8/8/2022 0 Comments Deflecting the Mind ControlI wish to first thank Tiara Kumara for so generously allowing my notes from her podcasts to be shared here free of charge in order to help wake up still more people! She and Diana from her team are true Lightworkers and beautiful people. You'll find some important and unpleasant information below, so I recommend that you take a break when you feel the need in order to cleanse your space. You may need to sage the air or take a salt bath, do the things you do to get rid of negative sticky energy. But it's information you need to know. It starts like this: 1. Non-compliance. 2. Guard your mind and your physical temple. 3. Cut all the cords. "Use unified principles to link together with other enlightened ones on the grid of support in the event of a shut down so we’re still linked together in this force field to protect us from the 5G powered AI system of increasing mind control which is designed to either exterminate us or connect us to a matrix of psycho electronic weaponry of totalitarian control." So while we are being very distracted by food shortages and raids and such we have not even come close to actually really seeing what the globalists are planning, not even a little. They are using words like mind-hacking to erase our memories and modify our DNA. As wild as this sounds we all have to take serious actions to protect ourselves and to resist, and to not allow ANY of it to happen. Research has shown that when 5G is fully turned on that nano-particles will be lodged in the body via things like the injections, chemtrails, foods, etc, which will then activate severe pathogenic responses, triggering great mental instability, brain and neurological dysfunction. The collapsing 3D matrix is a big trap meant to destroy the soul. This is not just another idea. Non-compliance is a world-wide movement. The corrupt timeline is dissolving because collectively the movement of non-compliance is getting stronger and stronger. The way I've been following it from numerous lightworkers is that Earth is making a complete departure from the corrupt system and is in no way participating in what is being called the “beast” system... at least not the new Earth... that is... 3D stays here with the souls that didn't make the cut but those of us who are at least 50% good go with the new Earth into 4 or 5D. So for now we say: No to the central bank digital currency No to the shots / injections No to microchips in the body No to governmental mandates, etc. Non-compliance means to completely unplug, disconnect, and take all of your energy out of the collapsing system. Non-compliance means cutting the cords to anything fake, delusional, anything codified by and through corruption that is taking over our world. Do NOT participate! Do not shop or give these globalist corporations ANY of your energy. Have you notice that since more people began praying worldwide for the children that JAG created a child sex crimes division? This is very recent, since 2 weeks after this blog was first published. Yes, the spokesman said since the feds and state and locals weren't doing their jobs well enough they had to do this. See what prayer does! And already major arrests have come down and many children and lives saved. This worldwide movement of non-compliance is deflating the hologram further. Watch that you do not get pulled into all of the narratives and controversies. Do not allow your body to be overrun with chemicals. Be extra discerning with what you eat and put into the vessel. Do not breathe those highly toxic chemtrails. Non-compliance might mean going back to the basics for just a while. If you have the means to go off grid go for it. We’re collectively moving now into parallel systems creating sustainable solutions for both short and long term. Non-compliance, again, is a world-wide movement, and is a solution to the great deflation. Spread the word far and wide. Guard your mind, your feelings and your physical temple by only engaging with what is true, pure, expansive and with what radiates the vibrations of love. This only adds to and fortifies your personal mantle of invincibility, and today we are constructing an energetic shield. SATANISM IS HIGH-UP & WORLDWIDE They've intelligently prepared a multi-faceted, multi-pronged assault-on-humanity that has been in the making for a very long time. Soon, it will no longer be gradual. The unleashing is happening. Famine Financial collapse Severe weather Geo engineering Disease Poisons Turning on of a AI / 5G satellite system Bottom line, the plan of these sinister devil worshipers is to kill off most of the human population. Luciferians are those people who practice demonic worship and who are right now doing "countless ceremonies to open portals and call in all types of beastly evil energies to come in and basically mess with us, and create chaos and confusion in our minds". This demonic influence is seen everywhere now: government, celebrities, media, big tech, big pharma, movies, schools, half-time shows, cartoons, amusement parks, and their activities and ceremonies are even now becoming very public. Every western government is now run by satanists and are now openly carrying out public rituals to celebrate Lucifer’s dominion over the Earth, as far as what they perceive. Statues of Moloch (a form of the devil) are prominently situated in several U.S. cities.. Did you see what happened at the opening ceremony for the British Commonwealth Games? This is a sports event involving 72 nations. The ceremony was a hell-scape featuring a horned bull creature representing Ba’al and dozens of worshipers bowing to this demonic creature as part of this public ritual. This was broadcast on TV to a large international audience. 