************************************************************************************************** May 9th brings a sign change for Venus (into Gemini) and the first Solar Eclipse of the year. Gemini is a lighter energy than Taurus and brings with it a much shorter attention span. It loves change--is it time to look for a new relationship, neighbor, job, roommate, short trip? (And expect changes to do with siblings too.) For the next two weeks we are better able to concentrate or do two things at the same time. The Solar Eclipse happens in the Taurus New Moon and will be much more powerful than last month's Lunar Eclipse because it influences global leaders, heads of state, etc. Our focus should be finding new ways to be secure. With Saturn in the picture, however, we will need to be extra careful to avoid fearful thinking. Deep-seated fears about the economic security are going to rise all over the world, and fear is a product that we create mentally. If you are sensitive to the energies of others (as I am) you will want to do extra protective work at this time. Thoughts have more power than usual. Watch what you dwell on so that it's what you really want! This eclipse is called an "annular" eclipse, which means that the Moon will not completely cover the Sun. The shadow cast by this eclipse will pass over Australia, New Zealand, and the Central Pacific, where it will have the greatest influence. If your birthday is May 9th or November 9th this eclipse indicates an important turning point in your life sometime within the next 12 months. Coming up for the rest of May, solar flares will reach an 11-year peak and will affect our earth's magnetic field causing power surges and damage to electronic and wireless infrastructures throughout the world, and possible blackouts, grid failures, and more. This phenomenon happens once every 100 years. The last one was in 1859, "the Carrington Event" and back then we weren't as tied into the electronic grid as we are now. It won't be a quiet and calm two week period but the good news is that Mercury will be in a compatible sign, Gemini, which may help to ease the severity of the flares (I pray). Again, do extra prayer/visualization/self-protection at this time as during the Solar Eclipse of the 9th. Bright blessings, Rhea @MysticClinic
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AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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