72 countries! These people are no longer hiding it. They are invoking demonic influences right out in the open. Not to mention all the pedophelia which is also coming right out into the open. Even at a famous childrens' amusement park, the trafficking and the hunting rituals, the crimes are worldwide. In today's world, to not know about the sacrificial substance the top 1% elites use for their own selfish reasons then you must really have your head buried deep in the sand. In 2022, for me, that's very hard to fathom. Some more examples, but they are everywhere: Christian Bale, who won the Golden Globe for his portrayal of VP Dick Cheney thanked Satan for the inspiration on how to play the role! Some just take it stride as Hillary and Chelsea wear their upside-down crosses! Or as Chelsea tweets to her Church of Satan. Hollywood and DC are full of them. All over the world. Please do some critical thinking here and ask yourself why do you not care that these people are Satanists? And why does the media cover up all the Satanic stuff, and needle everybody else about nonsense stuff and lies? Are they being blackmailed? Do the satanic rituals have anything to do with it? As more vicious entities rise up to try to overtake us and take possession we’ll have to take more widespread dealings with them on a universal scale with our body, mind and spirit. It’s here. We really need to double down with our protection force-field now. Whatever method you use, amp it up. We are literally in a Holy war with good vs. evil. We knew this time was coming. We have known for a very long time. A well known radio host who died in 2021 coined the phrase "deep state" way back in the late '80s or in the '90s. People laughed at him and called him a conspirator. That term is now a common part of our everyday speech to describe the controllers, the elites, the cabal. Nobody is laughing at his phrase anymore because they know it's true. Whenever they laugh and say "conspiracy" a year two later it turns out to be true for everyone to see. It happens time and again without fail. This very time is what we, the Lightservers, the enlightened ones, the vessels of Christ (the Galactic Logos), have come here to help dissolve, and shift over. And we will be victorious. But we can’t just sit back and watch. Every single one of us is called on to help. We are the Ground Crew. Help wake up others. If they don't want to wake up, move on. There are plenty who do want to advance to the next level. This is a centuries-old massively-deep, heavily guarded situation confronting us, and holding a high vibration is our saving grace.
What we are doing right now is coming together and looking deeply at these things and then bringing to the fore effective solutions to remain above all of it, and in our highest vibration possible. You see, we are undergoing a collective reality shift. We must be prepared spiritually, physically and emotionally to withstand the sheer volume of energy hurling at us. This means we need to be unwaveringly vigilant, to be aware in every single moment on what is coming into our space, and then to immediately act upon any discordant or alien energies and send them back to God to be transmuted. The evil we are up against is unprecedented in the history of the world. And Earth needs prayers on her, daily, from all of us to counter this. Tiara says you are no longer in spiritual kindergarten -- I love that. She's right. The timeline for the new Earth has reached this pinnacle point and You are Here! What we are living in is possibly the most historic time of Earth. Think of it. Being born at exactly the time you were born, and learning all you have learned, and landing right here for this right now! How crazy unique is that for a life purpose? What's tragic is those who had this mission but chucked it because they complied to be in league with the controllers, the pedophiles and the satanists. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" Mark 8:36 Those words were as true then as they are today. Our souls are not a myth or superstition to be bargained with. Those who dwell in darkness for the sake of wealth and that youth stuff can not enjoy the noonday sun because they carry that vile dungeon around with them. DO NOT BE MANIPULATED I removed a whole paragraph warning humanity they can still wrestle for control and it's not too late. But it's not my place to tell anyone to wake up. It's their choice. It's not for me to try to choose for them. For whatever reason the Universe is allowing them to be mind controlled. Maybe there will be some last minute "hail Mary" that may save them. It's not for me to tell them what to do. I am here only to advise and to consult if they need to. They can take this advice or they can leave it. With time speeding up like it is we simply don't have time for soft-peddling around. We absolutely have to gather up all of our spiritual strength now and go fully armored. There is no more time. We have our knowledge and we have the capability to put into action many of our higher skill sets to help and assist others during this Great Awakening. (see the Great Awakening for Humanity map) For those who awake, it is imperative we put safeguards in place to deflect the deep state's assaults on our minds (via neurological disorders, our common sense, our critical thinking, the great buckling of the human mind, mental de-stabilization). The mind is the last sovereignty we have and it is currently being undermined and under attack. We must have total self mastery from a sovereign standpoint of our own mind. It is our most fundamental Divine birthright for Heaven's sake. If any-ONE or any-THING tries to undermine your right, then swift action needs to take place. I don't know anyone who is awake that still watches the globalist-run mainstream media. It's nothing but an orchestrated campaign that is aimed at a unified narrative that involves an agenda which leads to ultimately leads to globalism. They repeatedly tell you what to think. It's unprecedented. They conducted a mass smear campaign so their candidate would win an election, and not just once. And like obedient subjects, the peoples of the land mindlessly and without another thought handed over their last vestige of grey matter. From then on, they began walking around half dazed, blindly obeying ever since. But if you think for a minute this post is about politics that's simply not true. That area just happens to be a prime example of how they mind control you. Politics is how they can grab the most people all over. Every media outlet gets a fax each morning, afternoon and evening giving the same narrative in so many words. Did you really think they all just happened to run the same stories every morning, afternoon and evening by coincidence? If so, you may have just gotten off the banana boat. This is how the coordinated assaults take place. They're quite good at it. First, you need to know who owns the media. They're all owned by the same people. They all get the same faxes every day on what stories to run and the way to spin them. [see Fall of the Cabal series ] Yet the ones pulling all the strings on these campaigns are the very controllers who want to steal our Divine birthright and chip us. I'll explain in a second. Actually, it's who really owns the big corporations who run the world. The owners of the Central Banks. This was ridiculous too: Look at all the mandates of the last couple years! On. Off. Isolate. Not. On. Off. Peer pressure. Despite people losing their livelihoods. Children having to stay home from school when that was sometimes an escape from abuse. The point is, they aren't even hiding it and people buy it. Does that make any sense? (Remember to dust off your own critical thinking ability now.) The blinders now should have been pulled off long ago. Remember we had that hilarious media caravan farce a few years ago where they tried to sell us that hordes of people marched 45 miles a day in flip flops, carrying babies and no extra clothing, no water, no blankets, but they were clean, well-fed, and had cell phones? Excuse me, what--Reporters. who do you think you're fooling? Then the photos all leaked out The big air-conditioned buses that really brought them, then unloaded them for the "photo shoots", paid them in cash according to their color-coded ID bracelets (we had close-ups showed). And what about that tear gas? Fake canisters. Also closeup shots of those. And that mother who did several dramatic "takes" with her little girls? She got paid bonuses. Do you still believe the news doesn't lie to you? How about something a little more recent. Do you think the media was behaving normally when they barely covered the president falling off a stationary bicycle, when a year or so ago they would still be ridiculing it? Choosing liars over truthers is sort of like siding with the devil over God. It's everyone's free-will to ascend or not, to wake or sleep. I really really want to help people open their eyes. It's just my nature. But I don't want to make anyone do what is not a part of their life path. OUR ADVICE IN THIS MESS For those who will be ascending someday soon we hope, the best advice is to: Know what’s happening in your sphere. Your self mastery has never been more important than right now. You need to be confident in what you know. Keep a daily spiritual regimen aimed at healing the planet, mainly aimed at healing the children, sending them love. They don't understand why they've been put through the trauma and pain of the abuse they've endured for the sake of some rituals or some grownups' perversions. Send pink healing light all over the planet to them. Surround them in pure innocent love essence. Now is the time to summon up all your spiritual strength. Call upon the Infinite Christ Intelligence right within you. Wear shungite. Call on Archangel Michael for protection. With what all we're up against I say why not double down with the armor of God. Know this every day, "The light of God surrounds me. The love of God enfolds me. The power of God protects me. The presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is, and all is well. Amen." We've evolved from our body-consciousness and our "little self-identities" into eternal God awareness. We have learned the omnipresent nature of God that permeates all aspects of our life, and we are learning how to consistently acknowledge this. When we truly know this, our cells embody this knowledge. This creates for us the ability to help ward off assault or interference of the grosser vibrations that are present around us. We will be able to explain this later when we are called to be a living testimony and example of humanity's Eternal God-human. This is also the goal for humanity's evolutionary leap. Together we are birthing the new race of God-human. This is qualified to those who serve by an intelligent, sovereign mind. This is our highest purpose and the greatest service that we can give to human kind. We are helping to bridge the 3D world and its opposing energies to the long-awaited, long-foretold and some say overdue Ascension. The good news is, the Great Awakening has created a huge wave of followers. Because of this, everything is shifting quite dramatically. Yet more action is still needed in the mass awakening of souls in order to shift the entire civilization into a new timeline of worldwide peace and goodwill. We are nearly at that tipping point and therefore in that zone. We're needing like a last great push during this most marvelous, most exciting and most unique birthing phase. THEIR PLAN FOR 3D EARTH The global controllers know exactly what this momentum of awakening is doing to thwart their plans of domination. They also know about the many cosmic influences, the involvement of many star nations, and the great hand of Divine intervention that empowers human evolution. They know about the timeline shift and our future potential as an avatar race of high intelligence and super-human capabilities. It's the very reason they are doing the exact opposite -- employing advanced technology to create their own version of a super-human, one that is God-less and created out of artificial substance. Their version, which is referred to as "Human 2.0", is meant to merge human with machine. Their idea of a New World Order has now appeared on the world stage. Together with this artificial-intelligence network that is designed to bring in technocratic totalitarianism in order to rule over the entire human civilization, OR what's left of it. This is a master-planned system of world governance, set out to achieve full capture of the human mindset, and through digital means. In other words, an external sinister force is attempting to take complete dominion over how and what a person thinks, feels, and behaves. There are plans to monitor every move someone makes via a planetary surveillance system using AI, which is empowered using 5G and an atmospheric network of digital tracking, some of which is intended to be implanted or chipped into the human body or brain. "In the last days, good will be called evil, and evil will be called good." Isaiah 5:20 I personally don't believe they'll get as far as they truly plan to but they're sure going to get as far as they can. It is my belief that if we stay calm, that there is a divine plan in place that has been seen by some select few, and entails the unsealing of the Fisa documents, at which time the arrests will be made and the truth will all come out. [They] know this as well. RECAP If others they refuse to wake up and wish to stay in their trance-like state, they will remain behind on 3D earth and its new AI system. The main reason we are called on to help others awaken has to do with the shifting of the planetary time-line. When there still remains a large mass of unawakened souls their consent (and power) continues to be given-over to the great-delusion. Therefore, as long as the structures of enslavement are being supported and continually fed it only grows in its dominion. Until the majority of souls (greater than 50%) awaken from their stupor the timeline remains in place. Steer clear of lower vibrations. You may come across unhealed wounds, projection, ego, or something else, but keep moving forward. Only invite in to your sphere higher vibrational people, sounds and energies. It’s not only for us to act singularly, but each of us to assist everyone we know to understand this information as well. I give permission to send this information out far and wide, to your network of friends and family. If enough people act the game will be over for these globalists. If they don’t listen to those podcasts, or to your advice, or to my advice, no big deal, then at least our job is done. Remember dear ones, God is working through us in this most important incarnation. We are like the second coming of “Christ energy”. Connected-consciousness is the 2nd coming of the Christ energy. When I found Tiara's podcast discourses I had to share about the critical importance of putting the necessary safeguards in place to protect from the amplification of mind control and targeted energetic frequencies. The world is full of Lightservers' teachings and great support. When I got done listening to the podcast below I found that I had tears streaming down my face. I felt that I was ready like never before to be safe in being free and sovereign! Rea [1] Link to mind control patterns used by 3 letter agency @MysticClinic
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AuthorI'm a metaphysician, author, painter and clair-blend cardreader who specializes in readings and spiritual counseling. As I stand-up for my beliefs I am a role model for others to also have courage to stand-up for their principles. I've had a combination of formal and informal training spanning over 40 years. I've appeared in various media and am currently creating my own meditation podcasts. In my spare time, I paint and do readings on two nationwide platforms, and private readings via phone. Archives
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